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Even in the most difficult moments of life known actress Srna Lango (41) kept its composure and thus instil the necessary support his wife and colleague Irfan Mensur (61), who last week survived a heart attack. Although did his best to stay on his feet and finishes to start work on his new show, fate had different intentions why the Zajecar, where at that time there was urgently transferred to Belgrade. An operation that lasted three hours built him three bypass, nav during which time his three sons and his wife waited for the good news.
- Irfan is currently better than anyone could hope for and quickly recover. I believe that we would not have had the opportunity to talk about this in this way that not a miracle worker cardio surgeons and all the people in the team of the Institute nav of Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje. We are grateful to Dr. Mićović and prof. Dr. sci. med. Djukanovic, technicians and their staff for the professionalism, dedication and speed with which they reacted. Now there are reasons for optimism - starting Roe and explains how she learned that her health deteriorated Irfan rear.
- Irfan was in Zajecar occasion directing theater performances Partying, partying. nav During one rehearsal he realized that he has a heart problem, but he wanted it to ignore to finish the job started, so you can then devote to health. Hiding nav the best of us and how much is bad. Health, however, is not waiting for the Prime Minister and our decisions. So after reviewing the Zajecar urgently addressed in further testing because the results were not good. That night when he went out of Zajecar to Belgrade, addressed to help first Vojo Brajović, his longtime friend. I waited in front Dedinje Institute that brought him. When he arrived around midnight, we came together and his condition remains entrusted to experts who estimated that he needed emergency surgery. With a lot of confidence, we supported the decision of doctors. nav At that moment, his heart was with only ten percent and made three bypass - says Lang stating that her husband was not a big fan of going to the doctor.
- Irfan is hard to urge and vision inspection, and not something more. Often angry with my persistent attempts and again deposited checks. That he was accountable to yourself and less thought to work, and more on your health, avoid critical. He was much more difficult, and held a very dignified and heroic. Only he knows what he went through. What you went through only the first phase of several months of recovery. I did not panic, but the fear is still a huge and justified. I receive events when passing. I pass through the horrors of a fully functional and self-possessed. But it would be cheap and inappropriately further nav analyze ourselves, with all the desire to answer the question of how I was feeling in those moments. It's wonderful, though, how you live for only a few hours of transit of such uncertainty, fear and pain to a complete joy and a new religion, the back - is honest Srna, who says that she was difficult to explain to children what happened.
- I was nervous when I realized nav that not only I have to tell them why he comes in the night, but to prepare them and at worst, all hoping for the best. My family, as in some other situations, quickly and without a lot of words together to be there for us, for Irfan. I'm so proud of the way they are all three boys Filip, Aleksa and Pavle her demeanor. Are related to him and quite resolved to force them to their lasts - concludes the actress.
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