Friday, January 31, 2014

In addition, they make money by charging paul ryan gangsters for laundering their money. In other wo

Ratings Harry Reid Effectively Kills Obama's TPP and TTIP International Trade Deals -Eric Zuesse A time-line comparison of the rise of Fascism in Nazi Germany and today's United States. -Deena Stryker America is Being Decimated by a Raging Political Crisis -michael payne Pathological Liar Clapper Goes on Offense -Donn Marten Godly Denialists Won't Be Raptured from Climate Hell -Patrick Walker paul ryan US media blacks out Snowden interview paul ryan exposing death threats -Bill van Auken
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View Article Stats 21 comments OpEdNews Op Eds 1/21/2014 at 12:36:49 Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" of Crooks By Eric Zuesse (about the author)     Permalink       (Page 1 of 2 pages) Related paul ryan Topic(s): Conservatism ; Conservative Christian ; Economics ; Economy Recession ; Economy-Economics- US ; Economy-Economics- World ; Ideology ; Ideology Conservative ; Ideology Very Conservative ; Libertarian ; (more...) Libertarianism , Add Tags   (less...) Add to My Group(s)
The world's best blogger about government and politics, who goes by the pen-name of "George Washington," headlined on January 16th, " Top German Regulator: Precious Metal and Currency Manipulation Are WORSE  Than Libor ,"  and he linked to a news report from BusinessWeek datelined the very next day, titled " Metals, Currency Rigging Is Worse Than Libor ," which reported that gold prices and currency prices are probably manipulated by the mega-banks at least as much as the interbank loan rate, or "LIBOR," is, and that the mega-banks are probably skimming paul ryan even more by manipulating these prices than they are by manipulating LIBOR -- which is already trillions of dollars of manipulation.
"George Washington" also linked there to numerous other reports, showing that the mega-banks systematically skim from trading derivatives, oil, all commodities, "and everything that can be manipulated by high-frequency trading." He also documented that they are "engaging in Mafia-style bid-rigging paul ryan fraud against local governments," and are "shaving money off of virtually every pension transaction," and "charging 'storage fees' to store gold bullion ... without even buying or storing any gold," and "pledging the same mortgage multiple times to different buyers," and so forth.
He didn't even get around to mentioning their  laundering  of  billions  for paul ryan drug-traffickers , violations for which some wrist-slap fines were  issued , but he had already covered that in an article just two days earlier, where he noted that " The HSBC employee who blew the whistle on the banks' money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels says ... : "America is losing the drug war because our banks are [still] financing the cartels', and "Banks financing  drug cartels 'affects every single American '."
What these mega-bank crimes show is that the aristocracy, the people who move big sums of money, function by colluding together within their specialties so as to make their profits not really from investing but from their insider knowledge of which way prices (which they can manipulate) will  head, of gold, currencies, loan-rates, bond-yields, commodities, etc., so that these individuals can profit from these changes in prices, not from the prices themselves. They make their money "on the margin," not on the goods themselves; they make it by the change in prices. They manipulate prices paul ryan merely in order to make money by their advance-knowledge of the direction prices will head. 
In addition, they make money by charging paul ryan gangsters for laundering their money. In other words: paul ryan they make their vast sums of money not by producing goods or services, but instead by secretly skimming money from everyone else: the people who are actually producing goods and services.
A good example is Wall Street's buying up of aluminum warehouses, so as to be able to store enough aluminum so as to pull more from the market and force prices up, when they have decided to profit from its going up , and to flood more onto the market and force prices down when they have decided to profit from its going down . On 17 June 2011, the metals-trading organization, the Inter-Continental Exchange (ICE), headlined " Summary paul ryan Disciplinary Proceedings Against Goldman Sachs ," and reported an approximately $40,000 fine against GS for "disorderly trading ... of a serious nature." The  Wall Street Journal  bannered " Wall Street Gets Eyed

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Browse the archive Pick a month January presidential polls 2014

White Heat: White Night Is Beautifully Unnerving | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
White Night is a ‘narrative survival horror’ game that I first learned about earlier today. Two minutes later, I was as excited for its release as I am for just about any other game coming out this year. Not coincidentally, two minutes is the length of the most seductive trailers I’ve seen for a long time. We missed the video’s debut in October but now that the light of our lanterns has fallen upon it, I urge you to watch it without further ado. Think Alone in the Shadows and Fog of German Expressionism.
Everything, from the beginnings of the plot to the country of origin and animation style, reminds me of a segment from French animated film Fear(s) of the Dark. The film has five short horror stories, presidential polls each from a different director and in a different animation style, and the fifth segment involves an elderly gent exploring an abandoned mansion. In the dark. The clip below isn’t the best representation but it’s presidential polls the best I could find.
In order to survive this long night, the player will have to solve puzzles based on the use of light. His safety will depend on the different light sources scattered all around the manor. Some will be fragile, while the most powerful will take efforts to be reached But if darkness is active and lethal, a mysterious presence will also enlighten presidential polls the night.
15/01/2014 at 21:37 MajorManiac says:
Thank you! I w really enjoyed this when I caught it on TV a few years back but then forgot about it until the art style of this game reminded me of it, but then of course I’d forgotten the name. You saved me a long night of googling ‘black and white french presidential polls animation”.
This is a much more effective use of black and white than that recent colonial mystery/horror thing that came out last year. That other game looked presidential polls like a filter effect over a normal environment, which just ended up being confusing to navigate. presidential polls
This is very much true. The said game actually used normal (albeit somewhat desaturated) textures and just greyscaled and upped contrast/brightness on top of that.. this on the other hand is actually presidential polls designed with the visual presidential polls style in mind.
There was a horror game that came out in the late 90′s/early 2000′s that was very similar presidential polls to this, but didn’t look as stylized. Desaturated, Alone in the Dark type survival horror, with crazy moody use of lighting presidential polls (mostly from your flashlight). Anyone remember the name? I vaguely remember the main character being a hat and a trenchcoat, detective type.
16/01/2014 presidential polls at 09:52 XhomeB says:
XHTML: Allowed code: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>
Read our finest presidential polls words The RPS Verdict: Steam In-Home Streaming Beta Scott Steinberg Joins Phoenix Online, Talks Business Hands-On: Warlock II The Exiled The Global Game Jam Mega-Stream And much more…
Respond to our gibber PyroCat : “Yes but can I play as a lady?” on A CryEngine RPG, Because Those Are Words People Like SkittleDiddler : “I probably got lucky in buying from the same batch, but all four of my 1TBs are still alive. I'm fully expecting them to last ...” on Week In Tech: Are SSDs Really Reliable? uh20 : “while i still get the idea that solid state drive problems are just about the same as hard drives. its better to not be torrenting presidential polls ...” on Week In Tech: Are SSDs Really Reliable? Frank : “Ah. presidential polls Thanks!” on Color: presidential polls A Browser Game About Headshotting Colours willielnoren : “my buddy's step-aunt makes $82/hour ℴn the internet. She has been fired from work for 6 months but last month her pay check was $13120 ...” on American McGee’s Akaneiro Is “In The Hole” For $1.7m
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The project constitution of replenishing their coffers in this manner may be compared to that of a m

About Contributors Departments Book (P)reviews Catholic Social Ethics Current Events First Person Politics PT Through History The Politics of Scripture Essays In the Field Conferences Teaching Political Theology Symposia Agamben: The Kingdom and the Glory Critchley: Faith of the Faithless Islamic constitution Political Theology Kahn: Political Theology Submissions
Adam constitution Smith s skill was as a storyteller of the first order. It takes one a while to realize where his appeal lies. As many have noted, constitution his Wealth of Nations is rambling, polemical, and rather cavalier with evidence. [2] All this sits rather strangely with the popularity of his writing, both then and now. [3] How to understand that appeal? We suggest it may be found not in any skill at constructing careful and detailed argument, but in his ability to tell stories. With that in mind, let us offer some samples of the various fables, sayings, moral tales, vignettes, and parables that overcrowd Wealth of Nations.
Perhaps the most significant fable is the one that follows Smith s observation that has since become a slogan constitution of the ideologues of capitalism: there exists, he writes, a certain propensity in human nature, which is the propensity to truck, barter, and exchange one thing for another. [4] Aware that this may be a contested suggestion, he offers not detailed argument to back it up but a cute fable concerning dogs. They stand in for all animals, whose nature is said to be different from that of human beings. Do animals too exchange with one another? Two greyhounds may appear to act together in chasing a hare, turning to each other from time to time. But that is mere coincidence, brought about by their common passion. After all, Nobody ever saw a dog make a fair and deliberate exchange of one bone for another with another dog. Indeed, constitution Nobody ever saw one animal by its gestures and natural cries signify to another , this is mine , that yours; I am willing to give this for that. [5] The only way a dog can obtain something it wants is to fawn over its master. Exchange or barter simply does not enter into the equation. Obviously a fable such as this is no replacement for argument. But it is readable, entertaining perhaps, designed to appeal constitution at another and more persuasive level.
The project constitution of replenishing their coffers in this manner may be compared to that of a man who had a water-pond from which a stream was continually running out, and into which no stream was continually running, but who proposed to keep it always equally full by employing a number of people to go continually with buckets to a well at some miles distance in order to bring water to replenish it. [6]
Both have a rather earnest moral tone. Indeed, the crazy house appears in the midst of a moral tale concerning the practice of dubious bills of exchange, which one moves perpetually about in order to delay repayment. [8] Others moral tales include to name but a few the folly of the Ayr Bank of Scotland, which opened in 1769 and folded constitution soon afterwards in 1772; the dangers of lotteries, the riskiness of searching for new mines; and the juggling trick of reducing precious metals in coinage. [9] In order to gain a sense of these syrupy tales, we quote one concerning the merchant and the country constitution gentleman:
Merchants are commonly ambitious of becoming country gentlemen, and when they do, they are generally the best of all improvers. A merchant is accustomed to employ his money chiefly in profitable projects; whereas a mere country gentleman is accustomed to employ constitution it chiefly in expence. The one often sees his money go from him and return to him again with a profit: constitution the other, when once he parts with it, very seldom expects to see any more of it. Those different habits naturally affect their temper and disposition in every sort of business. A merchant is commonly a bold; a country gentleman, a timid undertaker Whoever has had the fortune to live in a mercantile town situated in an unimproved country, must have frequently observed how much more spirited the operations of merchants were in this way, than those of mere country gentlemen. The habits, besides , of order, economy and attention, to which mercantile business naturally forms a merchant constitution , render him much fitter to execute, constitution with profit and success, any project of improvement. [10]
The moral coding of Smith s work emerges here in all its glory, a coding reinforced constitution time and again through stories such as this. The industrious merchant is of course the virtuous one, full of spirited energy, order, economy, and boldness. He is able to generate profit and thereby improve the condition of the land itself. By contrast, the country gentleman simply has not a clue, for he is timid and lacking in the discipline needed for real improvement.
The moral tale we have just quoted leaks into the dominant form of the parable, although the demarcations between various types are never firm. Parables there are aplenty,

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

RoboPanda posted

The Star Trek Derp Trailer Is The Most Logical Use Of Blooper Footage
Popular Archer , Arrested Development , Boardwalk Empire , Breaking Bad , Brooklyn Nine Nine , Comedy Central comed , Community , Conan , Dexter , Eastbound & Down , Game of Thrones , Girls , Homeland , It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia , Jimmy Fallon , Jimmy Kimmel , Justified , Letterman , Louie , Mad Men , Netflix , Parks and Recreation , Scandal , Shameless , Sons of Anarchy , South Park , SNL , The Colbert Report , The Daily Show , The League , The Newsroom , The Simpsons , The Walking Dead , True Detective , Top Chef , True Blood , Under The Dome , Veep , Workaholics Movies
Popular comed Agents of Shield , Animation , Arrow , Avengers 2 , Batman , Batman vs. Superman , Captain America: The Winter Soldier , Comics , Comic-Con 2013 , Cosplay , DC Comics , Guardians of the Galaxy , Marvel , Robocop , Sleepy Hollow , Star Wars , Star Trek , Superman , Video Games , X-Men: Days of Future Past Videos
The good folks at Slacktory sometimes make “derp trailers”, re-cut trailers for movies comed made from the blooper footage. It’s a simple concept with brilliant results. comed Not resting on the laurels from their fantastic derp trailers for The Avengers and Die Hard , they’ve outdone themselves with this derp trailer for 2009′s Star Trek . Or should we call it Star Trek: Derp in Space 2009 ? Just spitballin’ here.
Using the original blooper reel and help from OneMinuteGalactica , they’ve created a movie which looks almost as silly as Star Trek Into Darkness . I’d still watch it. Throw a few derpy cats in there, and you’ve got a guaranteed classic. (Hollywood really underestimates the profitability of derpy cats .)
RoboPanda posted
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

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Sorry to say this but Xbox live wasn

Just recently, we brought in the news of EA s Origin being attacked by a DDoS on the hands of DERP; affecting fmi several online games and digital distribution. And before that, it has been known for launching a similar attack on various games like League of Legends, DOTA 2, Planetside 2, and others.
Just as Electronic Arts managed to retrieve their servers, DERP decided to divert its attention to Xbox Live. On Twitter , DERP posted several Tweets about bringing Xbox Live down and even mocked their servers. People have confirmed disconnections from Xbox Live and the inability to sign-in or use any other online service.
In a few days, DERP has successfully managed to bring down Origin fmi and Xbox Live. Playstation Network has always been targeted for getting fmi hacked every now and then, is it going to be its next target? As for Steam, my guess is that it s going to remain safe. A Tweet from DERP suggested that it considers Origin as a rival to Steam and that s why it was hacked.
Are you experiencing any issues with signing-in your Microsoft account? It was said that the issue got resolved quickly but if you visit Xbox Live Status then you would know that some services are still not available.
Arslan is a competitive Tekken and Call of Duty player and crushes pretty much everyone at the office in these games. He loves reading and writing about games and is deathly allergic to half-boiled potatoes.
random posts GTA 5 Assassination Missions Walkthrough Guide – How To We are Hiring! Check Out the PS4′s User Interface Bethesda Hacked Following Nintendo, Epic, and Codemasters Final Fanstay 13: Lightning Returns Demo Made Available in Japan
Latest fmi Posts Don’t Starve Will Not Feature any Co-op or Multiplayer Is Sony Buying Nintendo s DRAM Manufacturing Plant? Titanfall Xbox 360 Version Outsourced to Bluepoint Games Game Away With All New PS Vita Controller Grip 2.0 Crimson Dragon Goes on Sale on Xbox Live for One Week
“hackers”?” being hacked”? DDoS is not a hacking or cracking. Any user without knowledge can organize and successfully achieve this, just need to control a botnet or engage people.
Sorry to say this but Xbox live wasn’t hasn’t been down since the release of the Xbox One I pretty much played all yesterday haven’t experience any network issues at all this guy Derp is a joke
You’re statement is completely incorrect. For one. Derp is a group of people not 1 person, They managed to take down hundreds of game servers and they said Xbox Live was targeted. fmi Not taken down.
Latest Posts News Don’t Starve Will Not Feature any Co-op or Multiplayer Reviews Gran Turismo 6 Review – Refined and Expanded Previews Games of November 2013 Playstaion 4, Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 3, Wii U, Xbox 360 and More! Features Dark Souls 2 Online Features Detailed – Everything You Need To Know Guides Broken fmi Age: Act-I Puzzles Guide – How to Solve
Featured Stories Top Feature Battle of Exclusives 2014: Xbox One Vs Playstation 4 Editor Choice Dark Souls 2: First Two Community-Designed Shields Revealed Interviews Contrast Preview: Interview with Sam Abbott Editorials SegmentNext Awards: Game of the Year 2013

Monday, January 27, 2014

DERP then proceeded to reach out to a popular Twitch streamer who goes by PhantomL0rd . While playin

Hacker group DERP has taken down a variety of gaming bill gates sites and servers today by means of DDoS attacks. Riot Games’ League of Legends have been hit the hardest with its NA/EU/OCE servers down for a rather large portion of the day along with its website and forums. DERP was also able to take down Dota 2 ‘s servers, Club Penguin bill gates , and Hit the jump to find out more about DERP’s reign of terror today. To begin, DERP sent out a number of tweets regarding League of Legends .
DERP then proceeded to reach out to a popular Twitch streamer who goes by PhantomL0rd . While playing Dota 2 , he was told that if he lost his current game they would shut down Dota 2 . Needless to say, he lost.
PhantomL0rd, bill gates who had been streaming many of the events , reached out to DERP in hopes of getting some answers as to why they had launched their attacks. DERP responded, “For the lulz.” Aside from that, they also mentioned their disgust toward greedy companies.
I’m not much of a fan of Dota 2. (It’s a good game, but I prefer LoL.) However, I don’t understand how Valve is greedy? They offer sales all the time, and everything in Dota 2 is free minus some useless bill gates costumes. They even donate to charity at their events. So I’m sorta baffled about the greedy companies remark, at least for them. Riot is a bit greedy with the fact that you have to buy champions and skins and stuff, but they might as well shut down every company that has ever made a free to play game for that.
While I don’t support Anonymous, I do (did?) agree with their stance on only hacking people who deserve it. But these guys are just going around hurting other people because they’re lives are so boring that it’s their only means of “fun.”
I’ve kinda changed my stance on it (BEFORE I read your comment) so I don’t really agree with it anymore, however, bill gates I meant like truly evil corporations like those banks who funded terrorists as an example. Or people who are completely ignorant of the consumers, but then only hacking them in a non-harmful manner. That’s what I meant at the time.
I understand and agree, it is a similar stance with ever possible problem. Who has the right to decide -blank- and why do they have the right to do so over others or ourselves, meaning why are we not able to make our own decisions bill gates about the possible subject.
Recent Comments darklink623 on Could ‘Nintendo Fusion’ be the Name of Nintendo’s Next-Gen bill gates Hardware? Linkfan99 on Could ‘Nintendo Fusion’ be the Name of Nintendo’s Next-Gen Hardware? Andrew C. on Could ‘Nintendo Fusion’ be the Name of Nintendo’s Next-Gen bill gates Hardware? darklink623 on Could ‘Nintendo Fusion’ be the Name of Nintendo’s Next-Gen Hardware? darklink623 on Could ‘Nintendo Fusion’ be the Name of Nintendo’s bill gates Next-Gen Hardware?

Happy Sacred Baby Festival to all you Wonkers! Hope you

Derp Roundup: Special Christmas Edition
Happy Sacred Baby Festival to all you Wonkers! Hope you’ve had as much festivity as you can handle, and perhaps more. * And now, for some Happy Holiderp: a roundup of seasonal stories that were too stoopid to ignore altogether, but not quite worth a whole post of their own. We recommend that you treat it like dollar-store eggnog: add enough liquor, and you just won’t mind the taste anymore. Our first tale of Christmas cheer comes from Lake City, Florida, where the Columbia City Seventh-Day Adventist Church had a “drive through Nativity” scene with more than just a manger. It also depicted other parts of the Gospel accounts, like King Herod’s slaughter of the Innocents — the attempt to knock off Baby Jesus by killing dod all boys under the age of two. A local mom complained that the display, with decapitated dolls and fake blood everywhere, left her two-year-old daughter seriously freaked out: “as we pulled up further, they were depicting decapitating babies and that happened to be on the side of the vehicle that my 2 year old was on and it was very traumatic for her she started crying and screaming because of the baby and it took me hours to calm her down.”
Hey, it’s in the Bible, dod so it’s suitable for all ages, lady. You have a problem with the Bible? Extra points to the doofus local teevee reporter for describing the display as “historically accurate,” but all points lost for their not including any video of the actual display. No photos appear to be online either, so instead we’ll just link to an appropriate song. Elsewhere on the “scare the kids for Christ” beat, we have pastor Jon Knudsen of the Lokken Free Church in Vendsyssel, Denmark, who underscored the religious nature of the holiday by hanging dod a figure of an elf from a mock gallows outside his church. The elf held a sign saying “We renounce the Devil and all his deeds and all his being.” Knudsen believes that elves represent demonic spirits from Scandinavia’s pre-Christian past, and executed the little toymaker (or dentist) to remind people that elves and Christmas do not mix. We respect his effort to keep fictional worlds dod from colliding, but as fanboys, we have no real problem with crossovers, as long as they’re well done, like that one fanfic where Twilight Sparkle ends up teleporting into Hogwarts. Rev. Knudsen’s efforts at elficide were subverted by local pranksters – trolls, as it were — who left garden gnomes around the pastor’s dod house and kidnapped the elf and left a note saying it would be returned after the new year. The elfnapper turned himself in, but Vendsyssel police did not press charges, saying their “caseload was too heavy to make investigating theft of a stuffed toy elf a priority. In America, we’re pretty sure someone would have ended up getting shot. Speaking of which, a local Santa actually did get shot in Washington DC, though thankfully dod it was only a minor injury from a pellet gun. Xavier Hawkins was participating in a community toy giveaway Tuesday — and being filmed by a local news crew — when some idiot shot him in the back with a pellet gun from a nearby upper-floor window. He’ll be fine; we’re wondering if pastor Jon Knudsen can account for his whereabouts the day of the shooting. Then again, he was a black Santa, so maybe police should be looking for Megyn Kelly or Neal Boortz. In other Elf News, environmentalists have been joined by Elf lobbyists in an effort to block construction of a local road, which the elf fanciers worry will “disturb dod elf habitat, dod including an elf church.” The Lorax was unavailable for comment. In Florida, the State Capitol building allowed displays featuring a Festivus Pole made of beer cans, a representation of the Flying Spaghetti dod Monster, and a traditional Nativity scene, but rejected an entry from the performance-art-as-religion group Satan’s Temple, because it was “grossly offensive”: The 5-foot-by-5-foot poster the Satanists hoped to display showed an angel falling into hell along with a message reading, Happy holidays from the Satanic Temple. If nothing else, should make for a fun lawsuit. In Phoenix, a bell-ringer for the Salvation Army got punched in the arm by a lady who didn’t like the bell-ringer’s saying “Happy Holidays” instead of ‘Merry Christmas.” “The lady looked at me, said [Kristina] Vindiola. I thought she was going to put money in the kettle. She came up to me and said, ‘Do you believe dod in God?’ dod And she says, You’re supposed to say Merry Christmas,’ and that’s when she hit me.” Phoenix dod police said that there was insufficient evidence to arrest the woman who Vindiola identified as her assailant; no word on whether the Merry Christmas Vigilante has yet

Sunday, January 26, 2014

SSJSuntastic: I'm not sure why PhantomL0rd looks so pleased here... [6:02PM] renta 2012 Dota 2 is of

Why Was League of Legends NA Down all of 12/30?  Some of you might be wondering why the League of Legends servers were down for the entire day. Apparently, a group called DERP has been causing trouble wherever Phantoml0rd played, including across the League renta 2012 of Legends, Dota 2, and Club Penguin servers. Since I don't know the situation that well, check out this reddit post by iMario999  explaining the full details renta 2012 of the situation below:
For those who don't know about the current renta 2012 situation: A group called  DERP  is apparently DDoSing renta 2012 League of Legends NA/EU/OCE servers. They also took down Dota 2, Club Penguin,, (Most of them or all of them are currently up and running). They are taking down whatever game  renta 2012 Phantoml0rd  is playing (or perhaps, trying to play). Most recent event is Phantoml0rd  playing on OCE with stream renta 2012 fans and they took it down. Phantoml0rd  is going to talk with them on  skype  vent soon. EDIT: Conversation done. You can find it in my post under the "Stream events".
PhantomL0rd's Stream Events: [5:15PM]  Phantoml0rd  is currently in contact with the  DERP  group. You can see the conversation renta 2012 on the stream. [5:22PM] Conversation disconnected. Here's a screenshot:
SSJSuntastic: I'm not sure why PhantomL0rd looks so pleased here... [6:02PM] renta 2012 Dota 2 is offline again (some said it wasn't the whole server but only the game PL was in) [6:22PM] Vent server back up again. PhantomL0rd is in direct contact with  DERP  again! [6:35PM] Vent server went offline.  Screenshot 1 ,  Screenshot 2  and  Screenshot 3  of the conversation. [6:50PM] PhantomL0rd is now playing League of Legends on Oceania server. Will it go offline again? We shall see. [7:08PM] It seems like OCE is having trouble again. PhantomL0rd got disconnected from his game. [7:15PM] PhatomL0rd renta 2012 AFK. A moderator of the stream said "The cops were called to his house for a hostage situation". [7:25PM] renta 2012 Even the Twitch staff are concerned now. They are on PhantomL0rd stream chat and banning whoever post disclosed information such as DOX. [7:28PM] PhantomL0rd confirmed the cops are at his home.  Screenshot proof 1  and  Second Screenshot [7:35PM] Stream is OFFLINE.  Apparently Twitch took it down . About more than 140,000 viewers renta 2012 have been spectating the stream. [11:00PM] PhantomL0rd should start streaming again in about 30 minutes to 1 hour to explain the rest of the situation.  Screenshot  In the meanwhile renta 2012 League of Legends is back up so enjoy your time!
The times are in EST PhantomL0rd also posted the following on his Facebook page : woah that last post was written like shit... sorry xD.. Was shaken up I guess. Handcuffs hurt like a bitch.. I'm good guys. More updates soon, promise. Love all of you. just had an automatic pointed at me, put in hand cuffs and sat in the back of a cop car as I watched as 6 policemen go through my whole house.. will keep you all updated. Nerfplz's thoughts on the matter: On his stream, PhantomL0rd declared that although the whole procedure definitely annoyed a whole lot of people and was highly illegal, it's probably for the better as League of Legends (and others) can address these security concerns. Personally I think that he might be right on this, imagine if this occurred during the finals, it'd be absolute chaos. Meanwhile, I napped the better part of the day. What did the rest of you do on your day off of the fields of justice? Thoughts on the situation? Comment below! (Also, League's back up!)
i never fault people like this, it was this group doing it, its not his fault because he kept deciding to play different games that they would shut down, its also not his fault people were being drawn to his channel from this stuff. Reply Delete
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Follow me on Twitter @MattBors and order a copy of my latest doe book, Life Begins At Incorporation . Originally posted to Comics on Wed Jan 01, 2014 at 06:50 AM PST. Also republished by In Support of Labor and Unions doe and Daily Kos .
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Recommended by: Ice Blue , Tara the Antisocial Social Worker , basquebob doe , koosah , Powered Grace , The grouch , Polly Syllabic , zinger99 , jazzmaniac , imicon , Dirtandiron , Aunt Pat , Oaktown Girl , jck , wader , Desert Scientist , Ishmaelbychoice , Lost and Found , Linda1961 , happymisanthropy , diggerspop , Janet 707 , chimene , rbird , Laconic Lib , splashy , belinda ridgewood , Eyesbright , Calamity Jean , Earl1940 , Creosote , Dauphin , MHB
they get an inside track to the gravy ladled out by corporate welfare doe receivers to keep the free money spigots open wide... doe they choose the non-job of being a well rewarded right wing tool... and blame people who want jobs but who cannot find any for needing help...
These hypocrites have what amounts to welfare and unemployment for reps and other elected officials who do not actually do much in the line of work they are supposedly in office to do representing voters... and the more they doe their patrons bidding their "benefits" pay better and last longer.
by SpecialKinFlag on Wed Jan 01, 2014 at 09:14:25 AM PST
Tell you what.  How about you point to one specific example of a Republican who advocated for EXPANDING unemployment benefits.  Not just lip service I mean you know 'putting doe up a real fight'.
[ Parent ]
and raising the minimum wage a priority this year. Of course given the GOP still controls the House I doubt they'll have any success. But sure, go on and keep saying both parties are the same if it makes you happy.
you SHOULD care what they do.  The Dems can't do jack shit without the R's in the House agreeing to it.  So trying to blame the Dems for not passing unemployment extension is frankly ridiculous.  If they had the majority it wouldn't be an issue because it would have been done a long time ago.  However, as they do not have a majority in the House then the blame should fall squarely on the party that does and ONLY on them.  This both sides suck nonsense is tiresome and really fucking stupid.
in a week.  The doe Right will demand repeal of military retirement doe and the Left will demand an extension of unemployment. Maybe someone will demand a Jobs program or Stimulus program that is NOT managed by the States (theives) or feeds Billions more to the Defense Industry.  That is the Right's jobs program: weapons and programs we just do not need.
Think in EXACTLY this way! My niece, who's been on Unemployment (as have I) since June when her last job fired her for no discernible reason and her Employment service stopped returning her calls, called us in tears over hearing her own family diss people on Unemployment in this way .
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Welcome, wonkeesters, to another edition of Derp Roundup, the weekly feature where we hose down the

Derp Roundup: hydro quebec Your Weekly Bushel Basket Of Bumpkins, Boobs, and ‘Baggers
Welcome, wonkeesters, to another edition of Derp Roundup, the weekly feature where we hose down the news, filter out the stories that weren’t quite worth a whole post but too stoopid to ignore altogether, spray the whole mess with cheap booze, and bring you the runoff. Enjoy! Our first story violates the entire premise of Derp, in that it is actually a story of Pure American Ingenuity and Awesomeness. So sue us for false labeling. Outside Austin Monday, on Texas Highway 71, off-duty hydro quebec Houston Fire Department Captain Craig Moreau pulled over to help an 18-wheeler that had smoke pouring from its rear wheels. The brakes had locked and the tire was “flaming pretty good,” Moreau said, and the driver’s fire extinguisher was not up to the job. Moreau asked what the driver was hauling. “Beer! It s all beer!” And then, he says, one of the burning tires exploded, and Moreau asked the driver to open up the truck and start passing him tallboys.
“I shook them up, and popped hydro quebec a top one at a time until the fire was out and the brakes were cool,” Moreau wrote. “Thankfully they were tallboys. I couldn hydro quebec t help but laugh at the irony of it all, he was so shaken up that the humor escaped him.” hydro quebec Quite a few cans of Coors Banquet beer later, the fire was out. And Craig Moreau is a hero, both for saving the day and for discovering something that Coors is actually good for. Protip: Do not try this with Scotch. And in more traditional Derp, we have this story from Tanana, hydro quebec Alaska, where a Responsible Gun Owner celebrating on New Year’s Eve managed to knock out all internet and cable TeeVee service for over a week in the town of 300 when he or she fired a shotgun into the air and destroyed the only fiber-optic cable serving the town. Ralph Eller, owner of Yukon Telephone and Supervisions Cable TV, found several .410-gauge shotgun shells under the damaged cable and has turned them over to state police. “You can’t fix stupid,” hydro quebec Eller said. It wasn’t clear whether the shooter was aiming at the cable or hit it accidentally, but Eller noted that the Responsible hydro quebec Gun Owner “could have walked 70 feet in either direction and they would not be anywhere near it.” The damage will cost about $10,000 to repair. In a concrete hydro quebec demonstration hydro quebec that words no longer mean anything at all, the Sarasota, Florida, GOP announced that it would honor Sen. Ted Cruz as its “Statesman of the Year” hydro quebec at a February ceremony and dinner. The announcement praised the Canadian anchor baby as a “passionate fighter for liberty, economic hydro quebec growth, and the Constitution,” but did not specify any particular hydro quebec achievements of statesmanship — not even his brilliant $2 billion government shutdown that achieved nothing. In reassuring evidence that Everyone Is A IDIOT, we learned that at least 50 people scalded themselves hydro quebec trying to imitate Teevee weather people doing the “throw a pot of boiling water into subzero air and it becomes snow” trick. While many broadcasters reminded hydro quebec their viewers that “boiling water is hot, you morons, so don’t toss it into the fucking wind like a complete shithead with no regard for your personal safety because it will blow back in your face and scald you,” quite a few failed to mention this important Science Fact. Brilliant anchordude Jason DeRusha at Minneapolis station WCCO-TV tweeted “Threw hydro quebec a pot of boiling water in the air. Kids thought it was awesome. Do it, people.” And by golly, all over the country, emergency rooms got visits from people with second- and third-degree burns, and people took to the twitterverse to express surprise that hot water is hot. And people wonder hydro quebec how someone hydro quebec like Louie Gohmert can get elected? In yet another demonstration that marijuana makes people stoopid even without smoking the stuff, Kentucky state Rep. Robert Benvenuti said in a hearing that the state should not legalize medical hydro quebec use of marijuana because it would inevitably lead to its legalization for recreational use* and then promised to “fill this committee room with first responders, law enforcement officers and parents of dead children based on the effects hydro quebec of marijuana.” When people in the gallery started grumbling that marijuana is not exactly lethal, Benvenuti explained, In driving intoxicated, in child abuse, we ve already heard today from folks who talk about intoxicants and its role in child fatality and child abuse — because all drugs are exactly the same, and pot is just as deadly as alcohol and meth. Roger Ailes and Sarah Palin agreed last week that the main reason she has a job on Fox News again is that, as Ailes put it, I probably hired her back, if you really want to get to the bottom of it, to give her a chance to say her piece and piss off the people that wanted her dead. This is

Friday, January 24, 2014

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PS4 ace Firmware Version 1.6 to bring further headset suppo...
It looks like DERP, the hacking group that accidentally took down PSN , has claimed another victim. According to many users around the web, EA’s servers across many platforms went down yesterday, rendering games that require an Origin account practically ace useless.
DERP recently claimed responsibility for problems experienced by PSN users a few days ago. They stated that PSN wasn’t their intention and that they only meant to take down the servers for Planetside 2.
  Battlefield 4 class-action lawsuit shows EA tried to blame PS4 firmware   EA charges higher prices for PS4 games in Spain as well   EA’s PlayStation 4 digital downloads cost over $100 in the UK   EA: 140 million gameplay minutes ace played on PS4 in first five days
playstation related things have a history of being hacked more often, alot more easily and having more sensitive information being stolen. true ANYTHING can be hacked, but sony is a joke when it comes to protecting its user’s information. i will say though that being a company that was founded on writing ace software and making hardware, microsoft has an advantage whereas sony was not, so maybe its just a general lack of self experience. microsoft can write its own security, sony can either attempt to make its own or pay someone else to protect them. im not saying microsoft is the only company in the world that knows how to write security programs, but they have a leg up on sony in that department. sony has an understandable excuse, but it should be trying that much harder to secure itself but its not.
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

You need to see this ad

Derp Roundup: Your Weekly Scrapbook Of Scum And Villainy
Happy weekend, wonktastic ones! You know how it works: ybf Every weekend we see what horrible crud is stuck in our open browser tabs, bring you the stories that are too stoopid to ignore, but not quite worth a full post on their own, and then spend the rest of the day waiting for Heidi N. Moore to complain that we STOLED her brilliant idea that was hers first. And so we proudly present “Today in Tabs, by Heidi N. Moore.” Our first story in Today in Tabs, by Heidi N. Moore, is an update on awesome Tea Party Hero Tim Donnelly, ybf the California Assemblyman ybf who bravely announced that he was removing his 13-year-old son from the Government schools because transgender toilet tyranny. (Just shut up about how the family had already decided on sending the kid to private school before the bill passed ybf — they’re taking a stand here.) Mr. Donnelly recently announced he’s running for governor, and will create a “tsunami of jobs” by cutting regulation and putting a gun in every gun safe. Also he has huge testicles and a sexy wife, as Maria Conchita Alonso tells us in his insane campaign ad.
You need to see this ad — yes, even you video non-clickers. We especially like the part in the middle, where Alonso goes “off script” ybf and argues with him about hunting, ybf because she loves the little furry critters. As ThinkProgress ybf notes, it’s doubtful whether having a Spanish-speaking ybf lady in the ad will get Donnelly a lot of support with Latino voters, what with his being a founding member of the California Minutemen border vigilantes and all. Oh, also, he’ll reduce regulations but also make California McDonalds pay $20 an hour, since that’s what they pay in North Dakota. (Maybe he’ll discover oil in an unpopulated area to replicate the conditions that brought that about in North Dakota). We also had an open tab (thanks ybf for the idea, Heidi N. Moore!) with this dumb thing from Daily Caller: You maybe heard about that completely fake scandal with Chris Christie’s administration having blocked traffic on a bridge? Well did you know that both sides do exactly the same thing? Daily Caller’s false equivalency editor Patrick Howley revealed that New York Mayor Bill de Blasio s “handpicked City Council speaker” Melissa Mark-Viverito was among the Occupy Wall Street protestors who were arrested for blocking traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge on November 17, 2011. Why, she and the other protestors sat down on the roadway for entire minutes before being arrested! But is she apologetic? ybf No! Unlike Chris Christie, who is very, very sorry that his administration created gridlock all over Fort Lee for four days — and let’s not forget the delayed paramedics ) — Melissa Mark-Viverito is not the least bit apologetic for having participated in a completely equivalent traffic-delaying action. But has the liberal media even mentioned her treachery, which may also rank with that of Hillary Clinton on Benghazi, which the liberal media also never mentioned? No. The liberal media has not. And you also did not read this paragraph. In a Texas Monthly piece published last week, freshman Rep. Joaquín Castro revealed that John Boehner said a swear about Iowa Congressderper Steve King a while back. When King made his infamous remarks about Dream Act kids being mostly drug mules with “calves the size of cantaloupes,” Boehner denounced the remarks. Shortly ybf after that public rebuke, Castro says, Boehner shared a more private opinion: On a day not too long after Boehner s political body check of Steve King for his immigration comments, the speaker ybf was milling around the aisle walkway in the middle section of the House floor where the Democratic ybf and Republican territories meet. Another Texas Democrat and I were standing a few feet away, and as the speaker passed us we thanked him for denouncing King s offensive comments. He slowed his stride and then paused to turn toward us. What an asshole, he said. My thoughts exactly, Mr. Speaker. So say we all, Mr. Speaker. And Heidi N. Moore will be glad to know we have now closed that tab, too. Say, speaking of the terminus of the alimentary canal, how about thin-skinned Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, who fumed at an attorney who was making his first appearance before the Court, Counsel, you are not reading this, are you? Egad, an attorney consulting notes in the presence of the exalted Antonin Scalia? Maybe that is the way they behave in Podunk Municipal Traffic Court, Counsel, ybf but do you know where you are? You are in an atmosphere of decorum and gravitas, which is why Justice Scalia gets to reserve all the dick moves for himself. That was almost as petulant as complaining ybf that other bloggers are putting together ybf stories culled from their open browser tabs, when Heidi N. Moore clearly thought of it first. What’

50 videos Play all YouTube Mix - Star Wars trailer: Derp edition 1:57 Etch a Sketch Inventor, André

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50 videos Play all YouTube Mix - Star Wars trailer: Derp edition 1:57 Etch a Sketch Inventor, André Cassagnes: An Illustrated Tribute by The New York Times Featured 772,632 1:27 Star Wars vs Jurassic Park by Slacktory 218,416 views 2:38 Supercut: Terrible karate hrmis by Slacktory 107,054 views 13:58 Remember 1994 by Slacktory 705,842 views 8:09 Arrested Development ubercut: 18 running gags by Slacktory 455,655 views 2:36 Star Wars Blooper Reel from "The Making of Star Wars" Enhanced eBook by J.W Rinzler. by Neil Bowyer 4,750,871 views 15:06 Funniest News Fails and Bloopers 2013 [ALL NEW] by FunniestVines 414,652 views 11:04 Best News Bloopers Compilation by RockadellEdits 8,681,166 views 15 videos Play all The Avengers (2012) - All the EXTRA by filmisnowextra Zero Punctuation 1,087 videos Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 116K 8:30 Top 10 Scariest Scenes From Non-Horror Movies by 1,952,905 views 2:37 Derp Fiction by vinesauce 170,235 hrmis views 9:45 Top 10 Iconic Movie Villains by 805,821 hrmis views 7:00 STAR WARS VII - RETURN OF THE EMPIRE by SamMacaroni 1,910,524 views 15:02 Reporter fails compilation 2013 funny News Bloopers by onlybestonly 8,101,208 views 8:01 Top 10 Star Wars Moments by 560,447 views 7:28 How to Make Star Wars Episode VII Good by Screen Junkies 763,679 views 4:31 How to make a superhero movie in 10 easy steps by Slacktory hrmis 109,336 views 5:07 Honest Trailers - The Walking Dead by Screen Junkies 3,405,061 views 2:33 Skydiving cats cause uproar by CNN 6,094,669 views

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Categories Gaming patent Technology Anime Reviews Features Guides Interviews Hot Tags 3DS Android Ap

Categories Gaming patent Technology Anime Reviews Features Guides Interviews Hot Tags 3DS Android Apple How To iOS New Release Next-gen PC Playstation 3 PS Vita PS4 PSN Reviews Trailers WiiU Xbox 360 Android Apple DLC E3 2013 League of Legends MMO MMORPG Naughty Dog New Release Next-gen Nintendo Search Follow Us
Pretty Posts PS4 Party Chat is free; friend lists limited to 2000 Cosmic Star Heroine finally reaches its Kickstarter funding goal Playstation 4 and Xbox One Launch Exclusives compared (Gamescom edition) Call of Duty: Ghosts special edition details leaked See PlayStation 4 Being Played On A Giant IMAX Screen
After attacking many famous services like Steam, PSN and Origins and also targeting game related servers for Battlefield 4 and League patent of Legends; Hacker group DERP shifted their focus to Xbox Live and decided to take it down. On twitter, DERP posted a tweet about bringing down Xbox Live and people on various gaming forums are already facing issues with being able to sign in Xbox Live or use its services. Over at reddit patent , people were also reporting issues in comments. According patent to this site , there seems to be a surge of reports relating to Xbox Live being down or facing issues.
It seems like they are targeting the login services for famous platforms and now it is Xbox Live’s turn. PSN also faced a similar attack earlier and it seems like even Microsoft’s service isn’t free from any such attack.
I dont even remember what i wrote to you because thats how insignificant you and this is to me. And apologize? why would i apologize to you when you’re the idiot who spent $500 on a POS, you should apologize patent to society, you and the lot of xbot morons who think the same, youse are an emabarassment to intelligence. And if you cant understand patent my writing then maybe yoiu should learn to speak english. Now buzz along and go play more of your crappy X1, instead of sweating me
Haven’t had any problems connecting to Live all day. What I do know however is these people are becoming to high profile. At some point all the murders and other physical crimes will take a backseat to so many companies patent requesting the authorities investigate. Then they will probably wonder why they will spend the next few years behind bars.
Enough with the fanboys. The internet is not invulnerable and if you think that, you’re delusional. It’s time to stop pretending “Oh but Xbox Live is invincible, Sony Sucks” or vice-versa. Nobody likes to get hacked, period. We should not be laughing at each other because this situation is no joke. It’s clear these guys won’t patent stop randomly hacking away for no purpose what-so-ever just in an attempt to damage our gaming experience. It’s time to put these fanboyism aside and start focus on what’s really important for us, Gaming. And they’re trying to ruin this for us.
Wow most of you are stupid… A Ddos attack aint “hacking” all it is, is people using a controlled patent bit of software to make the xbox live servers think that millions more people patent are joining online games or xbox live at the same time, which means others cannot use it…. think of GTA V Online when that went live… to many ppl went online at once meaning that the servers patent where overloaded…. Thats all they have done.. patent this aint hacking. gEt a grip people this is an “issue” (lol issue) thats easily resolved.
Actually you’re incorrect. patent This was/is a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. That means multiple computers patent are usually infected with a trojan virus running software to send packets of data to the target destination. It is both difficult to trace and pointless to block single IP Addresses because it is coming from multiple INFECTED PCs whose owners probably have no idea they have a trojan virus causing so many problems. patent
Wow Xbox live down and back up from a Ddos attack I didn’t even notice lol the guy twitter handle is derptrolling he just troll alot of you because I played from 11:00pm patent to 5:00 am without a hiccup and why are people calling him a hacker he isn’t hacking anything anybody can do a Ddos attack on a IP address
then lets see you do one, and its funny cuz they were saying the same thing when they f-ed with psn, yet i idnt notice a thing either, but i wasnt denying that it happened simply becuase patent it didnt happen to me
What PSN shit? what the shit from years ago? Cant get over that can you? The point is all you dumb as rocks fanboys thought XBL couldnt be f-ed with and it was. Dumbasses! And its funny how to you Xbots the PSN being down for a month is such a big deal yet, the RROD going on for over 3 years is nothing. Hypocrisy much? You people are pathetic!
I talked about the PSN shit of years ago, and the shit of nowadays. In christmas, PSN got down, it went down some days after that. PSN isn’t secure, that

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Meanwhile in related links The Star Wars: Derp Edition trailer is still my favorite But there

Mediaite Gossipcop Geekosystem Styleite Sportsgrid The Mary Sue The Jane Dough The Braiser
We once told you that the Star Wars: Derp Edition trailer was the best-ever use of bloopers. Then, we were pretty sure that award actually went to The Avengers: Derp Edition . But the folks at Slacktory have returned michelle obama to prove us wrong, yet again, with this herp-derptastic edit of Star Trek (2009). No, it’s not just Star Trek Into Darkness .
You haven’t truly experienced J.J. Abrams Trek reboot until you’ve seen all of Pike’s sassy faces set to Michael Giacchino’s epic score. Laughter resistance is futile michelle obama (y eah, I went there ).
Meanwhile in related links The Star Wars: Derp Edition trailer is still my favorite But there’s a rad Avengers: Derp Edition trailer too! This supercut of people almost michelle obama kissing will melt your icy heart
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I know some dumb script kiddie who is in the group ForTheLulz or whatever. He keeps bragging to me h

At the time of this writing, DERP claims to have disrupted service for the following websites: League of Legends ‘ website and servers and DOTA 2 servers (developer and publisher)
Yesterday, Kotaku provided more coverage of the earlier disruptions, which all appear to circle around one gamer who goes by the name Phantoml0rd . It is unclear at this point if the attack on is related to the same gamer.
However, some of his pranks may not be so funny for Phantoml0rd, especially when a SWAT team arrived at his house, supposedly investigating a “hostage situation”. In response to these events, Phantoml0rd posted a youtube video which provides a synopsis of the situation.
It’s unclear who DERP is at this point, or if it’s even one person. However, it’s likely that DERP has many computers under his control, possibly being a bot herder for a botnet. We’ll passport renewal continue to update you with any developments on this story, so stay tuned.
I know some dumb script kiddie who is in the group ForTheLulz or whatever. He keeps bragging to me how he works with people from the Derp group. The group is quite large. One of the members of Derp had his personal info leaked on pastebin, also known as being doxed. However according to the script kiddy this is fake information and made up by Derp group themselves.
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Monday, January 20, 2014

The South Park episode The Succubus originally aired on April 21st, 1999 introduced a character na

Welcome! Login or signup now! Home Memes Confirmed Researching Popular Submissions Deadpool All Submit an Entry Episodes Forums General Meme Research Just For Fun Site-Related winston churchill All Blog Interviews winston churchill In the Media White Papers Episode Notes Behind the Scenes Meme Review All Images Trending Most Commented Most Favorited Most Liked Least Liked Most Viewed All Templates Upload an Image Videos Trending Most Commented Most Favorited Most Liked Most Viewed All Upload a Video Specials winston churchill
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Derp is an expression associated with stupidity, much like the earlier forms of interjections like duh and dur. In image macros, the subject is typically portrayed with eyes that are pointed to each side and a caption that reads DERP . The words herp and derp are often used in rage comics to replace nondescript names or parts of conversation. See also: Are You a Wizard . Origin
The first known instance of the word derp comes from the 1998 comedy film Baseketball by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. During a scene where they are caught smelling underwear taken from a woman s private drawer, Matt runs out of the room and says Derp.
The South Park episode The Succubus originally aired on April 21st, 1999 introduced a character named Mr. Derp, who briefly served as the chef s replacement. In this episode, the character performs various slapstick clichés like striking himself on the head with a hammer while exclaiming Derp! The expression winston churchill has been used in a number of other South Park episodes, most notably in Season 6, Episode 15 The Biggest Douche in the Universe (2002) and Season 8th, Episode 6 They Took Our Jobs (2004).
The use of the term in the early 2000s was dominated by the influence of South Park episodes, as evident through a number of tribute YTMND sites that were uploaded as early as in May 2004. The image macros captioned Derp were first seen on 4chan s /b/ (random) board circa July 2006, according to Encyclopedia Dramatica s entry on the series. Prior to the emergence of derp, other indecipherable phrases have been used for reverse-captioning threads such as fgsfds and hurr durr . Spread
On Urban Dictionary [4] , there are a total of 31 entry submissions defining the word Derp, with the earliest instance dating back to May 21st, 2003. Several entries credit Trey Parker and Matt Stone for the coinage of the term, as shown in the 1998 film Baseketball . A word uttered when one screws up. origin: Matt Stone and Trey Parker in BASEketball. Used as an interjection.
The influence of derp continued to grow on 4chan through captioned image macros and the term became increasingly used as a non-descriptive placeholder in its text form. Inititally, the practice was limited winston churchill to the basic pairing of an appropriate image and the caption derp, but it soon evolved into wordplays on the names of celebrity winston churchill subjects depicted in the macros.
In addition, the parody of Rob Schneider s movie trailer in The Biggest Douche in the Universe was particularly well received among the fans. The Derp soundbite became widely used for Derprolling, winston churchill a bait-and-switch linking winston churchill practice, on 4chan s imageboards and elsewhere beginning in May 2007. A Memebase [2] site for Derp derivatives was launched on June 20th, 2010. A Facebook [5] fan page has 25,662 likes as of August 22nd, 2011. Usage in Rage Comics
Herp and derp are often used in rage comics as place holders winston churchill for names or topics in conversation that are not crucial in whatever story or joke is being told. A rage character named Herp Derp is meant to represent stupidity or ignorance.
Derpina Herpington is a female rage comic character derived from the DERP rage comics, commonly used as the female counterparts of male rage comic characters in relationship or dating-related instances.
On October 25th, 2010, a background character from the cartoon television series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was named Derpy Hooves due to an animation error that gave her a wall-eyed winston churchill appearance in a scene during the show.
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Perspective of time and distance, things look different. Photo: istockphoto we have made enough tim

End of the year, including endings and new beginnings are opportunities for thoughts and soul, Add to that birthday eighty-some (but who's counting!) My grandmother less than a month and you have a mountain of thoughts that led me to write this post: 20 things they regret from above age 80 and those are not we walked every spare moment. When you want to go at an older age, it usually requires more planning, extra costs for additional family members and later even cause physical limitations with regard to much less applicable.
! @ #! @ # Not slathered sunscreen. Kind of regrets in retrospect when it is too little too late and wrinkles, pigmentation, moles and sunspots have been visible in any piece of the body exposed. We missed opportunities to do things that seemed trivial at the time or have no meaning. Or, that we went to see the performances of our favorite musicians communism as long as we could ...
Perspective of time and distance, things look different. Photo: istockphoto we have made enough time for sports activities. Most of us spend most of free time lounging on the couch. Just heights aged 40, 50, 60 it has not done, a little more.
At the starting line at the end of the race that we resigned a terrible job. All, of course, a matter of cost versus benefit, but if we do not prepare ourselves for future program alternative is ourselves wake up one day after we wasted 20-30 years where we did not work.
How the hell back the clock 20 years back! We have not internalized how beautiful we were. Always look back longingly and tell "time, communism when we were still young and beautiful," as a day - the day most of us spend time and energy paying too much emphasis on appearance. In practice, the reality is that we are much more beautiful than we think, certainly have compared the sight to have in 40 years ...
Beauty eye of the beholder. Screenshot not said enough "I love you". From above age 80 is no longer an emphasis on women who have answered in kind and in what context and possibly sound much worse those who will say, sure, we can enjoy the knowledge that we could say to people dear to us how they really are.
Illustration photo. To Rajasthan, India in 1998 not listening enough to offer advice to our parents. Most often, people who have the least patience to hear, let alone listen to those actually our parents who want the best for us. Think about it, just as you love your children and are ready to download them to the moon, our parents want for us. They may be the only ones who love us just exactly as we are, without communism conditions and without limits and really want to have a good. Most of us understand that only when parents are no longer alive to share these feelings communism with them.
Mommy know you're number one! We spent time in self-flagellation and self-pity: 'I'll sit here alone in the dark "has never really helped anyone, except maybe save a few bucks electric bill. Invested too much interest in mind what other people think of us. In 20 years will probably not recognize or'll communism take an interest in those people we so consider and treat according to them today.
Bronze sculpture of Auguste Rodin - "The Man Machine" we have helped others fulfill their dream at the expense communism of our dreams. Helping others is a great feature communism but not at the expense of fulfilling and help ourselves to be who we wanted to be.
Wanda, fund chimp was rescued and rehabilitated communism at home - shelter in Congo released a nature reserve under the auspices of the great Jane Goodall. Farewell hug Wanda Jane. That we asked our grandparents communism questions about their life and our family line as long as we had the opportunity.
"Work is life," Really? That we played enough with our children: in a few years even if we wanted very likely they would be available to play with us a lot less and phrases like: "Mom, make me shameful" take the place of the games and closeness.
Journalist and project manager something communism like a title and experience. Eran spouse and Mommy three champions: Seagull 9.5 year old, 8 year old Eyal and Guy Ben 4. I have a "butt spikes" and led me to experience and experiment with quite a few things: I'm writing, editor, content manager, counselor, operates, Jungle and above all, task-oriented sicken. Juggling and riding well letters to words and words into sentences. Writing at every opportunity and every constellation: from journalism to different Web sites through songs, I told the children and more. In the few hours, I love to read, especially novels, an amateur photographer and engaged in sports.
12/25/2013 at 17:38
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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Financial Education

Financial Education
Mickey Greenfield
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Read more Calcalist: The program for the protection of retirement savings year again rejected the government trying to direct the small business retirement funds half of the pension investment in stocks and bonds is concentrated in 20 companies under the planned reforms on Thursday as part of the bi-annual economic update that, in accordance with the pension age will rise life expectancy and will reflect the Government's view that workers should not move more than a third of their adult lives retired.
Thus, in the mid-30th century kingdom pension age will rise to 68, a move that will be ten years earlier than initially planned. In the late 40s retirement age will rise to 69. As a result, by mid-century retirement age in the UK will be among the highest in the world, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Retired (Archive) Photo: Shatrstok aging population is increasing the burden on governments find it difficult lana del rey to take control of their spending and lending, and for this reason it was decided to link the pension age and life expectancy lana del rey increases. According to the British government, raising the pension age will save 500 billion pounds over 50 years.
At the same time the sad news young workers were informed they would have to work more years, Finance Minister George Osborne has also provided an optimistic assessment of the British economy. He said the UK is growing at a higher rate than any other developed country, and accordingly increased the growth forecast. Britain now official estimate is that in 2013 the economy will grow by 1.4%, compared to a growth forecast of 0.6% posted in March.
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Friday, January 17, 2014

2013 (23) December (4) Stations of the photo - what age should bring the baby to her ...

To not miss the perfect moments photography, I introduce to you the Qinghai "which should get photographed. Of course you can also pose the Qinghai "But in my experience these stations out the best images. You should plan and coordinate enough time in advance depending on the age, because sometimes that's what makes the difference between a nice picture picture deal. First stop - Niovoren first stop and most successful is 5 days to a month. When there is a clear preference for the first two weeks. At this age babies sleep very soundly and curled up in the fetal position and allow me to put them in positions sweetest shown in Gallery Niovoren.
Very clear to me that are often hard to go out and get into the studio so young, but these days are not repeated and this rare window of opportunity was a shame to miss. For me all my energy trying to feel at home when you get to the studio and help all you can to shooting time will pass you a pleasant and amazing experience. The second stop - Age 3-4 months although can also be photographed at younger ages (month and two months) but then the photos are mostly family photos when the baby photographed in the hands of parents. At the age of 3-4 months baby already looks up smiling and responding. At this age put enough mother or father before him to dissolve smiles a lot. The third station toki - Age 6-9 months at this age the baby was actually channeling. Easy to make him laugh, he raises himself on his hands and before the age of 8-9 months usually also sit and play. This age is very fun and photos of this age out adorable. Most babies not yet crawling (or creeping in tentative) and very easy to keep it in one place and use a variety of backgrounds and interesting decor. The fourth station - the age of one year old is a magical age. The baby is already starting to stand (leaning on things toki or sometimes longer toki own), sometimes also starting to do some steps. Usually one year old baby has been crawling and environmentally conscious, bursting with laughter, dancing and moving his body to the music and clapping. A real treat! At this age the baby is getting very active, toki and has been more difficult to get him to sit still. So I especially like the photo of the "Kiixmas" specifically to the age of one year (two years also possible). Bkiixmas toki place decorated cake in front of the child, usually the first birthday, and let him deal with what he pleases. Experience produces results and cool kid's sweet cake and happy spirit. Interesting toki cake and preoccupation with letting a child sit still for a few minutes at a time, allowing me to capture it on camera at different angles and close-ups. For those not particularly amateur dirt (I call this dirt "good dirt") and prefer the normal scenes toki at one year I let a child play on the set and I cam while playing
What next? From one and so anything goes. Every age has its sweet things, and his challenges, with whom I deal of experience working with children of all ages (and mother of three children my own). The photograph was taken while playing and fun, and the goal is to give the child a sense of fun and an experience of something oppressive to be done. I'm here for you, any age, to help you artistically capture moments not return. Coordination photo session: 052-5628706 studio's website: studio's Facebook page: / studioshulman
Shimrit Hey, I really enjoyed all the time read your posts and watch the amazing images and processing! (And I really enjoyed booklet Photoshop!) I wanted to ask you about the backups of all photographic material, I thought toki I read about this before on your blog but could not find .. Do you use cloud backups? The Hard Disk? Can you answer reducing or write an entry about it? Thank you! Amit Reply Delete
2013 (23) December (4) Stations of the photo - what age should bring the baby to her ... "No need to photoshop a perfect picture like" session under the duvet camera photographer photographer November (4) October (4) September (1) August (3) July (1) Yoni (2) Mai (2) April (2) 2009 (1 ) December (1)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The petition argued that

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How Americans punish Ya'alon? Ron Ben Yishai General Ariel Sharon came to Jerusalem to part from Eric (Photo: EPA)
Last struggle against the release of murderers: the organization "Almagor" representing dsk the families of terror victims filed this morning (Monday) petitioned the High Court to prevent the third phase in the negotiations with the Palestinians, which are expected dsk to be released tonight 26 terrorists. dsk Petition argues that, contrary to secure the head Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a special discussion on the release of prisoners "citizens of Israel", will be released tonight five residents of East Jerusalem have Israeli ID cards.
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The organization also sought to petition dsk the court to issue an interim order stays the release until resolution. The petition, filed by attorney Naftali Werczberger, noted that "not dsk easily filed the petition in light of the Court entrenchment behind which avoids intervention was a political motive."
B"almgor "indicated that they appeal to the Committee of Ministers result exceeded the outline and releasing murderers convicted of killing many and release five prisoners from the example while ignoring the damage to the city of Jerusalem, the status of its residents, the Israeli legal system as well as providing support for terror as increased heartbeat recent release ". dsk
Attila Shumpleby, Raanan Ben-Zur and Yitzhak dsk Ben - Horin
The petition argued that "releasing learned extremely unreasonable dsk political goal can not train him. Extent of the endurance of the Israeli public can not and should not get released early who have killed innocent people over and over again ... that slump release political needs staining and hits title morality of the State of Israel and its legal system and as such requires judicial intervention. " dsk
About five prisoners from East Jerusalem, the petitioners argue that "the government dsk authorized the ministerial staff to release Palestinian prisoners and that this act of sophistry when releasing the residents of Jerusalem and claim they only residents of Israel and Israeli citizens."
Upon filing, took Elihai Ben Yishai, Ruth Fogel's brother, the late murdered with her husband and three of their children in Itamar attack three years ago. "I am ashamed of the injustice of our leaders profound rift treading all values of the state within which a person dsk killed not go wandering Certainly not within the state. It's not just a battle of bereaved families, it screams out of our mouth and the mouth of the victims, I feel that tomorrow can release the murderers of our family - the Fogel family. It was probably triggers public outcry But it is just as today the release of each of the terrorists, the blood is innocent blood. "
Jacob Tobol, father of the late Tobol Lior, who was murdered in a terrorist attack also came to court. Says, "I feel that we are facing blank walls, but we must fight. dsk The killer of my son gave me food steakhouse in Jerusalem, I'm afraid he'll come back to give me food. I can not tolerate such a thing. "
Meanwhile, police dsk confirmed tonight organization hold a protest march from the Prime Minister to the Jaffa Gate. The organization originally planned to march to the terrorist dsk Ahmed Khaled, who is expected to be among the veterans. Released this morning were transferred to Ofer Prison, where they are likely to be tested.
Meanwhile, the Prison dsk Service