Friday, May 23, 2014

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Relevant departments sent requests to United Russia, Mikhail Markelov. They legislator asks the investigating authorities to compile evidence of illegal actions Ukrainian radicals during the war in South Ossetia and Chechnya to prepare a lawsuit to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
Leader of the "right sector" and Ukrainian presidential candidate Dmitry Jaros is the federal wanted list for crimes law against the Russian military in Chechnya. Participation in the war in the Caucasus and took one of his closest associates - who died in Rivne Alexander Muzychko. He and his party, according to investigators, killed 100 Russian soldiers in Chechnya.
At UNA-UNSO much more rich history law of participation law in hostilities. Extremists of the organization were well represented in both Chechen campaigns. In 2009, the TFR disclose information that in the battles against the Russians in South Ossetia was attended by about 200 militants UNA-UNSO. law In addition, this organization mercenaries were seen during the Balkan wars, fighting for what Croats, the Serbs for, then Albanians.
- I received a reply from the UK about the activities of groups Yarosh and other militants law in the Chechen campaign. Based on this and prosecutions, I am sending a request to the UK and SE with the requirement to apply to the International Criminal Court on behalf of the Russian Federation for international legal assessment of these organizations - said the deputy "Izvestia". - Their fighters fought on the side of armed gangs in Russia, moreover, law committed crimes in the Ukraine and in other countries. Accordingly, the sentence is needed law at the international level.
UNA-UNSO is registered in Ukraine party, which openly preaches Nazi ideology and anti-Semitic and adheres Russophobian law views. It is headed by Yuri Shukhevych, the son of the Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army Roman Shukhevych, who along with his teammates scored massive crimes during WWII.
- With regard law to the Crimea, we, no matter under the jurisdiction of which country we are in, their opinions law on Yarosh Tyagnibok and their associates have not changed. People who openly preparing for war with Ukraine, Russia, Crimean not receive approval. law As for Ukraine itself, then there are all very ambiguous, - he said. - Southeast considers them scoundrels and neo-Nazis. The central part, succumbed to the information processing in a state of revolutionary romanticism and easy set up to support these leaders. As for the Western law Ukraine, there has always been a citadel of radical nationalists and fascists.
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In Yakutia, the son of a half years kept his mother's corpse under the bed (18 + Photos) - 12.May.2014 In Dnipropetrovsk region locals involved in the administration of the Nazi march train with Ukrainian troops (Video) - 9.May.2014 Putin about the tragedy law in Odessa and further actions Russia - 4.May.2014 Vera Vasilyeva: "Being the first beauty among Asians Vladivostok - a great honor" law - 28.Apr.2014 Tymoshenko ordered to attack veterans May 9 (Video) - 7.May.2014 Terrible story: How girl intern rented a room at the old man - 22.May.2014 34-year-old woman several months posed as the 15-year-old and went to school - 21.May.2014
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