Monday, June 30, 2014

Only when we can have a single conversation with ourselves, creating the conditions for a genuine o

Yes, I would like to receive newsletters and relevant offers agenda 21 to newspapers, books and music, and more from told the paper, and the Christian agenda 21 Dagblad Publishing via e-mail, letter, agenda 21 phone and text messaging. agenda 21 I may at any time opt out of this service.
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Measurement: agenda 21 Danish People's Party saves groggy blue block
Siblings of people with cancer are often mentally ill
Overview agenda 21
Do you call his bishop for heresies?
speech to students
Saturday Reflections are written alternately by chief physician and former chairman of the Council of Ethics Ole J. Hartling, agenda 21 priest and journalist Sørine Gotfredsen, author and journalist Peter Olesen, journalist and writer Kåre Street and School Manager Thue Kjærhus
Only when we can have a single conversation with ourselves, creating the conditions for a genuine open dialogue agenda 21 with our interlocutor. When that happens, we transcend ourselves, writes School Manager Thue Kjærhus agenda 21
The German historian, Professor Christian von Krockow (1927-2002) agenda 21 makes the work Die Deutschen in ihrem Jahrhundert to a central point that there is a correlation between the speed of the process of industrialization in Germany agenda 21 between 1871 and 1914 and the subsequent German rootlessness. READ ALSO: Can not we all be quiet for a few hours each day? Nazism was nourished by this uprooting and of the mental collapse, the Germans agenda 21 experienced the war defeat in 1918. When a country like Germany transformed at a pace and with a success unparalleled in European history, as was the case between 1871 and 1914, then lose population overview and the ability to think. Thoughtfulness is never linked agenda 21 to rapid change or the action-oriented. To think is to call into question the given including the action-oriented. Thinking agenda 21 requires peace and contemplation.
As long as a society is changing rapidly, but are not faced with serious crises, the consequences of elevated into be minimal. But the defeat of Germany in 1918 was severely mentally and financially. To think was the German-Jewish thinking Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) agenda 21 to be able to step out of an action-oriented discourse for a moment. Putting the question itself agenda 21 and the standards we take over. It was what Himmler (1900-45), Eichmann (1906-62) and SS could not do, and that's what the post-modern society has considerable difficulty. Eichmann and Himmler were postmodern men who questioned the Nazi discourse. They were characterized by restlessness and an urge to change that belongs mass society. They never rested in itself. They were dependent on endlessly having to move society and themselves. Eichmann and Himmler was not stupid in terms of knowledge, but they could not think. They could not step out of time spirit discourse. Knowledge and thinking are not the same. Knowledge belongs to the timeliness and the spirit, thinking exceeds it. Only when we can have a single conversation with ourselves, creating the conditions for a genuine open dialogue with our interlocutor. When that happens, we transcend ourselves. The thinking would be out of the major assemblies or institutions. Thinking hear other hand, intimacy, dialogue and the small community. The question agenda 21 that Hannah Arendt ask is how we can keep thinking in a society that is characterized by philistines, consumer-oriented citizens and mass man. The question then is: What effect does a society on its citizens when changing requirements grow massively over time? How do we avoid that modern mass man accepts evil modern trivialities? agenda 21 Arendt did not answer, but asking the question. She wanted to establish a dialectic between the action-oriented and the contemplative thinking. When reading the main work The totalitarian social system agenda 21 origin, then we learn that it is extremely difficult for the portion of society where mass human ruler to maintain a dialectic between the action-oriented and contemplation (thinking). The modern mass society in which class society is in liquidation and mass society (ideological society) is established, hence missing the experience borne, which is grounded in communities. THAT WE CAN put something agenda 21 new in progress, for Arendt linked to education and freedom. We appreciate that people always something new going on, the consequences of which we do not know. Actions are therefore both associated with anxiety, guilt and freedom. Life is continuously fed, but only as long as the world is experience driven. Is communities ideological, as is the case with mass society ceases nataliteten (birth), the history and the experience-based. To be human means to Arendt, that we act in the community in a context where we can reflect on the experience. Here we revealed ourselves

Sunday, June 29, 2014

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The Regional Municipality of afstr appoint members of the Board mosteris ...
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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Forget botox and plastic surgery. The secret to anti-aging lies in something rmv as simple as ultra

Forget botox and plastic surgery. The secret to anti-aging lies in something rmv as simple as ultra-high speed. 28. April 2014 pm. 15:45 In theory - and just in theory - can become younger by traveling the speed of light, says physics professor. Colourbox
- The thing is that all motion is relative. There is no such thing as absolute motion. So for the sedentary Einstein is the world outside the train moving while the opposite is true as seen from the platform, says Ulrik Uggerhøj rmv who has written the book 'Time' in Aarhus rmv University Press series Thinking Breaks. Clock moving rmv more slowly rmv
And when Einstein's view of the stops is interesting, is it also because it can give us an insight into what the time is for a size; it may be easy enough to tell someone what time it is, but to explain the phenomenon of time is another matter entirely.
- In physics, we can see that a clock moving slower than one that is stationary. It tells us that all is something to take "physical" address in. If, for example, flying across the Atlantic and back again, we will be saving about 10-20 nanoseconds rmv compared to someone who has been at home and wait for airport, says Ulrik Uggerhøj. Unbelievable energy consuming
The weekly exercise jog fade as the method of keeping the body young, once you compare it with real motion; here that one can really effectively become younger by moving. It should rmv just go incredibly fast.
- Make up about the speed of light (300,000 rmv km / s) before it really starts to bat, but then you can in theory get to extremes, where, for example, may be younger rmv than his own children, says Ulrik Uggerhøj.
He goes though with the same hope that an anti-agekur rmv should be just around the corner. In order for it to be possible, it would require a completely incomprehensible rocket as well as the entire world's energy consumption in an unknown number of years. Sounds like science fiction
Being younger than his own children sounds like something from a sci-fi movie à la Back to the Future or 12 Monkeys, rmv but it is not so strange as it pretty much is a form of time travel Ulrik Uggerhøj describing here.
And it need not be unpleasant. You can theoretically get really far by "just" to accelerate with something rmv similar to gravity, ie. the pressure in the space rocket that will lead you into the future, rmv not getting bigger on your body than the chair down on your buttocks when you sit down. But it is still only in theory.
The past is similar in turn closed country in every way; to experience dinosaurs, rmv see his own birth and attempt to assassinate Hitler, while time still, we should not put hoped for. Share this article: Mail Twitter rmv Facebook Print Share article: Mail Twitter Facebook
Knowledge top stories Photostream: Football Research for pupils at. 11:30 New networks will create more innovation 27. June 2014 pm. 18:30 Now, Google will delete European search results 27. June 2014 pm. 10:25
Knowledge latest news newfound shrew closely related to the elephant pm. 12:27 VIDEO FIFA is silly with Danish football researchers 26. June 2014 pm. 17:12 Should zoos keep only the cute animals? 25. 2014 pm. 17:28 Research: Street Soccer makes homeless people rmv healthy and happy 25. 2014 pm. 13:06 Moving images rmv moving into the concrete 24. June 2014 pm. 09:18 See all news about Science
The hard disk DR P1 June 27, 2014 KL. 12:31
Bilhjælp searched (the historical kind). Throw your sharp glance at the pictures below and tell us whether you can place anywhere in the world precisely they are taken? They are screendumps from an old clip we have found, with a future-like car that can park sideways with centimetertæt air (wildest parallel parking qua small extra wheels at the bottom) to bystanders automobiles.
Anti-Phishing Service from DR and So ein Ding. Thank you for your license crowns. Easy ID currently visiting from (maybe) France! If you have received today's exciting phishing mail, then do not be cheated. For here is its fine sense of detail and the most important conclusion: No, you do NOT upload a picture of your Easy ID card key. It's a bad idea. The return address rmv is and personal sender is a man with the lovely Mickey Mouse name JESPER FLADSEN, according to Danish statistics rmv found primarily in Duckburg. -The link in the email looks funny but then it leads to the French url Easy ID found in France is for Easy ID, but one can wonder about the bearing Danish log-in system can not add a button to IE when writing "next". -Fortunately, you can, if you are not strong for buttons without Æ, switch to the English version of the page, it tells you with the flag top right. -But d

Friday, June 27, 2014

Government of Ukraine forlnger vbenhvile

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SPAIN: The massive train crash in northwestern Spain, which last year killed 79 people, was forrsaget of the high speed and happened because lokomotivfreren not braked in time. According to a report from the country's Ministry of Transport iflge Reuters.
The train was on the way from the Spanish capital, Madrid, to Ferrol on the northwest coast of Spain, as it flew the rails in a curve about four miles from the city of Santiago de Compostela July 24 last r The train drove on the stage with more than twice the speed pbudte df p 80 km / h.
Lokomotivfreren, df Francisco Garzon, has iflge anonymous legal source explained before a judge that he believed that the train was in a different place on strkningen - and for that reason snkede he did not move.
He is charged with 79 event of a manslaughter, while the 11 former hjtstende embedsmnd from the state railway company Adif iflge Reuters accused of possibly failing to take hand on passenger safety.
The accident was forrsaget train hea speed (...) and because the train crew did not respect the rules, str in the final report df of the commission under the Ministry of Transport, set up to investigate the accident.
Government of Ukraine forlnger vbenhvile
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

New in Physics V: Rafter (droop) (0) 9: Neutralization experiments (1) 9: Neutralization experiment

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Newer Post Older Post Home not move you ask me my answer to those who never believed the body lie d

"I do not know why the British drink called in the next town in Australia and New Zealand abuse Turkey.
Newer Post Older Post Home not move you ask me my answer to those who never believed the body lie down to go play Jeff reminder onion contains forward rewind creative advertising packages Casey Parker show instant voice sac extract Keegan from out one day flying a foreign (English original version) sky flying a (game) Chip is a good helper Hollywood director Brad hat trick Jonathan acute panic crazy comedy show funny love apartment I say replace KUSO Story Solitaire puppet props Heather Collins living life inspirational song dedicated gas natural to the audience to guess the song title to see the crazy long knowledge of bel canto Lisa Ryan Ryan duo. Chip Greg Monty Python who match pig pig Kerry Kay Swiss impromptu show pigs Kerry greenscreen show props Super Hits Super screenplay Super Hits Super Audio type two-headed black humor expert gas natural Wayne

2014 (1190) ngo 06/22 - 06/29 (35) 06/15 - 06/22 (64) 06/08 - 06/15 (66) 06/01 - 06/08 (4

Vietnam ngo outbreak of large-scale anti-Chinese riots, sparked by the disputed South China Sea and China, but spread to all Chinese, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea and even shop also affected by unexpected calamities. Because Vietnam is the focus of the United States' ngo return to Asia ", the frequent military ngo exchanges between the two countries in recent years, while the anti-China demonstrations, solidarity with the United States also has a high-profile position in the South China Sea in Vietnam. This masterpiece teach people think of international relations, published twenty years ago, "The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order" and its author Professor Huntington predicted in "2010," World War III because of the "clash of civilizations" and the outbreak of the fuse It is Vietnam. According to Huntington's theoretical framework, China and the United States are at different civilization circle, and the East China Sea, South China Sea is difficult to mediate a conflict of interest with the two countries in the Asia-Pacific region and the shift in strength, as long as there is a sudden accident, full war may occur. He predicted that Taiwan's reunification with the Chinese mainland, the number of U.S. troops in Japan will be greatly reduced, the defense can only be deployed in Southeast Asia, the United States and Vietnam to win over a strong military ally. When the Chinese have sufficient confidence in their own strength, will announce the entire South China Sea into the sphere of influence and to strengthen the sovereignty of the South China Sea islands controlled. Brunt of Vietnam because the U.S. backing, landing troops at resistance, the results of a full-blown naval and China. The next and how? Huntington believes that once the Vietnam war, the U.S. is likely to war in the Far East Fleet, then the United States in South Asia ally India would take this opportunity to attack China's ally Pakistan, the Pakistani side but it will get the Islamic world solidarity with those pro-American Islamic regime after another downfall, and the implementation of a new round of Western oil embargo. Energy pressures will make Japan declared neutrality in exchange for their own safety, as well as a tendency to Chinese party; Russia was worried about China after the war and expanding, but backward States. As a result, the world's six major civilizations have entered the war, Vietnam once again become the focus of world attention. More than speculate, came today, after all, there are many unrealistic place, for example, far more than the revival of the Japanese right-wing Huntington imagine then, relations between Russia and the United States after the Cold War also far worse. But Professor Huntington is after all not the master Mak Ling Ling, his "prophecy" is actually not for predictions, but targeted: his neoconservative periphery as a member of the United ngo States advocated reforming itself civilized circles order to respond to other civilizations, as well as domestic new immigrants ngo challenge Obama "return to Asia", is the response to these concerns. Huntington warning pro-US ngo regime was overthrown Islamic radical Muslims are "Arab Spring" become a reality, so it had to change Washington's Middle East policy ngo in the past. It can be said, "Clash of Civilizations" in which a "functional" is to become "self-practice of prophecy." As long as China continues to take a tough stance in the South China Sea, Vietnam "Yuanjiaojingong" According to the script ngo and Central America, similar riots certainly continue to emerge, and the subsequent scenes are more serious may occur. China has been able to seize the initiative believe, that through regional tensions, to assist domestic stability maintenance, but do not really go to war, but if Vietnam continues ngo to provoke in the pressure of public opinion, China is likely to Shichengqihu. At that time, maybe already in heaven Huntington, really become "international ngo relations metaphysicians" it. Original link
2014 (1190) ngo 06/22 - 06/29 (35) 06/15 - 06/22 (64) 06/08 - 06/15 (66) 06/01 - 06/08 (46) 05/25 - 06/01 (41) 05/18 - 05/25 (37) 05/11 - 05/18 (41) [Apple Daily] Li Yi: Ping Theory: buried in Hong Kong will destroy the enthusiasm of young people future ngo (965) [Fu Jen Catholic media] hevangel: "Love me, please leave a message": unmarked rare good script (1021) ngo [Fu Jen Catholic media] Deng exercise: Guardian traditional characters to defend Cantonese teach (499) Simon Shen: Vietnamese anti-riot: Huntington prophecy "World War III" fame, and 19 scholars: 105 academic scholars joint support political reform (210) [home] Su Meizhi News: Boys' and a little pink (4528) Simon Shen: the disappearance of women in Nigeria Students with "Al Qaeda 2.0" [News] area home Shaoxi: Vietnam about - the travel agent will not tell you what to say (1752) ngo [Home News] Xu margin: see low worship, see high-stepped (2362) [Home News] Chen Chu: never expect to bowl intimidate teachers and students (2432) [independent media] after thinking: What is the black heart of the food (a)? Never moldy bread Speaking (2201) Wang Weixiong: A Brief Discussion on the Philosophy of several misunderstandings (191) Simon Shen: Rise of the large African countries: Nigeria, impersonal [Taiwan] Linzhao Bin assessment: Government shout scared, discredit "Rab" (618) [ Yahoo] Chen Yun: Gregory received a bag "inclusive" (571) [News] New Home Association for the Advancement of Women: Hong Kong women easy to eat? Mutual food was really! Female sexual autonomy, where to go? (1681) [Apple Daily] Li Yi: Ping Theory: close to people who are not toilet lattice fight for democracy (1304) [blood Times] Milan: addicted to do "one minute of God," the Chinese people (3799) Simon Shen: Nigeria horizons record: tear the kingdom ngo [of blood Times] Wing Wing Mak: one to the elderly kneel Pujie government (1070) [independent media] Brian Uy, Executive: Hong Kong citizens to nominate the most moderate, to mention only the most radical program committee Woe Kong (1352 ) [independent media] ngo Zhu Cadillac: play baa care about the elderly! Rating Northeast Dills nursing homes "new program" (891) [blood] Ning Aoki Times: Read IVE embarking on a road of no return (5124) Lvbing Quan: Facing History Do shameless (406) [am730] Li Zhen: Write in After Mother's Day (395) [Apple Daily] Li Yi: split (752) [Home News] Go Green: farewell sanitary napkins (2120) [] Crystal independent media: group criticized: ngo the government has not yet been legislation to ban bear bile products into the territory ( 828) Simon Shen: Reconstruction ngo century Paris "love. Found. Fans "parallel time and space [am730] Hong Chen Yun: fine old people, old ghosts spirits ngo (502) [blood Times] LadyKylie: generous double standards in Hong Kong, people eat Yang Mi intestinal Off Your Nieshi? (1722) [News] Ye Lang way home: Chicken Breast (10230) [Home News] yellow crown can: Percentage of discussions on the third was hijacked? The first body of observation and analysis (800) Chen Jiawen: Life Daren: Well Liang would destroy history? (397) [Apple Daily] high Huiran: tragedy really inevitable? (679) Chan Kin Man: Mother's Day Special Issue: Mom, I'm not aggressive, ngo I'm just a firm (2353) A from: For the Love (898) [Apple Daily] Bi Ming: TVB, executive Zo Qu Rights (2607) Yue Weekly:六四 twenty-five News] [home home video: Huang Feng: democracy movement is to have to pay the price determination (907) [News] NT northeast home style: Huoshaoshan revealed after a giant Scottish soldiers emblem (1051) 05 / 04 - 05/11 (37) 04/27 - 05/04 (46) 04/20 - 04/27 (32) 04/13 - 04/20 (46) 04/06 - 04/13 ( 38) 03/30 - 04/06 (38) 03/23 - 03/30 (48) 03/16 - 03/23 (46) 03/09 - 03/16 (57) 03/02 - 03/09 (46) 02/23 - 03/02 (70) 02/16 - 02/23 (78) 02/09 - 02/16 (59) 02/02 - 02/09 (52 ) 01/26 - 02/02 (44) 01/19 - 01/26 (37) 01/12 - 01/19 (39) 01/05 - 01/12 (47) 2013 (2214) 12/29 - 01/05 (32) 12/22 - 12/29 (32) 12/15 - 12/22 (42)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 2014 MTWTFSS May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

Singapore Prime Minister said the latest articles South China Sea issue should be resolved by the law Why elites hate it when you say giant student debts aren't the problem Ukrainian military helicopter 'downed' nine deaths Most people want a bigger iPhone-some are even willing to pay extra for it Maybe Greenpeace's rogue trader adv should have bet on bitcoin see when newspapers
June 2014 MTWTFSS May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 when the magazine to see Select Month June 2014 (1505) May 2014 (1899) April 2014 (1811) March 2014 (1850) February 2014 (1742) January 2014 (2028) December 2013 (1314) November 2013 (75) October 2013 (5) September 2013 (4) August 2013 (4) July 2013 (6) June 2013 (18) May 2013 (9) April 2013 (7) March 2013 (3) February 2013 (5) January 2013 (5) December 2012 (6) November 2012 (4) October 2012 (7) August 2012 (4) July 2012 (6) June 2012 (1) May 2012 (2) January 2012 (3) December 2011 (3) November 2011 (5) May 2011 (4) April 2011 (2) Source / Media BBC Chinese website (5548) Economist (368) Economist adv Simplified Chinese (201) Quartz (3909) Earth Photo Release Team (794) Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Press newspaper stand (1297) adv Review of International Affairs insight Insight-network (49) full-text search Search for: Support the site
2014 has been a half, I believe you've heard a lot about World War I memorial events over 100 years, "Reuters" also by this rare opportunity to release a lot of photos about the French army during the first When World War II war photos, these precious images allows us to see not only the lives of soldiers at the front scene, leaving after we saw them take off the uniform, relax a rare sight when entertainment. Taiwan's gone about half the First World War the war, do you remember the textbook describes it? According to "Wikipedia" Introduction to the First World War occurred in the July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918, it was not the main battleground in Europe, so the early 20th century have called it as "the war in Europe." The war is one of the most destructive wars in European history. About 6,500 people entered the war, about 10 million people were killed, about 20 million people were injured. War caused serious economic losses, it is estimated loss of about $ 170 billion (then currency).

Monday, June 23, 2014

[Yuan Tengfei about the history of the most complete of the most refined Subscribe] (more) (hide) C

[Yuan Tengfei about the history of the most complete of the most refined Subscribe] (more) (hide) Category: Entertainment Television Keywords: Yuanteng Fei Collection [World War I] [100 minutes] full version URL: New Share Embed: Embed: Top queries:
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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Place where World War III / Hong Yijun, Tang Ping Patent interview interview, author / Xujia Hong,

Place where World War III / Hong Yijun, Tang Ping Patent interview interview, author / Xujia Hong, Chen Yanlin frankly, have not read the script before, we had been rumored the auditorium may be split, so I was thinking , the station may not be so simple. This stage is the proscenium stage, unlike in the past, but the style stage on three sides, three sides of the stage throughout the projection out of style, but also on behalf of Taiwan in addition to the original, we have to deal with parts of the auditorium. nav After reading the script, to be honest really no idea, but in the later stage and directed nav the discussion when we come to feel that something should occur, such as "balance beam" are issued after these things want to appear. nav This is not an easy to understand script, role play is not an obvious character roles exist, and therefore the director's interpretation of space is actually great; But read the script, I would think one of the words is very interesting, it may there will be some ironic tone, and also point to the society or civilization on a common nav problem now, or a lot of issues about war, hatred, violence, etc. and the like, but he would use some of the vocabulary is more life to the irony, too Because of this clever nav use, which makes me feel fun; Because of this use, so let's play a lot of text in word emotion, can not be moved from the more immediate reading the play, but instead was in rehearsal, and saw the emotional slow slow to emerge. Instead, this design nav is relatively escape "war" concept, including the script is not that direct violence or bloody the war revealed, so in fact, lighting, stage, costume design also have a great consensus did not want to make such a direct war in the bloody brutal. Select a start to build something out of a "world of another town," many events occurring in the script are in place in the town on the stage of tonality, although in the final design did not really choose This setting is a small town, but retained where "it's just a game" in this matter, and the director on a number of design ideas, often pointed out the "parallel world" to this view, is to take the show will be a non-realistic style, while The play happened and where it would not be realistic in a place to occur. Return to the theme of unity, but it is still surrounded by the "war", which has talked about the emotional and delicate part of the war, such as "the mother who lost her son in the war, unwilling to accept nav the news of his son to die" or "group Soldiers forced to accept commands, but they actually want to go home, "and so the theme of fragments, which although has a different meaning, but they are more so that the war theme in his hierarchy, not just part of the fight, put more of a human war in generated emotions. nav The play does not really have anything for King appeared, one of the technical points are exposed in a way to render, for example, said the poles, as well as side units are no Border, Leg shelter; while this form should said the court order and performances closely together, discuss results and director, there will be a lot of props on stage, the actors use these props to construct a performance scene, so the conversion is actually relying on the actor's Performing to build, and these props becomes very important. If thoughts with stage design, this stage would be a very fun stage, because it would be a three-face nav stage, the stage will be "the island" concept of the existence of an approximation, the audience will like sitting in the arena Watch the play, is looking forward to such a stage director and actor will be the way to how to play completely, and very curious about the feelings of the audience get to watch a movie in this next stage design. The relationship between the audience and the performers what would be? Which answers to invite you into the theater with feelings of Hello!
Published articles
2014 (10) May (2) April (1) March (6) 2014, Taipei National University of the Arts School of Drama summer performance "Richard III and his parking lot," premiered in spring 2014, "World War III Strategy Guide "three wars Lighting Design - Wei Cheng interview nav exclusively premiered in spring nav 2014," World War III Strategy Guide "complete system performing students nav - Maxiao An Interview premiere in spring 2014," World War III Strategy Guide "complete system performing students - Fanxiao An Interview premiere in spring 2014." nav Strategy Guide World War III "stage design - Hong Yijun, Tang Patent flat spring 2014 interview performance" Third World War Raiders Guide "director Interview - Su Yang Zheng January (1) 2013 (56) December (9) November (4) October (4) September (1) June (1) May (9) April (12) March (13) February ( 1) January (2) 2012 (35) December (9) November (11) October (1) September (1) June (2) May (4 ) April (1) March (5) February (1) 2011 (53) December (6) November (6) October (9) September (1) June (1) May (8) April (5) March (11) February (6) 2010 (63) December (3) November (9) October (1) September (9) August (6) May (6) April (11) March (16) January (2)

Whole museum Bestsellers whole museum book shelves book Pre notice siapenet book offers The

Whole museum Bestsellers whole museum book shelves book Pre notice siapenet book offers Theme Exhibition free e-books free registration activities Value added all the goods purchased electronic books and magazines on paper book Title Author Publisher ISBN ISBN book series polis Advanced Search | complete list of bibliographic classification publishers before the opening of respect for reading 6 fold purchase order at noon. Tomorrow arrival choice: Hilary memoirs of World War II History of Western strategic thinking is the largest war in human history, whether it is war affected regions, siapenet countries directly or indirectly involved in the loss of life and property and so on, there is no other war comparable analogy; impact and influence they have caused, it is comprehensive and far-reaching, worthy of our attention, siapenet reflection. Voluminous book on the history of World War II, and Li Hart's "World War II military history" is undoubtedly one of the most authoritative works overall care of them. With his personal military experience, a wealth of information documents and interview records of the parties, plus two years of Satan Si Qin Geng, finally completed this insightful and informative mature masterpiece. This book is not only a narrative of events and lay more realistic research and objective analysis on this tragic siapenet history. "If you want peace, you should be aware of the war." Let us review this catastrophe through the book carefully; hope history is no longer due to the ignorance of the people, and into the darkness of the deep. [Recommended] praise "This is an extremely detailed and erudite writings, flashing insight wisdom, full of insightful strategic analysis." ~ Taylor (AJP Taylor) "This is an exhausted itself after years of Satan mature consideration works, it will become a model for the history of World War II on behalf of the book is full of ...... "Li Hart-ism" huge chariot warfare torrent, flexible defense in depth, indirect route, excessive stretching logistical law, while pursuing dual objective to prepare multi-force of the enemy ...... Reid Hart is not only advocates and critics of the strategy, it is a great bit classic historians. "~" The Economist "(Economist) " Reid Hart's "World War II history of war" is not only the Ministry siapenet of superior military analysis masterpiece, but also a compassionate and creative thinking works. "..." Week Telegraph "(Sunday Telegraph) " Hart's theory of the British for Reid if more attention, be sure to avoid eating such a big defeat. "~ Marshal Rommel " Reid Hart is my mentor, my this This book proves that the results of his schools. "~ German Goodling will" blitz hero "of the British military thinker. Born in Paris in October 1895, voluntarily joined the army when World War I broke out, served in the British infantry squad, had witnessed important siapenet battles 索穆 River, until July 18, 1916 due to injury and poison gas attacks were forced to evacuate siapenet the front. Labor camp to which they belong is the first day almost annihilated, the British lost a total of six people, countries and the entire battle casualties as high as 1.3 million. siapenet West painful experience of war tactics to stimulate his conduct deeper siapenet thinking. siapenet As the old wounds caused by physical discomfort, plus the British drawdown, Reid Hart retired in 1927, given the rank of captain, then as the "Daily Telegraph", "The Times' military correspondent. Before the Second World War, he served as Minister of the United Kingdom military Hal. Bei Lixia private consultant, the British Army is committed to the restructuring of its recommendations by the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain siapenet appreciated. After the war, Reid Hart's position in world military siapenet circles peaked, European universities and military academies have granted siapenet an honorary degree and employed invited guest lectures, was knighted in 1966. January 1970, Reid Hart died in Buckinghamshire siapenet County Dmitry Han door. Responding to Europe in World War I because of violent confrontation led to a great number of casualties, after reflection and further develop Reid Hart, advocating warfare "indirect route", on the contrary, to make a direct positive massive siapenet enemy attacks are doomed to failure Road. In addition, he advocated Britain siapenet should keep the advantage at sea and on land to avoid direct participation in the war in order to reduce casualties. Indeed, he mechanized and armored tactical concept of lightning tactics later adopted in Germany in World War II also played a key role in inspiring. Reid Hart works more than three dozen books, including "World War II history of war," siapenet "strategic theory: indirect route" (Catcher rests above publication), siapenet "chariot: Royal Chariot Group and its predecessor history" siapenet "That side of the mountain", "Reid Hart memoirs," and so on. Currently siapenet the legacy of his private documents are housed siapenet in the University of King's College London, "Reid Hart military archives center" where.
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Saturday, June 21, 2014

The book value is not correct or not Taylor said, after all, even if a lot of things from Hitler

AJP Taylor is the author of the late British historian, professor at Oxford University who, due to the controversial author of this great book, is no longer reappointment, but still opinionated, causing a great deal of academic debate. The most important point is that the author, as he advocated Hitler was not there, "planned", he who "corrective action" is not so special in the war, these are the German mind the wish, and even anti- Utah; only difference is that a lot of people just talk, or use a more moderate approach, while the heads really do, but also very direct radical. As the outbreak energia of war, that he repeatedly diplomatic blackmail of a mistake, he had expected "Danzig" would be another "Munich," but he misjudged the saying: "stupid people, the same thing will only silly again. "is not the Czech Republic, Poland, Chamberlain also can not resist the internal pressure continued appeasement. Hitler himself riding a tiger, the failure will shake the foundation of his regime, the IDF will begin to question, this was the best German domestic threats to his power. energia
The book value is not correct or not Taylor said, after all, even if a lot of things from Hitler's ghost on the ground, he may not be willing to tell the truth. The point is, this book presents a challenge for this "almost finalized" and "facts" do a re-reflection. This corresponds to the recent developments in Ukraine, more people have mixed feelings. energia Many outbreaks of major events, often in the contemporary sense of the situation did not produce, we can not predict Putin's next, maybe he does not know, and how should future generations of scholars look. Look back at 1939, perhaps no one really believes the war began.
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Friday, June 20, 2014

In the end of the movie, Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise after the 2005 "War of the Worlds" with aliens soon, in 2013, "The Lost War environment" and this "Tomorrow border" again on the big screen performances together with aliens! ta In the "War of the Worlds", the Tom Cruise just to make every effort to protect the child's father, but he was a super action star, after all, so many will still want pummeled ta aliens with extraordinary skill, so do not breath to two years in a row the two performances against alien sci-fi action film, to alleviate the year in the "War of the Worlds" aliens ta dissatisfaction XD Interestingly, in addition to "War of the Worlds" is a virus rout aliens outside Tom Cruise after two bombs are used with aliens ta die, but he eventually survived! Only "The Lost War environment," he alive another avatar, "Tomorrow border" is relying on the ability of time backtracking and resurrection.
"Tomorrow border" aliens "mimicry", the figure is the same name of the game screen ta to the App Store or Google play search "Tomorrow border" or "Edge of Tomorro" I have set out to play a bit! Because there are pretty difficult! So really with the movie, constantly die! Should not I have technical problems it XD Source:. two pregnant actress or even if personally pitched the show! Rita plays the heroine's love honey 莉布朗 (Emily Blunt) in the film is a personal defended the girl's husband, said in shining armor, and in order to show the beautiful muscles, she also made four months before the shooting devil training completely do not see 2012 before birth to a child! Just shooting ta "Tomorrow border" when Tom Cruise has politely warned her, the film has many stunts would personally play the job! Of course, she is also full of plans, both personally battle! But then Emily has been cast to come back Bupai screen, she had been pregnant, but only in early pregnancy, so no outsiders said. But after Tom Cruise found something she is pregnant, it is quite the care of her, and even some of the stunt scenes to find a substitute, took the battle. PS I heard that Emily was once played "Captain America 2: cold warriors" in the first person, "Black Widow", but also because of 2012 pregnant, lost this opportunity! ta But already in the first "Iron Man 2" appears "black widow" Scarlett ta Johansson (Scarlett Johansson) is to be replaced suddenly ta full of strange @ @
In the end of the movie, Tom Cruise's mother killed mimicry ta Omega (Omega), Tom Cruise and later died in omega blood covered him, so he obtained the ability to time the restart, the next screen will waking up in a helicopter, the generals also announced extraterrestrial energy disappears, then ran off to get Tom Cruise on the handsome actress. About this outcome, I do not know the director deliberately adopted a semi-open arrangement, or really in some places there is no logical explanation clear, the board (the network) can also produce a variety of views, but no matter what kind of view, a movie can After the show ends is also a lively discussion, which no doubt is a good thing! The following two are more likely to say, for your information:
This is not so much a sci-fi action film, rather, it is an inspirational piece! A person dying and living, alive and dead, so repeated a dozen times or even hundreds of times, this stress is definitely not an ordinary person can withstand! ta Although every resurrection ta are full body full of blood, but because the memory is still the kind of mental ta stress will cause sensory disorder! ta So the director has arranged a man hid in a small bar trying to escape it all, except to take so that the actor can relieve stress, we should ta also encourage everyone to have faced difficulties can not escape, but also to the courage to face a metaphor! Even if it is hundreds of times have failed to stand up bravely!
Calendar [Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2] [Resident Evil gorgeous summarize V: Scourge Day 3D] stimulus remains the same, meaning no corpse

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2014 will be a repeat of 1914, a tragedy? "As the world enters 2014, such fears appear from time to time in the world to compare with multi-national media was in 1914 exactly 100 years ago - .. World War I years the British" Financial Times " known as 1914 years ago, a rising confrontation between Germany and neighboring countries like China are now emerging with several neighboring countries nhsmail - especially Japan -. occurred dispute, however, the international political scientist Alexander von Humboldt University Hall Erte Man 14, "Global Times" said, comparing this "condemnation" of apparently "China phobia" reflects the Chinese tough just because Japan distorting history to make an angry response, but in East Asia should learn from the First World War learned to avoid accidental trigger war, the key is dialogue and East Asian countries should develop crisis management principles.
After World War I, "Versailles" is not signed to follow to achieve nhsmail lasting peace, but the logic of nationalism victors. Hitler seized power rely on is the "revenge for the humiliation of Versailles" slogan. German radio station on the 14th, this year is 100 years of World War I, but the "war is still close to us."
Franz Ferdinand (Franz Ferdinand von Österreich-Este, 1863 年 12 月 18 日 - 1914 June 28), the Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, the Emperor Franz Joseph I, the brother of Carl Ludwig Greek Archduke's eldest nhsmail son, the emperor only son Crown Prince Rudolf in 1889 after the suicide of mental nhsmail illness became heir to the throne. Binary empire because he advocated the expansion through mergers and the Kingdom of Serbia by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria, Hungary, composed of Austria, Hungary and Yugoslavia, Imperial grounds ternary composition, so in 1914 the wife of his concubine, "Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg ( Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg) nhsmail [1] when "inspections capital nhsmail of the province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Bohe Sarajevo, was assassinated by Serbian nationalists Princip was. "Sarajevo Incident" became the First World War fuse.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

In addition, the pope strongly condemned anti-Semitism:

The Pope accepted the Spanish Franciscans "Herald" Access: The parish priest's heart to do the Pope - salt and light instantly watch App English Français Chinese
In addition, the pope strongly condemned anti-Semitism: "The Jews were denied the Holocaust, really mad." He said: "Unless admit their Hebrew roots, otherwise, you can not do real Christians." Christians and Jews The dialogue was "a dmv challenge, a hot potato. however, can do the brothers to each other." about Pope Pius XII, Pope Francis said he is convinced dmv that an open secret archives dmv of the Vatican to make the facts "get to the bottom." The Pope said: "This poor Pius XII was accused of all sorts, but we must remember, first, he was regarded as a strong defender of Jews.." Pope Pius XII referred to the many people hiding in Rome and repair yard in other cities of Italy, also hidden in Castel Gandolfo summer palace. He said: "I am not saying that Pius XII is not at fault, even I myself have committed a lot of mistakes, I would say that the era of his life should be the background to interpret his role."
The Pope also talked about the reform of the Holy See. He said: "I have no inspiration, nor any personal plans I have done is to implement reflection cardinals meeting dmv in plenary session before the election dmv of a pope made.." He talked about an important decision at the time, is to make "the future pope can rely on peripheral suggested that a life is not the Vatican advisory group." This advisory group is now called the "eight-member committee." dmv Do you think of themselves as "innovators" this question, the Pope Francis dmv replied: "In my opinion, a great start I think innovation is fundamentally a genuine way of reform is to start from the identity recognition . "
Speaking in people's minds as if he was a parish priest, the Pope acknowledged the parish priest best known for his vocation: "I'm from the bottom of my heart willing to serve the people, but I also feel it helps me work efficiency Pope Pope should dmv not take seriously - the parish priest to do the game, so do not mature person whenever heads of state came to, I have to dignity and courtesy to receive him well, I do not like red tape, but. etiquette must be observed. "Pope says he does not like to put a fence at the meeting with the masses. He said: "I know that I will encounter some things, but everything is in the hands of God." In Brazil, the Pope referred to the visit, as he prepared for a closed car Pope: "But I'm not from a sardine jar to pay tribute dmv to the people that I love them. fence is a wall in my eyes. "
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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

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Forest department store opening event | anesth's meow ~ ~
After the end of the Second World War, after the forest department has been many units stationed fate, abandoned since 1986 after being idle for a long period of time. Tainan City Government in January 2010 to begin restoration project, completed in January 2013, will be the future of the forest department as a "cultural and creative industries to sell monuments department"; held for a period of two months from July to August nfp of the same year, the Cultural Heritage repair nfp retrospective. In September, the forest department in Tainan City Government OT (Operating - migration) Case entrusted High Green Development Corp. (Tainan District, Zhongshan nfp Focus Department Store owners) operating for 10 years. High Green Development in the forest department renovation, the entire first floor of the forest department have been wrapped up.
The original English is also possible to read from right to left (for notes).
After I went to Kyoto, the "Kyoto Tainan, Taiwan," the statement was very, very disapprovingly a big change, it can be said there is no comparison (non-comparable). But this time, two forest department stores such as phoenix-like rebirth, I saw the pride and glory from Tainan smile and look in Tainan, perhaps from some people think the chance to line to Kyoto. From this perspective, the forest department elegance reproduction, will be important. References: Fu Zhaoqing. Tainan, monuments and historic buildings overview. Taiwan Architecture and Cultural Heritage Press (2001). 256-7 page. Fu Zhaoqing. Architectural drawings of cultural assets Taiwan during the Japanese occupation articles. Taiwan Architecture and Cultural Heritage Press (2009). 468-71 pages. Tainan City Journal "Yoho Tainan." Section 11 (January 2014). <Suehirocho bloom Creative shine HAYASHI forest department regeneration>. 10-13.
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Recent articles in the raw state forest department on how anti-suit trade opening event Tainan District Court criminal division has been a whole year was not the case before trial wheat ice Gurney (Ice Top) mango milk ice "Magenta Enterprise Management Consultants Society" was finally closed. He notices in English, "Kuan Yong Fu" Shihding service area Kyoto Kuan Yong Tong! Two questions arise National Social Studies "Magenta international research institutions Mind" Imperial Japanese court culture suits and elegant music performances @ Guild Hall in Tainan Desktop 3 Select a paper fan Protected: "Those things not taught in medical education." Articles nfp experiences Protected: 520 Special Issue of Collateral old-fashioned civil servants in Taiwan: "Another method is appropriate punishment," "Full House Udon soup" out of business, the boss and another another job nonviolent struggle (Nonviolent Struggle) Getting Started "dictator Evolution: incorporation, differentiation, fake democracy "9 visit summaries" nfp Covenants nfp "," nfp Toru former Edo sushi house. "Four anti-nuclear nfp petition 20140424 @ South Banyan Square sit-Jun-Delicious hand-made creative cuisine healthy choice nfp Road flagship store collection month of June 2014 (8) May 2014 (10) April 2014 (6) March 2014 (12) February 2014 (21) January 2014 (5) December 2013 (5 ) November 2013 (3) July 2013 (2) June 2013 (1) May 2013 (2) April 2013 (3) March 2013 (3) February 2013 (1 ) January 2013 (3) December 2012 (2) November 2012 (2) October 2012 (1) September 2012 (3) August 2012 (1) July 2012 ( 20) June 2012 (35) May 2012 (36) April 2012 (33) March 2012 (10) February 2012 (9) January 2012 (6) December 2011 ( 17) November 2011 (6) October 2011 (14) September 2011 (9) August 2011 (9) July 2011 (5) June 2011 (7) May 2011 ( 18) April 2011 (14) March 2011 (17) February 2011 (16) January 2011 (22) December 2010 (16) November 2010 (21) October 2010 (10) September 2010 (11) August 2010 (13) July 2010 (8) June 2010 (13) May 2010 (13) April 2010 (9) March 2010 ( 28) February 2010 (33) January 2010 (27) December 2009 (33) November 2009 (24) October 2009 (29) September 2009 (40) August 2009 (44) July 2009 (15) June 2009 (23) May 2009 (25) April 2009 (30) March 2009 (17) February 2009 (25) January 2009 ( 23) December 2008 (42) November 2008 (25)
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For the B-R5RB galaxies, the member holds sovereignty N3

For the B-R5RB galaxies, the member holds sovereignty N3 & Pandemic Legion (N3/PL) Union because payment systems and other reasons, failed to pay maintenance fees within the period of sovereignty video name beginning of this war battle occurred, resulting in the loss of the galaxy sovereignty. The long hostile CFC and Drone Russian cnas Federation (CFC / RUS) Union found that the galaxies were originally part of an important relay point Pandemic Legion into an area that can snatch decided to seize this great opportunity occupation.
Red dot is the player unit Pandemic Legion Although the first discovered this deadly gap, and after the loss of sovereignty attempt to rejoin the station facilities attempt to regain sovereignty, and the original B-R5RB is the alliance's main fleet assembly points, the same also invested a war to regain sovereignty. But on the other hand, due to the time zone of Russia CFC / RUS where the players belong to the peak of the population, decided to take advantage and put a lot of super-battleship and flagship team, the removal of the other facilities, it snowballed war heats up, this time in between January 27 to 28 to detonate the war continue to spread the 21 hours, a total of 7,548 players to participate.
Video Name B-R5RB massacre in the war CFC / RUS captured space station in addition to the sovereign, but also the distribution of troops to a staging area Assault N3/PL blockade of its reinforcements, N3/PL although long into the fleet wants to restore situation, but in the end due to the unfavorable fighting withdrawal in at 0:00 on the 28th, a total loss of the post-war statistics sides 75 Titan-class warships, 13 super aircraft carriers, 493 flagship, both sides suffered heavy losses, the construction of a Titan class requires at least two months over time, which is equipped to develop more members are needed for 1 year and 9 months, the final amount of the total damage was estimated at 11 trillion ISK game currency units, converted real money, then about $ 30 to $ 330,000 (approximately cnas more than ten million NT), a record for battle damage wrote a new one.
Damage snowballed rise development and operation of "EVE Online" Icelandic cnas company CCP said, this battle can be sustained for so long must be attributed to the company's development of "time dilation" (TiDi) mode, slowing the speed of the game through regional, In response to an instruction to the players that have to deal with large-scale fighting. Also, to commemorate the epic battles in the arena B-R5RB galactic war of Titanomachy permanent preservation area starship wreckage caused by the war, this war has also been named as the "B-R5RB Massacre" (Bloodbath of B- R5RB) was recorded cnas among Wikipedia.
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Nobody can expect a few isolated cases will develop into zombies zombie world war, and now it has b

Nobody can expect a few isolated cases will develop into zombies zombie world war, and now it has been upgraded to the survival of the human race fighting. This is a zombie world war. Virus spread like wildfire raging, became infected zombie. Along with a lot of panic, social disintegration, the government helpless. Survivors, you have a last line of defense, the Last Stand of the defense time to Habitat for Humanity! [Introduction] presidential debate [language] Description English presidential debate / multi-country region [Software Name] Zombie World War Zombie War [nature] Free / file size in the share system [] Varies with device / 27M [Android 2.2 and above System Requirements [Developer] [Official] FT Games / Profile link]
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Monday, June 16, 2014

World War I War History (book cover) Author: Reid Hart (Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart) Publisher: Ca

World War I War History (book cover) Author: Reid Hart (Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart) Publisher: Catcher Publication Date :2014-06-04 Price: $ 599 Price: 599 yuan This product is the lowest, without further discount choice: Hillary Clinton br memoirs clouds work surgery: Google taught me 100 working methods br First World War Centenary Edition twentieth century military thinking br giant masterpiece Reid Hart has published since 1930, much Experts praise the impact enduring classic military witness the most authoritative Reid Hart voluntary army after the outbreak of the First World War, through the British army in the history of the most tragic casualties of 索穆 river battle, then as the "Daily br Telegraph", "Thames News "military correspondents, also responsible for the training of the British" writing coach infantry Code ", and with the British reorganized, so a war with the then military affairs Individually hand grasp. Analysis of the most influential countries br in Europe in World War I because of violent confrontation led to a great number of casualties, after reflection and further br develop Reid Hart, advocating warfare "indirect route", the mechanization of thought even for Germany in World War II and later Lightning tactical and armored tactical taken direct inspiration. [Introduction] a war, more than one thousand million deaths of three old empires collapse, ebb and flow forces on both sides of the ocean, the world power structure completely changed and this is just another harbinger of more bloody conflict ...... 1914 Six the 28th month, Sarajevo gunshot blew the whole world. European powers have fully mobilized, br join together to force the country, put this unprecedented brutal bloody. However, machine guns, heavy artillery and other new weapons not only did not bring the expected results gangbusters, br but led to a stalemate in the war of attrition. Stretches thousands of miles of barbed wire trenches br fighting positions will become powers wrestling games. Millions of soldiers scattered in fragments, bloody muddy battlefield, trying to hit the dawn of a new world order. War across three continents Asia and Europe, the smoke of the fire more than a thousand people were killed, is not only one of the worst war in human history, the power structure of the world has changed. Germany, Austria, Russia and the three old empires have disintegrated, the United States and Japan are strong on stage from the other side of the ocean. However, this so-called war to end all wars, the result was actually under the legacy of a larger world war. This book is one of the famous military historian Li Hart dozens of classics, and his own military background and personal experience of World War I, and later worked as a military correspondent, and to assist the restructuring of the British Army, and later to join the military academy. Reid Hart is a historian, but also a strategist. His main academic achievement in history, not only writing "World War I war history", "World War II military history" and other military history books, handed down a more strategic thinking of his research br works, including br has been hailed as a classic "strategic theory: an indirect route," br "Why not learn from history." His "grand strategy" of research, open research culture of strategic thinking first, but he did not write a monograph explore br the grand strategy, I thought was a pity. We studied the history of war, not only for learn lessons from past, but also learn from the history of warfare that, we found the previous mistakes and learn lessons. In this chaotic era, Li Hart reread this book is indeed meaningful. [Recommended] masters "to eliminate war, we must first understand the war. Reid Hart's" World War I war history "depict the faces of the First World War generals from the interviews. Readers can see the battle of World War II generals deduced from the viewpoint , and then analyzes the reasons for the defeat of both winning and let you poke battlefield Reid Hart Mist "- .. Shi Xiaowei (" military aviation "website editor)" History does not repeat itself, remember the lessons of history is a compulsory decision makers Subject 1914 outbreak br of the First World War, although confined to continental regions, but to guide the Second World War brought about the worldwide book from a strategic point of resolution, a war dialectical truth, so more research is rich with the history of warfare can Look sex "-. Wengming Xian (Tamkang University br Strategic br Research br Institute)," Reid Hart is one of the military and strategic theorists of the 20th century Britain's most prestigious he personally participated br in the First World War the British casualties during the worst 索穆 River battle. , after the then military doctrine deeply incorrect. So his unique vision observation, reflection and description of the First World War. based on practical experience and theoretical deduction, Reid Hart in the tank after World War advocates as the core of mobile operations, only to provide Germany inspiration to build armored addition, Li Hart made "indirect route" theory, strategic thinking big impact for future generations. Read the book can be shared Reid Hart's thinking. "- Kaohsiung Parker (" cutting-edge "magazine br columnist military history)," "World War I war history" is the best book to understand a century before the international strategic situation, br and the content easy to understand, easy to read effortlessly . "- Chen Guoming (" Global Defense "magazine interview, br director)" to participate in the First World War when the last bit of combat br veterans - Britain's Claudine 乔勒斯 on May 5, 2011 in Australia died. , this war a hundred years ago and memories from the experience gradually, into the history and literature ...... but through strategic master Li Hart Compilation "World War I war history", allowing us to develop closer timing point of view, re-examine this more than a thousand people dead and wounded of World War II "-. Xie Zhongping (" cutting-edge "magazine senior editor)
Yi Xu preamble "war truth" of the original sequence first war the strength of third parties to the origin of the parties to the war The second project br Title IV in 1914 - the first chapter to change the situation deadlocked situation first Battle of the Marne Chapter II Battle of Tannenberg legendary Austrian Terminator Conrad Chapter III and Chapter IV Battle of Fort Lan first battle of the fifth chapter Yip Wales in 1915 - a group of deadlock Chapter Tartar Neil plans fall short of the birth of Chapter VI Chapter VII Gallipoli landing br diffuse gas Yip Wales Chapter VIII unnecessary Ross Battle VI in 1916 - regardless of the outcome of the ninth chapter where Alden bloody siege [book] under Chapter 布鲁西 Rove offensive 索穆 River Chapter br XI Chapter XII troubled offensive chariot of the fall of the Romanian Development Chapter XIII Chapter XIV Chapter XV captured Baghdad Jutland VII 1917 - stop playing war strained Chapter XVI Chapter XVII Mai Xina Arras offensive of the war went to Pakistan Chapter XVIII Stranraer Touchroad chariot surprise Kang Bulai Chapter XIX Chapter VIII of the Battle of Caporetto articles in 1918 - the dawn of the twenty-first victory in the initial breakthrough twenty-second chapter Breakthrough Chapter XXIII Flanders region breakthrough Marne XXIV Second Battle of the Marne XXV Germans "black day" Battle of the twenty-first chapters Megiddo chapter br twenty-seven twenty-eight chapters Muse Shengmiheer Battle River - Algonquin's postwar record Appendix: air war British military thinker articles. br Born in Paris in October 1895, voluntarily joined the army when World War I broke out, served in the British infantry squad, had witnessed important battles br 索穆 River, until July 18, 1916 due to injury and poison gas attacks were forced to evacuate the front. Labor camp to which they belong is the first day almost annihilated, the British lost a total of six people, countries and the entire battle casualties as high as 1.3 million. West painful experience of war tactics to stimulate his conduct deeper thinking. As the old wounds caused by physical discomfort, plus the British drawdown, Reid Hart retired in 1927, given the rank of captain, then as the "Daily Telegraph", "The Times' br military correspondent. Before the Second World War, he served as Minister of the United Kingdom military Hal. Bei Lixia private consultant, the British Army is committed br to the restructuring of its recommendations by the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain appreciated. After the war, Reid Hart's position in world military circles peaked, European universities and military academies have granted an honorary degree and employed invited guest lectures, was knighted br in 1966. January 1970, Reid Hart died in Buckinghamshire County Dmitry Han door. Responding to Europe in World War I because of violent confrontation led to a great number of casualties, after reflection and further develop Reid Hart, advocating warfare "indirect route", on the contrary, to make a direct positive massive enemy attacks are doomed to failure Road. In addition, he advocated Britain should keep the advantage at sea and on land to avoid direct participation in the war in order to reduce casualties. Indeed, he mechanized and armored tactical concept of lightning tactics later adopted in Germany in World War II also played a key role in inspiring. Reid Hart works more than three dozen books, including "World War II history of war," "strategic theory: indirect route" (Catcher rests above publication), "chariot: Royal Chariot Group and its predecessor history" "That side of the mountain", "Reid Hart memoirs," and so on. Currently the legacy of his private documents are housed in the University of King's College London, "Reid Hart military archives center" where.
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Echo (16):
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2014/06/15 of 10:50
2014/06/14 23:46
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You're right, in today's society, especially the Internet, if they can win the respect of everyone, really living Buddha.
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Sunday, June 15, 2014

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12 years should be the state religion of the system becomes ... and the next year after the issue Examination ... relive the ancient art of war in the modern price ... not just education topics for part38 not been apparent recently ... the main reason for the failure of education - individual Ma said the government views Why sell units derived from the anti-nuclear feelings KMT-style bow and horse debates ... three minutes to understand the series ...
College Students: Thanks for taking huffpo the time to respond to the upstairs, I ... K Luo Luo: I find it very strange matter, obviously Man ... college: Basically you still did not say now ... Circle: saw upstairs, "college" in stay ... Rimbaud: hi college, ... Shultz Lu: thanks to the moderator science ... Shultz Lu: thanks to the big board. Waldorf ... college: huffpo college students add that idea ...: The truth is, your mouth high ... community college: he graduated from the construction, I think ...
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The content published on the tribe, chosen by the authors provide, does not mean that the position huffpo yam sky tribe itself. huffpo
Suddenly found recent events, history can take a hundred years ago to prove. This is not a rush to finish, huffpo our readers let us slowly read on this story is very long, and from there to begin with it? Should Exposition from the first session to begin. In the UK, the Crystal Palace building, the application of the most advanced technology, the outcome is stunning, the exhibition of this century, so that all countries exhibit ambitious inventor, famous not only hope, but hope to get rich. British Sea Power at the peak of this exposition, it wants to international fame inventor, but also full of rich ambitious huffpo adventurer. But for more people, this is a shocking blast show, millions of people participating in Patriot Alarmed behind their country, for the power of the British Empire annoyed. But the heyday of the British Empire in this manner then, it has been seen in some unusual place. Prussian order to catch up, thirsty for knowledge to learn industrial technology, in order to lay a strong road Prussia, invest a lot of resources in education, Prussia hope someday you can have the world's top technical force, this exhibition shows the basic research of Prussia solid. Americans show a rise of great powers of strength, many exhibits look shoddy, but extremely huffpo practical, huffpo declaring the United States to go the same route with the UK will not. At this time the British Empire matchless seemingly powerful, in fact, the development of the country has been gradually approaching its peak, but it is difficult to get rich inventor respected by more people aspiring difficult stretch, flocked to European huffpo and North America, it does not want their long will be buried. (Note: Earlier, European countries huffpo would often attract these high salaries knighted technical huffpo talent, hoping to develop their own businesses.) Time gone on to the 1870s, Prussia in Bismarck sleek foreign huffpo policy and military strategy superior mao odd Next, three wars established the German Empire, Kaiser Wilhelm I even crowned in Paris. This seemingly powerful continental power, as all empires in history, as the geopolitical situation has changed, the same cause suspicion. Imperial Russia at the same time, the seemingly slow pace of industrialization, technical standards and Western Europe are still gaps, but the proportion of the land and its huge population growth was low, but the absolute growth is enormous, not to mention the modernization of the armed forces huffpo after relying , has made the majority of victories in Asia, national stable growth. At this point the American huffpo side of the Atlantic, still trying to get the construction land, bordered huffpo by two oceans toward the goal of a big country, and the results of decades of local industrialization, technology has gradually force the United States do not need to rely on in Europe, you can begin to create their own purely American industry. But just as the founding fathers huffpo of the United States predicted that a country can not have two systems, like the rise of European countries, like the civil war worries already planted. Within a few decades after the Expo, the world situation huffpo has been turned upside down. The first problem is the American Civil War, the first major post-war industrialization, but also the most tragic war. Because before this, not many people correctly predict the development of rifling makes hot weapons become efficient huffpo tools for human slaughter, the square in front of the assault rifle and rifled cannon too weak, not a few months after the outbreak of war, the front line sailors who have been found, shovels is the best helper to protect their lives. huffpo But this final victory achieved huffpo by the Northern huffpo War, its technical content and lessons of war, and not too old generals in Europe have been looking in the eyes. (Note: This is not about the Civil War, it omitted to mention.) German unification was not brought stability and peace, and get crowned Alsace, Lorraine two provinces in Paris, the French people unpopular in mind. Operating under Bismarck, Germany has not been out major diplomatic disaster, but that does not mean there is no problem internally. German huffpo unification wars rely on local autonomy is high power, which is to unify the compromises, Kaiser seems like a lion, but things still go through the Imperial Parliament agrees. Ironically, relative to other countries, domestic highest degree of local autonomy and democratization, probably later called German militarism. In fact, until before the war broke out, the German thoroughness huffpo internal problem has not resolved, the views of local and central extremely difficult consistent singing militarists votes could have been lower. Russia's development is also faltering, the scope is limited to urban industrialization, the slow change in rural areas, large landowners and aristocrats always very strong rebound, although the autocratic tsarist monarchy, but not bent. Surface formed on the modernization of the Army and Navy, the strength of a strong Russia, but the expansion of the Army Central Europe caused fear Asian countries, the Navy is limited to the geographical environment and innate bad. Even worse is the 1904 Russo-Japanese War, although the Marines to get the upper hand in Japan, but the Pacific Fleet and the Baltic Fleet has been wiped out, the Japanese won. This led to the isolation of the Russian revolution, though the revolution failed, but was defeated and the revolution caused by wear and tear strength, planted the defeat of the revolutionary future wars factor. To think about the problems of the industrial revolution war from the perspective of what it? From the strategic point of view, the military showdown before the industrial revolution, are still largely dominated manpower advantage, one can concentrate more troops at one point, the more likely there is a breakthrough to overcome. Of course, this is not that big encounter Napoleon established, but after less talented and multi-yung, the technology can be made before upgrading to the large number of killings weapons, hundreds of thousands of battle casualties, there is simply unimaginable. The same situation is also in agriculture, improve technology allows rapid population rise, when the Napoleonic wars, focused almost two hundred huffpo thousand troops is a country limit, Napoleon levy of five hundred thousand Russian troops huffpo was already regarded as the upper limit of the countries can support. This is not to mention the emergence of railways, making it possible to dispatch million troops, the entire strategic thinking has been a substantial huffpo change. Tens of thousands of people on the battlefield confrontation, huffpo confrontation with millions of troops is simply different things. The industrial revolution changed all that, although the industrial revolution are countless talented and adventurer, one step out of the way, the British priority to industrialization it is attributed to its superior system, but the result of laissez-faire is not necessarily a good thing, Adam Smith comparative advantages mentioned in The Wealth of Nations, if placed nationalist huffpo point of view, but is to produce wines of France forever, the U.S. agricultural and industrial raw materials production forever, and great Britain huffpo input raw materials, industrial output. States want to have their own industry, every patriot wants his country to become as good as with the UK, this is the real nationalism, priority service to the village, their superior position. While striving to develop industrial countries, as well as the modernization of the armed forces, the seeds of fear in the hearts of all countries nationalists gradually sprout. Let the time pulled the 20th century, the situation in 1900 after it, with a simple sentence saying, is that "the bubble to break up." Not whether the land can be developed only do not have an infinite amount of rail can be laid, if not all of the building in the end promote the public interest, will cause internal unrest. This is the beginning of the 20th century, countries started to face problems, with the Belle Epoque freshman textbooks talk about today is different to the 1904 Russo-Japanese War 1850 Weber, seemingly the fastest growing industry (larger than the change today) , the fastest growing economies huffpo (far more than today's growth rate), closely linked to the global trade inseparable (much higher than the degree of globalization today), but in fact it is in turmoil forced to pay all domestic and international situation, the situation than today sinister and more. Taken together these problems can be divided into several: a rapid capital accumulation, resulting in domestic wealth disparities, each class extremely unequal distribution of benefits. Remember, at this time in Europe or the aristocracy in general, important government official and military aristocracy were served. 2 upsurge of nationalism, not only colony within countries have independent voices and demands autonomy. Readers are cautioned that the British Empire territories throughout the world, whether first, two ethnic rights and obligations of the Austro-Hungarian Austro-Hungarian Empire unequal inside, inside Germany very high degree of autonomy of the states, not just the external fierce nationalism, and even within countries is also great pressure. 3 growing internal class differentiation, the nobility and gentry, lords and the people. At this time there is not yet universal suffrage, universal suffrage even adult men have not only have more than enough property right to vote, the number of countries as well as whether to expand the electoral vote, is a big problem politically. In the decade before World War I, Europe in addition to the novelist, who probably did not think there will be a world war. Business bankers throughout the world, huffpo for the loss caused by the war is extremely sensitive, do not support. Industrial giant does not support raw material needs from multi-national import, export markets need more refined, more cross-border railway construction huffpo needs political stability. Nobles themselves less support in the successful example of nationalism and the United Republic, the defeat can not necessarily break new ground leaving a legacy, defeat the likely collapse huffpo of the aristocratic system, outweigh the benefits. So what army? A pile of textbooks are written, considered bellicose militarism with soldiers caused the outbreak of war. It is simply not the case, most do not want the war broke out, and just right is the military huffpo itself. As military experts, military commanders are very clear, since the American Civil War, tremendous life casualties of war has let them find different types, with each passing day to let them know the terrible weapons of war than ever. Marshal shouting armed, not so much external aggression and ambition, as it is the fear of a military attack huffpo neighboring countries, generals in every country except the United Kingdom huffpo are afraid of preemptive attack neighboring countries, will make a complete loss of their ability to resist, and even At destroy the country perish species. Do not believe that after the outbreak of war, in order to publicize said those bellicose rhetoric, or easy to believe that this is the family of a Jewish conspiracy Walter Rothschild, not to see a few pre-war news or incite fanatical minority elements huffpo of speech, they think the outbreak of World War II is a group of bloodthirsty military industrial complex waged. Before the war broke out, no one country militarists get a majority, not the number of political developments in armaments ballot