Hi, customers and artists! C Since the launch of "freelance" took more than a year. Without departing from the status of beta, Today we announce the passing of the project in version 2.0. What's new in "freelance" 2.0? New design Despite the fact that many people like a "light" version of the site of the first design, we still dare to redesign with the new style, which pervades all our projects since late last year. So attractive to us style flat, some long shadows - it seems to us, the site did not become "heavier". Moreover - we have abandoned in favor of a horizontal menu vertical: it is much more scalable fleur de lis option that is already allowed to accommodate a lot more features than before. And to get to the desired section can now be much faster - less clicks with almost fleur de lis any page at half speed increased vectorization pages. Each tracker called "tracker" is already almost all of our projects. If we talk about the "freelance", the previously active in orders (new freelancers responses and answers customer) fleur de lis had to track mainly on the colored "flags" in the lists, but now everything has become much more convenient: a separate section (with the partition type activities) and all the same visual display (this time in the form of blue stripes). Already during the tests within the company it became obvious as more economical in terms of time, comfortable and familiar (for other projects) fleur de lis to the user. Only need to get used to. The long-awaited portfolio and recommendations before Why we do portfolio and reviews on the site? Because looking fleur de lis at the experience of other freelance exchanges, we realized that at the moment is very difficult and expensive to come up with some clear and objective rating system and nenakruchivaemuyu system reviews. And the portfolio in case it would be a heap, while we have always been for the simplicity of design. For this reason, we launched Brainstorage - professional network for people working in the information fleur de lis technology industry. fleur de lis Creating a profile in Brainstorage, can be in a comfortable and enjoyable form fit anything: work experience, portfolio, recommendations and all-all-all that each specialist sees fit. TM ID service through-authorization between fleur de lis our projects allowed to initiate integration of our projects with each other. Thus, the imports are "freelance" portfolio and recommendations Brainstorage, experience with "Habra" and "Toaster" became one of the first steps towards the creation of an ecosystem in which each user uses one account for all projects. Looking ahead, fleur de lis it says - no rating freelancers and customers still do not, you should still rely only on yourself to the experience, reputation and flair. Subscription This news might upset someone, but we hope for your understanding. The fact is that from now on site for all users will work on a paid subscription. Which costs 3 candy wrappers per month (only 300 rubles). Subscription allows you to use the service in its entirety: Customers can place orders, freelancers - to respond to them, use instant dispatch new orders fleur de lis and everything else that will appear on the service later. Separately you would pay only for the desire fleur de lis to stand out from the crowd - allocation / lifting orders and profiles in general lists. But there is a spoon of honey. All registered users of this post to the site, we have presented for a month subscription (to be able to try the new features). And for those users who have to "Habré" is an icon "Author", "Star", "Legend" or "old-timer" (provided that they associated with accounts TM ID), we present a paid subscription for 100 years. If that is not enough, 100 years later, we are ready to extend this subscription. A more complete list of changes fleur de lis can be found on a separate fleur de lis page of the project. About bugs write in comments, but better in a personal or feedback form.
New style ... which permeates all of our projects ... When this design appears on Habre, I'll saddened.
If his "shove" on Habr, we must look for ways to adapt it for themselves fleur de lis members. I'm not good in makeup, but, like, browsers can assign Customise CSS website? Customise CSS will do together fleur de lis and publish to the world. Habr now bright and easy to read. And in that style it would be very bad ...
In Habra has its drawbacks. For example, its design is perfect for desktop use, but bad (from the word in any way) is optimized for touch screens and mobile devices. The design is simply obvious frilansima fleur de lis reserve for these formats. In principle, if the Habr moves towards mobilization / paltsepolaganiya, then this resource will only benefit. In this case, changing the structure of the page, of course, highly desirable to keep the usual "free" blue and white style. And then, suddenly, a new design has become Habra basis for the next redesign other services TM.
0 cryptograf, January 30, 2014 at 01:26 (comment has been changed) #
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