Monday, March 10, 2014

Is strange when people are talking about crime, crime policy is only to see. In society, there is a

Haiti: "More Holiness Give Me the Sun's revolution fait politique, moi eyes ferai the microeconomic revolution"; Duvalier, apartheid society, globalite, collusion, continuity ... dikta under so-called "international community" is.
Is strange when people are talking about crime, crime policy is only to see. In society, there is another crime, economic crime, crime cultural and social. And it is that engenders political murders.
Moreover when they talk about "tortured", two krazezo, are two strong Sunday only sought; they see what is happening in schools where many enstititè / teacher renta is bouwo are in application Francophonie-FIC-been repeating-manipulation , into the personality, the mental break through an atmosphere of humiliation, contempt anti-peasant, anti-Haitian. And all this leads us in implementing neo-liberal policies "Great Friends of Haiti" we impose a global framework of political bite-blowing based on five parameters following: addiction, violence, rivalry, war, poverty ...
+ With the soutretans displayed Haiti in the 1970s and is designed for use obstruction productive renta level cities; Duvalier-pair allegedly making political revolution son promises to make economic revolution renta ...
We could also talk with sales and purchases in the Dominican Republic Haitian border tètbetay so official, renta and there was also an attitude pouryanis / kimele renta neyokolonyal state when his United (peasants) in the heat of the neighboring countries; renta With " hardware "and" bank lottery "that takes shape and ekstanksyon in society, which gets built and taken to curb With Pelig not used to irrigate lands (blockade of productive forces outside), not using the outside and finally elektrifye country toutantye; system of apartheid, column on column-beam electric overhead by peasants who are 80 to 90% of individuals in the country, that the system is not considered Haitian people renta let alone as citizens ...
Here, the ground caused quite, we missed agrarian reform and the opportunity to rejuvenate, remanbre and irrigate lands in the country; national production and excreted, only stupid peasant victims but also the middle class because this situation becomes- drop into prekarite ... And Destruction Creole pigs which are banks peasants; With Assassination small voudourizan traditionally renta struggle to oppose the great-great vodourizan owner;
Spruce in general have not taken promotion; still serve as tifanmi rear yard, in tirèstavèk, namely the form gnomes ... And virtyèl surgery, surgery simulations well òkestre on educational reform and the creation of IPN Outgoing target Duvalierists the regime and not the energy bona fide professional spends at work comprising this has something serious to happen. Today after 7 February 86, all work in this release trash bins Ministry of National Education. A coin spent wasted opwofi Henry Deschamps and FIC and the form-book notebook with appropriate pedagogy. A veritable waste in every sense ... besides neo liberal policies and applications, interchange between schools and national production would not be possible, because they are opposites. With hits already reformed church and the Catholic church in the mood to put anti-voodoo, anti-peasant, anti-Haitian and (pizoumwen of how meaning occurs today in Muslim countries and the Western church against Islam will resist); With the emergence of NGOs in the country since the early 80's on Gencod, and putting out the cause of state-Providence, the notion state-fort, and to transform the notion supposedly weak Haitian state, and "allegedly irresponsible": State than two nationalization period to period in the same neo-liberal regime. AND emergence NGOs in the state have done nothing renta other than nature neyokolonyal revealed its nature ie a country colonized renta state your dependents. It is a political choice renta that politicians want to do than so-so for mistakes, bad for calculations ...
On all these people have heard about statements Duvalier regime-pair eg, the place were a regime that was sitting on a facade of nationalism, renta and gave himself to declare a shift maneuvers ambassador pèsona north grata". Simple question prestige a dictatorship we can qualify from personal dictatorship renta ...
Besides, even before Duvalier, ousted state et disown peasant to f & e

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