Thursday, October 31, 2013

Experiences zimmerman verdict shared regional LO and FTF

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The EU decided to provide a great additional donation to the LO and FTF's joint assistance project in Sierra Leone, at top speed is in the process of organizing zimmerman verdict and improving the social and democratic conditions for workers zimmerman verdict in the informal economy.
EU Common zimmerman verdict aid organization EuropeAid has just decided to give extra 2 million over 2 years to LO and FTF's joint project in Sierra Leone in West Africa. The project is already receiving assistance from DANIDA as part of the regional project with five countries in West Africa, operated by LO and FTF's common aid organization FTF Council.
Over 90 percent of people in Sierra Leone live as uneducated and unregistered workers often in dangerous and completely unregulated working conditions. Previously, the unregistered workers zimmerman verdict also entirely left to fend for themselves - without a single vote and without social zimmerman verdict security, zimmerman verdict health care, pensions and education.
After the civil war ended in 2002 began SLIC informally speaking on behalf of unregistered workers in individual cases against the government. And the last five years SLIC been intensively into direct organizing informal workers in professional organizations and give them a voice in SLIC facing both the government and local authorities in the country.
Market Traders and motorcycle-taxis, the additional funds from the EU to target a special effort for the many young women and men who work as market vendors or motorcycle taxis. These are two of the largest groups in Sierra Leone informal zimmerman verdict labor market, and both groups are short on time was very well organized.
The two groups presently have their professional organization under the SLIC, and together, the two organizations are now over 300,000 paying members. The total potential of the organization zimmerman verdict in the two groups is estimated at one million members.
The project will strengthen the SLIC's and member groups' zimmerman verdict capacity and ability zimmerman verdict to act as the voice of the informal actors and their impact on local and national authorities. This should pave the way for better working conditions and access to social services and health insurance.
Access to healthcare, education and pensions Specifically helps SLIC for example, the new members to ensure stalls in the cities to the traders negotiate with the banks to lower interest rates on micro-credits and make arrangements with the police to improve security for the vulnerable motorcycle taxis. At the same time SLIC political pressure on the government zimmerman verdict to improve members' access to health care, education, pensions, etc..
"The EU's extra funding is a huge tribute to the results that the trade union movement in Sierra Leone have already achieved in terms of improving living and working conditions for workers in the informal sector. And while recognizing the great need that remain to help this very vulnerable population. Through our project will Sierra Leone's experience also other West African countries, are as EU funds in this way also achieve a broader impact. " zimmerman verdict
Onto the fine office workers in the informal economy is largely now on the meeting agenda in the fine offices in government buildings, ILO offices worldwide and in the "formal" part of the trade union movement.
There currently being prepared for an ILO standard around the informal sector. The informal workers' living and working conditions will therefore zimmerman verdict be a central theme of the next two world congresses zimmerman verdict of the International Labour Organization ILO - and in the countries that has many unregistered workers, there also come great political focus of governments.
In Ghana, zimmerman verdict as well as in Sierra Leone, Togo, Niger and Benin, governments have set up commissions to come up with suggestions on how to improve living conditions and create new jobs in the informal sector. All locations except Togo is the trade union movement at the table as the voice of workers in the informal sector.
Experiences zimmerman verdict shared regional LO and FTF's joint project now for almost four years working with the trade union movement for five v estafrikanske countries - Togo, Niger, Benin, Ghana, Sierra Leone. In all the countries, 80-90 per cent. of employees working in the informal economy.
In addition to the many market traders and motorcycle taxis that exists in all countries, covering called the "informal economy" of micro-agriculture and in cities such as street tailors, photographers, food stalls, hairdressers and other self-employed who are not registered with the authorities.
According to figures from LO and FTF's joint office in Togo, the five project countries trade unions collectively organized more than 500,000 members in the

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