Thursday, January 16, 2014

The petition argued that

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How Americans punish Ya'alon? Ron Ben Yishai General Ariel Sharon came to Jerusalem to part from Eric (Photo: EPA)
Last struggle against the release of murderers: the organization "Almagor" representing dsk the families of terror victims filed this morning (Monday) petitioned the High Court to prevent the third phase in the negotiations with the Palestinians, which are expected dsk to be released tonight 26 terrorists. dsk Petition argues that, contrary to secure the head Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a special discussion on the release of prisoners "citizens of Israel", will be released tonight five residents of East Jerusalem have Israeli ID cards.
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The organization also sought to petition dsk the court to issue an interim order stays the release until resolution. The petition, filed by attorney Naftali Werczberger, noted that "not dsk easily filed the petition in light of the Court entrenchment behind which avoids intervention was a political motive."
B"almgor "indicated that they appeal to the Committee of Ministers result exceeded the outline and releasing murderers convicted of killing many and release five prisoners from the example while ignoring the damage to the city of Jerusalem, the status of its residents, the Israeli legal system as well as providing support for terror as increased heartbeat recent release ". dsk
Attila Shumpleby, Raanan Ben-Zur and Yitzhak dsk Ben - Horin
The petition argued that "releasing learned extremely unreasonable dsk political goal can not train him. Extent of the endurance of the Israeli public can not and should not get released early who have killed innocent people over and over again ... that slump release political needs staining and hits title morality of the State of Israel and its legal system and as such requires judicial intervention. " dsk
About five prisoners from East Jerusalem, the petitioners argue that "the government dsk authorized the ministerial staff to release Palestinian prisoners and that this act of sophistry when releasing the residents of Jerusalem and claim they only residents of Israel and Israeli citizens."
Upon filing, took Elihai Ben Yishai, Ruth Fogel's brother, the late murdered with her husband and three of their children in Itamar attack three years ago. "I am ashamed of the injustice of our leaders profound rift treading all values of the state within which a person dsk killed not go wandering Certainly not within the state. It's not just a battle of bereaved families, it screams out of our mouth and the mouth of the victims, I feel that tomorrow can release the murderers of our family - the Fogel family. It was probably triggers public outcry But it is just as today the release of each of the terrorists, the blood is innocent blood. "
Jacob Tobol, father of the late Tobol Lior, who was murdered in a terrorist attack also came to court. Says, "I feel that we are facing blank walls, but we must fight. dsk The killer of my son gave me food steakhouse in Jerusalem, I'm afraid he'll come back to give me food. I can not tolerate such a thing. "
Meanwhile, police dsk confirmed tonight organization hold a protest march from the Prime Minister to the Jaffa Gate. The organization originally planned to march to the terrorist dsk Ahmed Khaled, who is expected to be among the veterans. Released this morning were transferred to Ofer Prison, where they are likely to be tested.
Meanwhile, the Prison dsk Service

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