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View Article Stats 21 comments OpEdNews Op Eds 1/21/2014 at 12:36:49 Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" of Crooks By Eric Zuesse (about the author) Permalink (Page 1 of 2 pages) Related paul ryan Topic(s): Conservatism ; Conservative Christian ; Economics ; Economy Recession ; Economy-Economics- US ; Economy-Economics- World ; Ideology ; Ideology Conservative ; Ideology Very Conservative ; Libertarian ; (more...) Libertarianism , Add Tags (less...) Add to My Group(s)
The world's best blogger about government and politics, who goes by the pen-name of "George Washington," headlined on January 16th, " Top German Regulator: Precious Metal and Currency Manipulation Are WORSE Than Libor ," and he linked to a news report from BusinessWeek datelined the very next day, titled " Metals, Currency Rigging Is Worse Than Libor ," which reported that gold prices and currency prices are probably manipulated by the mega-banks at least as much as the interbank loan rate, or "LIBOR," is, and that the mega-banks are probably skimming paul ryan even more by manipulating these prices than they are by manipulating LIBOR -- which is already trillions of dollars of manipulation.
"George Washington" also linked there to numerous other reports, showing that the mega-banks systematically skim from trading derivatives, oil, all commodities, "and everything that can be manipulated by high-frequency trading." He also documented that they are "engaging in Mafia-style bid-rigging paul ryan fraud against local governments," and are "shaving money off of virtually every pension transaction," and "charging 'storage fees' to store gold bullion ... without even buying or storing any gold," and "pledging the same mortgage multiple times to different buyers," and so forth.
He didn't even get around to mentioning their laundering of billions for paul ryan drug-traffickers , violations for which some wrist-slap fines were issued , but he had already covered that in an article just two days earlier, where he noted that " The HSBC employee who blew the whistle on the banks' money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels says ... : "America is losing the drug war because our banks are [still] financing the cartels', and "Banks financing drug cartels 'affects every single American '."
What these mega-bank crimes show is that the aristocracy, the people who move big sums of money, function by colluding together within their specialties so as to make their profits not really from investing but from their insider knowledge of which way prices (which they can manipulate) will head, of gold, currencies, loan-rates, bond-yields, commodities, etc., so that these individuals can profit from these changes in prices, not from the prices themselves. They make their money "on the margin," not on the goods themselves; they make it by the change in prices. They manipulate prices paul ryan merely in order to make money by their advance-knowledge of the direction prices will head.
In addition, they make money by charging paul ryan gangsters for laundering their money. In other words: paul ryan they make their vast sums of money not by producing goods or services, but instead by secretly skimming money from everyone else: the people who are actually producing goods and services.
A good example is Wall Street's buying up of aluminum warehouses, so as to be able to store enough aluminum so as to pull more from the market and force prices up, when they have decided to profit from its going up , and to flood more onto the market and force prices down when they have decided to profit from its going down . On 17 June 2011, the metals-trading organization, the Inter-Continental Exchange (ICE), headlined " Summary paul ryan Disciplinary Proceedings Against Goldman Sachs ," and reported an approximately $40,000 fine against GS for "disorderly trading ... of a serious nature." The Wall Street Journal bannered " Wall Street Gets Eyed