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راهنمای موضوعی نشريات اين نشريه در گروه(های) زير قرار گرفته است: 1 ca dmv 1 ISI
IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES SCIENCES ca dmv ISSN 1562-2916 فصلنامه - ( ) 4 oct 2013
Growth, mortality and yield per recruit of the king soldier bream Argyrops spinifer (Sparidae) from the Oman coast of the Arabian Sea Author(s): F Al , Kiyumi , S. F Mehanna * , L Al , Kharusi ca dmv Pages 737-748 Abstract The King soldier bream Argyrops spinifer at Arabian Sea (Omani waters) was assessed using Beverton and Holt yield per recruit model. A total of 5520 specimens were collected during five trawl surveys between September 2007 and August 2008. The maximum life span was 11 years for length range of 11.0 62.1 cm TL. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were K = 0.22 year-1، L∞ = 65.51 cm، to = -0.75 year and W∞ = 5430g. The rates of total mortality Z، natural mortality M and fishing mortality F were 0.85، 0.26 and 0.59 year-1 respectively. The exploitation ratio E was 0.69 indicating ca dmv the high level of exploitation. The estimated total length at 50% maturity was 31.8 cm. Yield per recruit analysis revealed over-fished stock conditions particularly because small fish are effectively unprotected by current minimum size regulations. Therefore measures such as closed ca dmv seasons or changes in fishing patterns would be desirable to safeguard the spawning stock and recruits. Also، the commercial fishery of Arabian Sea، Oman should be subjected to a total allowable catch and a maximum size limit be implemented. Keywords: Arabian Sea, Argyrops ca dmv spinifer, age validation, per, recruit analysis, fisheries regulations, The effect of dietary soybean meal on growth, nutrient utilization, body composition and some serum biochemistry variables of two banded seabream ca dmv , Diplodus vulgaris (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817) Ü, , mit Acar * , Ali T rker , Musa Bulut , Ö, , nder Yı, ca dmv , ldı, , rı, , m , Sevdan Yı, , lmaz , Osman Sabri Kesbi Pages 749-758 Abstract This study was performed to determine the optimum level of soybean meal diets for two banded sea bream for growth performance، nutrient utilization، body composition and serum biochemistry. Two banded seabream were fed five experimental diets which were formulated replace fish meal by soybean meal at 0، 20، 30، ca dmv 40 and 50%. Up to 40% of dietary fish meal was successfully replaced with no
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