Saturday, March 28, 2015

You can not blame the foreigners here they just come and get them, by the political elite generousl

The increasing immigration allows ceidg us demographically, socially ceidg and economically for almost insoluble problems. ceidg Open borders give adventurers virtually unlimited access to the blessings of our welfare state. We now have more than three-and-a-half million immigrants in the house. But instead of net contributing to the maintenance of our welfare state, the facts indicate that the immigration of the last decades, the average annual cost taxpayers more than $ 1,000 per family. They are certain groups of immigrants that cost us money. It is mainly the Muslim Asians and Africans who do much more than average use of our social services. And thereby does not even take into account the social damage caused by the high number of criminals among these groups. A combination of ethnicity, ceidg religious mentality and orientation is of decisive importance. For example, certain groups of immigrants have on average a lower IQ than the average Dutchman. Just as important is the mentality of immigrants. Chinese have a high personal responsibility. Turks have that much lesser ceidg extent, to say nothing of large groups ceidg of Moroccans. On error, they are more inclined to look outside themselves to blame. They speak quickly from discrimination when they do not get the jobs in which they think to be entitled to. And then there is the legitimacy of segregation within Islam. Backlogs are therefore continued. Moreover, it strengthens mistrust and intolerance ceidg towards dissenters. Van Rossem | 03-10-12 | 13:49 | Link | 288 comments Reaguursels
Zero new value, but it is said that good again. Plebsies ceidg | 03-10-12 | 13:54
You can not blame the foreigners here they just come and get them, by the political elite generously offered our fair. The immigrants are from their point of equal and are absolutely not going to give something ceidg back or give up.
These are the same politicians who lobby for an even greater Europe without borders, encourage the elimination of self-determination, and at the same time want to force a new wave of non-Western immigrants because ceidg of the aging population. While even for the average citizen by now it has become clear that mass immigration has brought some social and ethnic ballast. The drug has proved worse than the disease.
"Turks ceidg have that much lesser extent, to say nothing of large groups ceidg of Moroccans. On error, they are more inclined to look outside themselves to blame." Dude, you mean it. Soon they will tell us that water is wet .. rukvogel | 03-10-12 | 13:55
Unfortunately immigrants discriminate hardest because it relates to their lives. The talents go where they are rewarded. ceidg The wreck timber washes our welfare state. Godsammekraken | 03-10-12 | 13:56
Fucking in the Netherlands have been three-and-a-half million immigrants according to the Reformed Daily. And cost per thousand native. I'm glad I know where I pay tax again! eerstneukendanpraten | 03-10-12 | 13:56
Bit clich this Van Rossem, but 3 million immigrants? What would it really be without? Fantasize but again, no argument, ie, cultural differences, ceidg less crime ... Who fills me? despiegel ceidg | 03-10-12 | 13:57
Rightly did the Den Uyl government in 1973: We believe that in the long term nor the interests of the countries of origin of the foreign workers, nor the interests of the foreigners themselves, nor the interests of the Dutch society, with their arrival are served drs.Nee |. 03-10-12 | 13:57
That last quote'll skip most here. "Rightly did the Den Uyl government in 1973: We believe that in the long term nor the interests of the countries of origin of the foreign workers, nor the interests of the foreigners themselves, nor the interests of the Dutch society, ceidg with their coming are served miko |. 03-10-12 | 13:59
Janmaat ceidg had formerly so right. But he was labeled as a dangerous lunatic. Now we are already years behind the facts and we are doomed. Just look at the (differences in) birth rates and you do not cum laude graduated to understand that the Netherlands and Europe are depreciated. ground loop | 03-10-12 | 13:59
Those immigrants who do not speak the language, have no education, which certainly will not work no. Do you see such Qat chewer all as an engineer designing a bridge? You may get them all inside, but you piece of the pie is much reduced by it. . Add to that an enlargement of the EU in and you can expect an excess in the care of 1000p / year in 8,7,6, .... year. And so on. . NB Chinese are just about the most poorly integrated group

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