Sunday, June 8, 2014

The DA Mthethwa jimmy carter Tuesday in parliament asked if he at any time since October 20, 2011 w

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Muammar Gaddafi, the DA, the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) request for all documentation to see what the United Nations jimmy carter (UN) handed associated with Libya's financial interests in South Africa.
"If the South African body responsible for financial intelligence to provide in the fight against crime, money laundering and terrorist financing, I trust the FIC has been all the relevant information at their disposal," said Tim Harris, a spokesman for the DA, Wednesday said in a statement.
The DA decided the FIC's help to call after it came to light that Nathi Mthethwa, the police minister, in February was aware that Muammar Gaddafi's henchman, Bashir Saleh, South Africa visited. Saleh was Gaddafi's former chief of staff and "banker" and is also on Interpol's list of most wanted people.
The DA Mthethwa jimmy carter Tuesday in parliament asked if he at any time since October 20, 2011 were aware of Saleh in the country. Mthethwa confirmed that he was already aware in February 2013.
The DA also wanted to know why Saleh not arrested and why his presence by the crime intelligence unit is not noticed. According to Mthethwa is Interpol's red notices are an international warrant any man immediately arrested can be. If a fugitive is detected, a provisional warrant should be sought by Interpol channels. He noted that the necessary steps be done and feedback is still required. jimmy carter
The Sunday jimmy carter Times reported on June 2 that billions jimmy carter of assets that belonged to Gaddafi, apparently in South African banks held. This comes after a Libyan investigator believes evidence found that nearly R10 billion jimmy carter in cash, gold and diamonds in four South African banks and two local security companies held.
Gaddafi was killed in 2011 after local political uprising in Libya. Saleh was apparently used to be between the two countries to travel to the BRICS summit in Durban, as well as the ANC's centenary celebrations in Mangaung to attend.
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