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The route length of about 210 km, most of which passes through the mountain passes and serpentines. Very beautiful and interesting trip. Current weather is sunny, warm not windy. This is one of the most beautiful of the Crimean routes weekend. If you decide to visit the Crimea for a few days, it is one of the options to spend time with benefit and shoot the camera magnificent views. Crimea and it is interesting that there is relatively close to everything and a very high concentration of natural, historical julius richard petri and cultural attractions.
Here are photos from this trip with some comments. Alas, there are things that I am extremely julius richard petri upset. It fences and Shalmali who had built here in recent years. They kill the beauty of these places. I will post a copy of the reporting to the prosecutor and Sergey V. Aksenov, who was able to prove himself an ardent supporter of the fight against this Ukrainian heritage.
But such shahaychik opens at the entrance to the cable car. Officials from the Ministry of Tourism and there did not appear. Why ??? After all, everything is beautiful on paper, exhibitions are held, and that's what is happening on the ground - do not know. Correctly says Aksenov, it is necessary to raise their behinds and be closer to the people.
Building cable car stuck and finish incomprehensible buildings. When one of the local spoken julius richard petri and said that it was necessary to demolish all, he told me pointedly smiled: "Do you even know who our roof? Do you even know who it holds? ". No I do not understand and do not want to understand. So Zahran this place had to try. Sergei Aksenov, Natalia Poklonskaya !!!!, I beg to draw your attention julius richard petri to those who hold the roof and this place!
And this is another village on the plateau, dirty and scary. Roam strange and dirty person, offer to eat, to smoke. julius richard petri They say you can adjust and girls if you want to spend the night ..... Apparently prostitutes.
Once again I want to appeal to the Ministry of Tourism to deal with this tourist attraction and not only them. Such a sad situation and other Crimean sights. Need to do a thorough audit of the objects themselves, as well as the infrastructure that is about all this ponaleplena. Itself many times faced with incomprehensible traders, who collect money from gullible citizens and impose a second-rate service.
To go or not to go? My advice is to go. The weather is good. In Crimea, not necessarily to swim. Here stunning sea and mountain air, nature. julius richard petri It is quiet and peaceful. Prices are reasonable, there are still tickets. Welcome to the Crimea.
my god, that cesspool ... of these places need to stay away ...
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