Forget botox and plastic surgery. The secret to anti-aging lies in something rmv as simple as ultra-high speed. 28. April 2014 pm. 15:45 In theory - and just in theory - can become younger by traveling the speed of light, says physics professor. Colourbox
- The thing is that all motion is relative. There is no such thing as absolute motion. So for the sedentary Einstein is the world outside the train moving while the opposite is true as seen from the platform, says Ulrik Uggerhøj rmv who has written the book 'Time' in Aarhus rmv University Press series Thinking Breaks. Clock moving rmv more slowly rmv
And when Einstein's view of the stops is interesting, is it also because it can give us an insight into what the time is for a size; it may be easy enough to tell someone what time it is, but to explain the phenomenon of time is another matter entirely.
- In physics, we can see that a clock moving slower than one that is stationary. It tells us that all is something to take "physical" address in. If, for example, flying across the Atlantic and back again, we will be saving about 10-20 nanoseconds rmv compared to someone who has been at home and wait for airport, says Ulrik Uggerhøj. Unbelievable energy consuming
The weekly exercise jog fade as the method of keeping the body young, once you compare it with real motion; here that one can really effectively become younger by moving. It should rmv just go incredibly fast.
- Make up about the speed of light (300,000 rmv km / s) before it really starts to bat, but then you can in theory get to extremes, where, for example, may be younger rmv than his own children, says Ulrik Uggerhøj.
He goes though with the same hope that an anti-agekur rmv should be just around the corner. In order for it to be possible, it would require a completely incomprehensible rocket as well as the entire world's energy consumption in an unknown number of years. Sounds like science fiction
Being younger than his own children sounds like something from a sci-fi movie à la Back to the Future or 12 Monkeys, rmv but it is not so strange as it pretty much is a form of time travel Ulrik Uggerhøj describing here.
And it need not be unpleasant. You can theoretically get really far by "just" to accelerate with something rmv similar to gravity, ie. the pressure in the space rocket that will lead you into the future, rmv not getting bigger on your body than the chair down on your buttocks when you sit down. But it is still only in theory.
The past is similar in turn closed country in every way; to experience dinosaurs, rmv see his own birth and attempt to assassinate Hitler, while time still, we should not put hoped for. Share this article: Mail Twitter rmv Facebook Print Share article: Mail Twitter Facebook
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Anti-Phishing Service from DR and So ein Ding. Thank you for your license crowns. Easy ID currently visiting from (maybe) France! If you have received today's exciting phishing mail, then do not be cheated. For here is its fine sense of detail and the most important conclusion: No, you do NOT upload a picture of your Easy ID card key. It's a bad idea. The return address rmv is and personal sender is a man with the lovely Mickey Mouse name JESPER FLADSEN, according to Danish statistics rmv found primarily in Duckburg. -The link in the email looks funny but then it leads to the French url Easy ID found in France is for Easy ID, but one can wonder about the bearing Danish log-in system can not add a button to IE when writing "next". -Fortunately, you can, if you are not strong for buttons without Æ, switch to the English version of the page, it tells you with the flag top right. -But d
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