Saturday, December 28, 2013

Who says for example today of the young people democracy now in Forserumsten who continue to harass

KORTEDALA CASE We do not deny that young people from working class is over-represented in crime statistics - as urban dwellers, we live with it every day. But while the media reproduces every detail of Kortedala goal, condemned the racist serial killer Peter Mang before empty stands. W hy will return some stories while others are forgotten after a day? writes Homa Badpa and Mohammed Abdulrahman Hällgren from the organization Panthers.
On Tuesday fell judgments in which concerned a 61-year-old man who was beaten rough on Kortedala Torg. In a post on SVT Debate called Sweden Democrat Kent Ekeroth judgment for "amazing" justice system "immoral" and the two offenders for 'sadistic'.
It is easy to point at teenagers and shout that they are adults. But children remain children and do not have locked doors and grilles, without warmth, a sense that the future belongs to them and sensible models. There are countless examples around the world that tougher penalties will not create a safer society.
The Panthers For Rehabilitation Of The suburb know people who in the past has been sentenced to the kind of treatments that teenagers in Kortedala sentenced to. Many have actually been helped by us. Some who are reading this probably think that this fact disqualifies us from all express on the matter. Unfortunately, we can not do anything about this.
Unlike Kent Ekeroth and gratisblaskornas and tabloid editors, we live in the suburbs. Although we have less of a hurry than SD when it comes to scoring points on a tragic event, we probably have more in a hurry when it comes to actually stopping violence among suburban youth.
We will not deny that young working-class people are overrepresented in certain crime statistics. We live with the statistics every day. We know that the odds are against us. But we also know that far from all criminals come from a million democracy now programs - for example there are a lot of Sweden Democrats, who have been convicted of assault and other crimes.
One question then should be asked is why there has been so much about Kortedala case? Why has every single detail during the trial blown up in the tabloids? Why will return some stories are always in the media, while others are forgotten or lost after only one day?
Who says for example today of the young people democracy now in Forserumsten who continue to harass Somali children so they do not dare to go to school? Why is there not a reportageserie about this in the papers? Why does not scream SD for harsher penalties against democracy now them? And why do not the newspapers surveys about what people think about the sentencing of Peter Mang, serial shooter democracy now from Malmo?
Last Wednesday was the media immediately out on Kortedala Torg and found people who could complain about the low penalties against kids who were convicted for the assault. Does anyone know even what punishment Mang got when he was convicted this summer? Why was the press stands during his trial almost completely empty?
It says something about a nation that the trial of a man who shot a number of people from immigrant backgrounds for their wrong "race" going on during the closest compact democracy now silence, while the media describing every detail democracy now that emerges during a lawsuit against the suburban kids who have been involved in an assault.
We believe that it is about to have to see some unpleasant truths. If crimes are carried out by strangers on children who hurt others are always other people's kids, which makes it unnecessary to address the grief and the cold that every act of violence words - especially when children are involved.
In Älvdalen in Dalarna, a man tried recently run across a group of refugee children with their car. How many journalists intend to go there to monitor the trial and report word for word what is said? Will a girl from Afghanistan or Somalia, be heard on an evening newspaper front page about whether a possible punishment is hard enough, as the victim in Kortedala The case had to do?
The xenophobic sets the agenda for the Swedish criminal policy and boasts about it on the opinion pages. We write this text to ask certain questions that you should always put in the aftermath of the violence. What can we do to prevent what has happened from happening again? Why did it happen to begin with?
No child dreams of becoming a hated and feared man standing and kicking at another body lying down. Each whack distributed from a child is the end of a long chain that starts much earlier - when pushed around in run-down schools with established democracy now and underpaid teachers, when you see their parents go unemployed despite akadmiska training, when even as a ten year old understands that it is no place for the community.
Write yourself in Debate
Recent opinion articles school is a critical issue for Sweden DN-ad should never have been published Say Stop to Racism already at the coffee table Creates Jobs Line

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