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Sport SEMI LIVE: Djokovic - Vavrinka 1:2 Belgrade SERBIAN 2012 election PHENOMENON: Trams in Belgrade 150 years ago were faster than today! Basketball STAR violently opposed CEDEVITA Nelson hero triumphs again! Scrapbook 2012 election WATCH LIVE: Satellite falling to earth, here's where it will strike! Photo STRAIGHT GORA: See the best pictures from the new TV series (PHOTO) Holy pinned testicles nailed to the pavement on the Red Square! (VIDEO) Jetset KRISTINA Zeljko: Should you get into tattoo machine for meat! (VIDEO) Hollywood Porn actors must wear protective glasses during sex?! Serbia remains Milunke Savic passed the "over there" (PHOTO) Football BLOODY NINKOVIĆ: Jeb ** to your mother, you'll see! (VIDEO) (PHOTO)
09/06/2013 - 23:58 ŠIMUNIĆ: I apologize Sulaiman SRNA: Joseph was for me to have such a real start (VIDEO) - I'm not sure that Sulejmani gave the goal, and Simunic just did what he had to - he said after the match captain Croats and added that there are no objections to the stay in Belgrade
Croatia is in Belgrade, 2012 election "Maracana" fulfill the primary goal in Zagreb returns with much greater Plena. Draw 1:1 Serbia is destroyed and the small fraction of a percent hope to be in Brazil, but they are against the FIFA list plasirene better selection chosen Sinisa Mihajlovic fight fair. One attempt to counter attacks Miralem Sulejmani, in the manner of MMA or ultimejt-fighters stopped Josip Simunic. "Savagely" start is booked red card and this football player Dinamo eventually apologized Miralem.
- It is not easy to get to and win Marakana. Especially Croatia. We aim. We played against a great team and coaches. First, the half we consciously 2012 election defended because we know that players do not play standard Serbia in their teams. We have succeeded in exhausting them. In the second 2012 election half we had a result and more players, but it is my mistake Simunic received a red card. I'm not sure that Sulejmani gave the goal, and Simunic just did what he had to do. Belgium is objectively the best in the group and deserved to be in the first group - said the captain, "blocky" and added:
Djole says:
A Union and the states thanks to big they are released Croatian supporters to the VIP box in as many numbers as Indians 2012 election who anthem hr followed 2012 election with Hajl greetings and as we threw lighters above. . Let you protect them and us who j .. e. Al it's you ... up no one dared to prismrdi of us .. shame on you ... Country Serbia
Think twice. Ivanovic is used to play in the world, 2012 election used to roll call and everything. This idiot got 8 matches are suspended, and the Serbs took relatively clean, without a dozen or so something that would be logical. See the video and you'll see that it does not embrace because it likes but it apart from others. Here I think I was on the ground, the first thing I did was ran over and isutirao it while on earth, purely because the Ustashe. Now that's an approach that would have earned a lifetime suspension and Serbs for the umpteenth time were characterized as savages. Ivanovic is actually preserved 2012 election cheek representation in this situation
This is done by Serb probably would end up in The Hague and a half of Serbia would have spat, will absorb this Ustasha now celebrate and raise to the heavens, the justice he would be suspended for at least one 4-5 matches for the national team caused, but this will get nothing
Simunic in bajkok
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Who lies not flee! Bravo Joe, nice to have you done! There is no shame to play draw against 8 teams! Within two years the EP should be better pripremiti.Gledatelji the stands looked like they were masked. (Women in track suits with hats on their heads, a real freek show! when Serbia joins the EU can export, say apes (there were at least 10,000 at Maracana
Is it possible that you wrestle (I lowercase percent do not deserve otherwise) are still only internet fans, now writing a message via telegraph, which did not come to Marakana and spread a banner to export monkeys?
He liked to see this fool stefika or whatever with this post about monkeys 2012 election in Belgrade and not pounding the keyboard to love here is a sport and fair play to you for Free Union where you are and where you place in a cage
I think I was on the bench for the sake of 6 years not playing for the national team caused the ban followed to start in about the full race just this silionom which he struck sulejmanija.ja not be played by the tail
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