Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ah, yes the West! Ah, yes zhuchary! Shanovnі

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Ah, yes the West! Ah, yes zhuchary! Shanovnі "maydanuto-zapadnutye" Ukrainians! Believe me, for God's sake, if not for me and my friends from the team's top bloggers, or at least a person "out there" - a well-known political scientist Charles Murray patent amerskoy, who published a year before your Maidan sociological study of class differences in the United States "bursting at the seams: White America's 1960-2010 (Coming Apart: The State of White America 1960-2010). The book was named Book of the Year in the United States, its intense discussion patent is still going on. Anyone you "in Єvropі Ameritsі that" have no need! There are things patent differently than you think with Ukrainian bell tower. Namely: you favorite liberal values are not for everyone! They are intended, sorry, patent only for cattle, for the poor, which there is also a dime a dozen, and for such enthusiastic gazers like you! That's it! And the difference between western and western cattle and kulturnenkimi wealthy "people" well, very great. And, on many parameters. 1. Rich much higher intelligence! 2. The rich live much longer than the poor (the difference - 15-20 years)! 3. The rich do not eat this crap, as you loved, "zapadnutymi" Ukrainians, hamburgers, soda, chips. They get fat, fattened representatives of the lower classes. 4. The rich do sports! 5. The rich do not have any bad habits! 6. The rich have a healthy and intelligent neighbors. 7. The rich do not know anything about the problems of schooling because their children go to the best schools and universities! 8. The rich do not watch soap operas and other mass culture, they prefer a real art! 9. The rich do not go according to standard resorts - 5 star feeding stations for the middle class, eager few days a year to stay in the role of master of life! They travel through uncharted routes. 10.Obraz rich life involves extensive communication, close family patent ties and friendly. 11.Bogatye live in separate places patent special with beautiful views. 12. Rich is several times less divorce, try to have many children and to educate them strictly. And marriages they are only in their own circles. Well, and so on. What turns, shanovnі? It turns out that liberal values are actively cultivated only among the lower classes and their population in countries such as Ukraine. That is a special value to the "cattle", aimed at destroying the connection between generations, people's identity and responsibility of man for his ancestors and descendants, the capacity for self-organization and, therefore, to resist. Well, please believe that Charles. He knows better the society in which he lives.
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