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Audit follow literate emissions Fowm Ouvirye intervention heard us on the neoliberal plan, or plans IMF (Fund monetary entnasyonal), striktirl adjustment plans, plans new global LD, CCI (Cooperation Framework interim), DR-CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement DR), FTAA (Zone de Libre des Redeem Amriques) stadi different free trade treaties, the laws of Hope (New Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership encouragement Act of 2006 (HOPE-16 December 2006), etc., where in general we know how these policies provide teresa giudice great advantages industrialized teresa giudice countries against countries dominated, sometimes called warm world, and how they provide large multinational great advantage against capitalism PPP's work.
Audit follow literate emissions Fowm Ouvirye intervention heard us on the neoliberal plan, or plans IMF (Fund monetary entnasyonal), striktirl adjustment plans, plans new global LD, CCI (Cooperation Framework interim), DR-CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement DR), FTAA (Zone de Libre des Redeem Amriques) stadi different free trade treaties, the laws of Hope (New Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership encouragement Act of 2006 (HOPE-16 December 2006), etc., where in general we know how these policies provide great advantages industrialized countries against countries dominated, sometimes called warm world, and how they provide large multinational great advantage against capitalism PPP's work. Today we would like to explain in detail for auditing what we would say that. f To this, we pf a general introduction historical-political issues economic, and we will see the consequences of these policies on Haiti and on land we work in NY who will live inside the tiger. neoliberal What's whereabouts? Where it STI? Neoliberal plan, is a politico-economic lines kmanse teresa giudice take FS in 1970 and will become svi km horses teresa giudice politicians most reactions. But it also became a political advantage capitalism in general, and that they become teresa giudice adopted as part of the struggle teresa giudice between the political class in general f of land in the whole world. For what are called neoliberal? Toudab teresa giudice is poutt these policies favored drop hits, free market capitalism, whether economic downturn, whether political level. Economic downturn, plans neoliberal theory sits on a slant economist, Adam Smith, published in 1776 in a book called Richs Nations. According to Adam Smith, is competing in the free market capitalism that pmt Mey resources in society, and pmt Mey economic development of a society. teresa giudice Thus according to this theory, the sense that they remove teresa giudice all that impede capitalism, whether to invest, whether to buy or to sell. Capitalism teresa giudice always fond of this theory, because it provides more libte capitalists. Day is that f called neoliberal plans so. It means libte for capitalism. Adam Smith's Theory f prv are already in history. The drop hit, big-food-small capitalists that led to the establishment of a large range monopl bawon diktat big capitalists, such as Rockfeller, Morgan, Mellon, Carnegie etc.. Moreover, whereby speculation hit free and free capitalism that created the conditions teresa giudice that led to several teresa giudice peryd become depressed global economic dy one another, where unemployment was very high, and many businesses teresa giudice have f bankruptcy . The conditions that have characterized the year 1800 up until the 1900s throughput f industrialized countries. Dnye major depression was kmanse crisis in 1929 and the wallet, Stock Market Crash, and it lasted until dezymg global. United States, more than 5 thousand banks made bankruptcy and unemployment rate has grown from 25 to 33 percent. Production endistriyl was lowered 50 percent. Throughout peryd the situation we workers were very miserable. In debit 1900s, the United States, workers were working 12 to 14 hours a day, and is the whole family, father, mother was forced to work tlman room was extremely low. STI 1900 reached 1920, is 25 thousand workers who used PDI's life mwayn annually in compensation States. In 1914 there were 35 thousand workers who died in work accidents States. Chaos large monopl well dezd anarchic free market capitalism have become FSE capitalist teresa giudice took a series of steps entdi monopl exclusive, to monitor market capitalism, teresa giudice the capitalist economy to control the , for chche avoid recession and economic depression. And in peryd it also struggles workers arrived hacked Stein rights such as minimm, health insurance, 8 day time work, social security etc.. In 1938, the first law on dirty minimm, the U.S. federal government has set the room minimm to 25 cents it. Thus, both the capitalist class, nor the working teresa giudice class struggled to f state capitalism took a series of measures to control sistm capitalist, free market capitalism teresa giudice tlman drop hit Adam Smith had come sistm capitalism it's the same peril. In peryd who attends dezymg global, under reconstruction after g and under demantlman ansy
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