Forum for all the bostadsrtt> Main Forums> Motions, eport, ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, extrastmma Proposed agenda for stmma, discharge and reporting of stmma User Name Remember Me? Calendar Mark Forums Read Motions, innovation eport, ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, extrastmma Nominating, mtesordfrande, agenda, "immediately adjusted," discharge, blame / ogiltigfrklaring of stmma, voting, r strtt, rstningsordning, proxy, rstlngd, medlemsfrteckning, interpret eport, etc.. Bertta gRNA how stmmorna gr to your tenant. What works well / dligt? More news More news Web Radio
I think most experienced stmman as successful, in that we will now be f a efterlngtad frndring in styrelsesammansttningen, but I is not done on that, despite the handled all the points right. Stmmoordfrande (leased from SBC) I know not if he did everything right. innovation I frberedde members by handing out a "bruxanvisning fr ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING" and the proxy form the evening before rsmtet, and the election committee nominations. innovation Bruxen scissored me from the forum here, where it describes what one really gr under each point. Just before mtet I presented the Proposed new agenda innovation (see Appendix), where I stowed on amply in order to receive innovation three sammanhllna parts (ppnande, Last year and next r) and a pause before voting. The ground leased mtesordfrande from SBC sgade my agenda innovation with hnvisning that there was television direct errors in it, and that the Contents conductive formulations. He wanted ansvarsfrihetsfrgan innovation would come right after the decision on the distribution of earnings and that arvodesfrgan would come Fri election of Directors. His justifications were reasonable, I think. Mtesordfrande freslog to my Proposed would avfrdas, but it was liked not by their members. innovation We rstade on the agenda that would glla, the one that went out in the notice or in the middle Proposed with ndvndiga adjustments, and my Proposed won. Since fljde many queries innovation to the Board and auditors during their genomgngar of the Annual Report and revisionsberttelsen, including a discussion of which apply for activating an entry s the ports of balance. I went on line to record either would be considered a s extensive new acquisition that under the Charter innovation would krvas a stmmobeslut, or that it should have been on the result. The latter would be most reasonable, given that p "nyanskaffningen" not at all p "stambytesniv". Suspected jv has been around for a year, which I had given auditor uppmrksam p frlnge ago. Just before the AGM I was clear for me that he did not hear someone jvsituation through its audits. By not alltfr advanced research, I could faststlla link between a director and a company that did extensive work tfreningen. I wanted to present innovation the material from the members via overhead lighting, but was stopped innovation frst of the Chairman, innovation who then frgade if members wanted to see the material. And they wanted to! At The question on discharge asked a member of closed omrstning, just as I have written in bruxen that we can limit op. The managed stmmoordfrande by frst make an open omrstning gllande innovation across the board, with the result that the discharge was not granted, and drp we were asked to make the closed omrstningen p personniv. This perhaps is customary, but I think it is very mrkligt. We have no objective evidence that g p d when it comes to the various individual's responsibility. Television parliament members did not discharge. The time was not enough, s mtet adjourned after that point. Awaiting summons to fortsttning. Do not know what it means to mtet godknde both the annual report and revisorsberttelsen, although many answers did not materialize, and that items capitalized in a way that can really ifrgasttas (comment gRNA). Dr. I was not tillrckligt PLST. The assistance I have received hr have anyway hjlpt me find frgetecken innovation and opportunities to tackle these. terkommer quite safe shortly No I will frbereda me fr round television.
Join Date: Jun 2008 Posts: 159
If one has has been approved the Annual Report and revisionsberttelsen's innovation freligger it's a stmmobeslut at this. If you want a Modification Permits s are required to be blame stmman ifrsta hand by p stmmans fortsttning stlla The question about stmman is willing to change earlier decision and if not for Gehrs from one resort to rttsliga tgrder.
2012-05-25, 10:48
"Do not know what it means to mtet godknde both the annual report and revisorsberttelsen, although many answers innovation did not materialize, and that items capitalized in a way that can really ifrgas tdirectories "Chapter 6 freningsstmman 11 Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer shall, innovation if anyone up limite and the Board finds that it can be done without detriment vsentlig frfreningen, p freningsst
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