Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3. ISRAEL executive familiar with the discomfort of US President Barack Obama

1. "The Holocaust is unique gd ln Jews faced a disaster, which can not be found in the history of comparison," said the Israeli, US ambassador Michael Oren JP's supplier Holocaust memorial, after the ceremony in Washington. "We must prevent another similar recurrence," he explained. "As Iran threatens to destroy Israel, which coincidentally is home to six million Jews, we should take the threats seriously."
Michael Oren work as a historian before joining politics, so he, if anyone has a background in information about opinions. He says he found similarities in the 1930s began in the emergence of Nazism and of our own time between conditions: the 1930s and the economic crisis of our time; war weary nations; radical gd ln government planning for the domination of the Jews, as well as stamping of cancer.
Oren declares that it is not a coincidence that Iran denies the Holocaust reality at the same time, designing a new one. He sees one major difference between the 1930's gd ln and our own time the US attitude towards the Iranian threat gd ln posed.
"The US does not follow the passive side. On the contrary, gd ln the White House and Congress will lead to sanctions against Iran, the world setting while keeping all the possibilities on the table and clearly recognizing Israel's right to defend itself. "
Washington ceremony attended by the US Economic Affairs Secretary Timothy Geithner, who praised the Iranian sanctions against the most effective ever set. Congress House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner and President of the Swedish Parliament Per Westerberg were also present at the ceremony. Westerberg's participation in order to respect the Swedish diplomat Raul Wallenberg, who saved many Jews from the clutches of the Nazis, but which mysteriously disappeared in the final stages of World War II, and his fate is not been solved. House of Representatives gave Raul Wallenberg gd ln Congressional gold medal retroactively.
2. THOUSANDS of students from all over the world took part yesterday in Poland organized a march called "March of Living" (or the survivors of the march). The march began in the Auschwitz death camp and ended in Birkenau. This year's march was attended by 15 000 students, the survivors of the Holocaust alive - but still going strong enough to take part in - and American war veterans who helped in the death camps liberalization, in honor of a shameful gd ln disaster 25 th anniversary gd ln celebration.
March participants learn about the death camps, after which they continued their journey to Israel. gd ln Included march was also the Israeli police Chief Inspector Jochanan Danino, who in his speech said the Jewish state police involved in the march of human history, darkest and most tragic era of events center. gd ln She said that she is proud to be able to represent the march of Israel, the police, who with his body to defend the security, democracy, equality and fairness.
THURSDAY ten o'clock in the morning by the alarm siren signal in accordance with the Jews all over Israel stopped for a period of two minutes of silence to remember the six million Jews who perished in the Nazi murder machine nails.
The Knesset had organized their own memorial service. Holocaust Remembrance Day was held in Yad Vashem päätilaisuus History Museum of Warsaw in the square. Israeli leaders speeches, gd ln the threat posed by Iran was on top, although President Peres pointed out in his speech the obligations of Israel living in the country of strangers. http://www.jpost.com/NationalNews/Article.aspx?id=266732
3. ISRAEL executive familiar with the discomfort of US President Barack Obama's sincerity of the government in monitoring the way in which it is looking for secret contacts with Iran. DEBKAfile review the situation in his article, saying that President Obama quietly retreated to demand that Iran will need to bring to the public in a transparent core of the implementation plan and to submit to international supervision.
The US government gd ln and Iran secret and direct discussions gd ln led to the P5 + 1 and Iran in the discussions between Istanbul 14.04.2012. gd ln Based on these discussions was to reach an agreement, which could clarify Iran and the UN the dispute between. gd ln US-Iran talks between gd ln agreed that Iran stop enriching uranium to 20% level, stop work in the underground enrichment plant near Fordon Qomia and exports at a high level of enrichment of uranium in the final for the enrichment of 20% in the level of medical isotopes needed for manufacturing purposes.
DEBKAfile notes that Iran is probably preferable to adopt the sections of this Agreement, as it would remove the sanctions the end of June and would give Iran a free hand to its nuclear program execution without penalties or control, such as Iran v

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