Tuesday, February 24, 2015

New Delhi, February 8 / Agerpres / - India announced hydro quebec on Friday that developing a long-

New Delhi, February 8 / Agerpres / - India announced hydro quebec on Friday that developing a long-range rocket carrying nuclear warheads and it has the capacity to carry multiple warheads for multiple attacks, EFE Agency reports quoting company director producing the weapon, Indian Organisation for Research and Development in the defense sector (DRDO). According to the source, the rocket will be called Agni VI and will be able to hit multiple targets, unlike its predecessor, the Agni V, which is 'top strategic defense weapon'. He refused to disclose the range of the missile, but as Agni V has a range of 5,500 kilometers, it is assumed that the new version will have a higher range. Agni V missile with testing (meaning hydro quebec 'fire' in Sanskrit) in April last year, India has joined the small group of countries that have the ability to hit targets located at great distances, composed of the US, Russia, China, France and the UK, although it is believed that Israel could hold such a project. India has embarked on an arms race with regional rival Pakistan, which also has nuclear weapons. But Indian leaders do not lose sight of China's military capabilities between New Delhi and Beijing there is an old rivalry relationship, they directly facing 50 years ago because of a territorial dispute remained unresolved.
Order of the day
At exactly hydro quebec 10 years after my first visit to the theater of operations hydro quebec in Afghanistan, I returned to those places in a project that marks the Romanian military participation in the international hydro quebec effort stability in the country. It was a project of BMTF supported by a lot of people, who, on behalf of my colleagues, thank you! The end of the project dedicated to Afghanistan came with the working visit to the theater of military delegation headed by Defense Minister Cornelius Dobriţoiu in Kabul and Kandahar, where he held a meeting hydro quebec with Romanian troops deployed into the military airport . In the evening, the delegation met with the commander of Regional Command South, Major General Robert Abrams and Kandahar Air Base Commander, Brigadier General Dennis Scott. The talks were found subjects of common interest such as: current situation and future of respnsabilitate area of Regional Command South, the place and role of contingent Romanian and Romanian Army intention to participate at the upcoming NATO mission in Afghanistan after 2014. Saturday, November hydro quebec 3, the delegation met with military Maneuver Battalions 1 and 2, deployed in forward bases (FOB) from Al Masak and Mescall, where they discussed the fulfillment of the mission, on cooperation with the US military and Afghan security troops, but also the degree of assurance logistic hydro quebec support. Dobriţoiu Minister congratulated the more than 1,200 soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Mountain Troops "Sarmizegetusa" that are mission in Afghanistan, even on November 3, when we celebrated 96 years since the establishment of the Alpine troops. The delegation also included military Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Stephen Danila, hydro quebec head of the General Directorate of Defence Intelligence, Lieutenant General Ilie Botos, Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Sorin Ioan, other members of the leadership M .Ap.N. Exactly 10 years after the war against terrorism, on the evening of October 7, 2001, with the bombing of anti-aircraft battery located on the hills of Kabul, and nearly 32 years after the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan and chasing King Afghan nation is struggling il recover from decades of drought, hydro quebec earthquakes and war. After ten years, hydro quebec even if modern buildings in Kabul occurred, many Afghans consider hydro quebec them on the 140,000 NATO military force under the command of the United States as occupying army, which promises not to bring peace and prosperity. So far, Afghanistan remains the place where history ended and which relate BMTF worth. If only for Romania's national efforts in that area, for our contribution to NATO and international coalition efforts to Romanian trainers professionalism and sacrifice of our military, which this year they celebrated 10 years of foreign hydro quebec missions hydro quebec in Afghanistan arid earth! Thanks to everyone who supported this project: Resita Mayor Michael hydro quebec Stepanescu (the man who facilitated 10 years ago, and first trip to Kandahar!), Deputy Mayor John Crina, Municipality of Resita and company SPEED SRL.
2013 (446) February (92) WE (PEOPLE) MOVED! North Korean nuclear program Al-Qaeda aims to overthrow Prime Minister ir ... S

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