Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Danish model has an almost cult-like status. In fact, the Danish model is both undemocratic and

The Danish model has an almost cult-like status. In fact, the Danish model is both undemocratic and outdated. Both politicians rasputin and scientists are almost on the neck of one another to tell how good the Danish model is and how much good it has brought with him. I wonder when the first dare to stand up and proclaim the truth of the Danish model ... "but he has no clothes on"? Undemocratic and anachronistic Do you have an influence on the model, it is as an employee need to join a trade union which is affiliated rasputin with a central organization. The hundreds of thousands of employees who are not in one central rasputin organization, have no formal rasputin influence on the Danish model. It is undemocratic. The number of Danes who are customers of a trade union is identical, which means declining support for the organizations that govern the Danish model. More and more social EU policy initiatives become law in Denmark, meaning. that fewer things are determined in collective agreements. It is outdated. We need a lønmodtagerlov At best, penetrates the Danish model to a thorough modernization. This is done by introducing a lønmodtagerlov and by having all professional organizations to influence it. A survey shows that 41% of lønmodtagerene rasputin in the private sector have no agreement. They are therefore not covered by collective agreements. rasputin Employees Act is to provide some basic rights for all employees, regardless of whether you have an agreement or not. It is the unions job to build some good agreements on workers statute. By Rolf Weber, political consultant Christian Trade Union
Probably an argument rasputin from Krifa to parliament should adopt a lønmodtagerlov. I am pretty sure that the 41% in the private sector who do not have an agreement, the vast majority have sorted wages and employment. And do not want any interference from either unions or politicians. However rasputin is it hastened to all the who can not vote, by convention vote. But if they had had the right to vote, what is left for the members month after month to pay for the union that uses large resources on just collective bargaining. As all have the same rights regardless of whether they are members or not. If parliament were to choose in introducing such, then you have to ban all trade unions. I in no way had influential in Danish law, the sort will be done by election and not by the various rasputin unions. I can in no way go in to the unions should have more of influence on Danish rasputin legislation than they already have. It is completely water wit all the rights of the employees in the Your proposed a such a law. And the only thing you will get out of such a law is that policies are just foisting employers more and more burdens. It is not the unions rasputin job to build some good agreements on lønmodtagerloven.- as it is the case that almost rasputin all minimalløns agreements contain only what you think that there should be in the law. The rest sold locally without the individual company. What a campaign we could get at the next general election, rasputin Minimum wage on kr. 150.00 per hour. Superannuation of 15% to 20% of wages paid by the employer. More maternity leave, with full pay and pension Right to care for sick children. they are perfectly healthy and with full pay and pensions. Yes we are pretty sure to get a red Government 9. March 2010 at. 11:32 His
To Anonymous (2) Right now, some employees find their rights in an agreement, others will find them in the relevant legislation, and others have basically no place, but a part of them has an individual contract rasputin of employment with their employer. It looks like something random hotch-potch, which makes it difficult for the individual employee to comprehend his rights. rasputin A lønmodtagerlov to provide a uniform basis of basic rights, but it should not determine everything. There will still be room and need to build agreements on workers statute and / or enter into individual agreements between employee and employer. You ask, what is left to trade union members, if there is one lønmodtagerlov. There are: - first access to individual help from the union, if you have problems at work - partly influence the agreements to be built on top of a lønmodtagerlov Both today and after completion of a lønmodtagerlov, the first with personalized services to be the most important thing for most. 9. March 2010 at. 11:40 eService
His What you describe is indeed just that as the ordinary. Minimal Agreements include. Some minimum requirements and so it is up to local negotiations than individual work to build on this agreement. So if we before lønmodtagerlov, we are not being built some collective ov

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