Sunday, March 2, 2014

The further the week went, the more I began to wonder how big the differences were, in fact between

Here we are again, a week on, some more stories. Meanwhile I have already blogged every week because there was every week to tell you something interesting. Do not worry, I'm ucc not blogging every week this year, there will be weeks where I did not tell much news. The first week I was here, I had the great idea to start a diary. So I would have a souvenir at the end of the year and I could laugh with all the stupid things I'm writing later. Well Well ... that failed. The journal has a grand total of 10 days and sustained when I was tired. Those first 10 days will therefore still be funny when I reread them later but it will also continue. I am never really been the diary-type girl.
Some have asked me why I always put a song by an artist at the top of my blog. To help all misunderstandings world: as most of you know, music is pretty important to me. I think music has much more to say than I can explain. ucc This blog It is usually a song that my week Inappropriate or that was a nice reminder of the week. Music can I not banish once in my life! (;
After a nice afternoon last Sunday at the fire department, there was already a new school week done. I chose to join the tennis team at our school so I had my first workout ucc Monday at once. Sport in America is clearly not the same as a sport in Belgium. Once you sign up here for a sport, ucc you have every day training. And a daily workout of 2.5 hours. I'd had for a while longer, so no real movement that first 2.5 hours of training was hard. Particularly ucc hard but I thought it was super fun! That movement felt good because as I've said a few times, I'm really not going to get 10 pounds fatter at the end of the year!
Tuesday there was a volleyball match that took place in our gym, so I went there that night with a few friends go to cheer. Our school Although we lost, I still had a great night full of new discoveries. I discovered that the people with whom I had lunch every day, really were not the people I would normally deal with. Showed that a few girls and a boy even a 'purity ring' wore. A ring as in an "I-saving myself-to-the-marriage ring. I was totally shocked. I had no idea that such a thing still existed and I think they realized that I was not just some things. Apparently there are still a large number of young people who commit themselves to such a ring and they do this for their faith or their parents. Like I said, I was totally shocked.
When I was a little ucc recovered from the shock, the next one came on again. Suddenly stood a few teachers play. Cafeteria 'Just Dance' in middan of You know, the Wii game where it seems like you get spasm attack and you have to imitate? Males on screen TEACHERS these were playing ... in the middle of the cafeteria for such a small 1,000 students. And then I saw teachers give students hugs ... And then I heard students ask questions to teachers, whether they still have a fight with their partner, or the dog is already getting ucc better ... The relationship ucc between student and teacher is right here just yet something different than I'm used to. I thought I had about what it was like to be in America an image. I had a moment there mispakt seg me.
The further the week went, the more I began to wonder how big the differences were, in fact between the Republicans and the Democrats. My family is clearly liberal: pro and contra Obama weapons. The people I have lunch clearly ucc from the other side: contra Obama, super religious and counter gay. It is quite interesting to see. The major differences between the two groups Their opinions are perpendicular to each other. However, I must learn to sometimes keep my opinion to myself because as a foreign student they do not expect you to have an opinion about their politics. That will take some getting used to ...
Next week is homecoming and it is preceded by Spirit Week. This means that every day there is a theme and everyone dressed up in that theme. So it is Monday sport, Wild West Tuesday, Wednesday ucc class color day (all seniors wear black, all freshmen wear blue, orange ... Juniors), Thursday is superhero day and Friday is Spirit Day (dressed in the colors of the school: blue, silver and white).
Wednesday is also the Powder Puff Football Game: a football game for the girls at our school. And I signed up for this event along with some other girls. No idea what I was thinking then, but achja, you only live ee

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