PS4 ace Firmware Version 1.6 to bring further headset suppo...
It looks like DERP, the hacking group that accidentally took down PSN , has claimed another victim. According to many users around the web, EA’s servers across many platforms went down yesterday, rendering games that require an Origin account practically ace useless.
DERP recently claimed responsibility for problems experienced by PSN users a few days ago. They stated that PSN wasn’t their intention and that they only meant to take down the servers for Planetside 2.
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playstation related things have a history of being hacked more often, alot more easily and having more sensitive information being stolen. true ANYTHING can be hacked, but sony is a joke when it comes to protecting its user’s information. i will say though that being a company that was founded on writing ace software and making hardware, microsoft has an advantage whereas sony was not, so maybe its just a general lack of self experience. microsoft can write its own security, sony can either attempt to make its own or pay someone else to protect them. im not saying microsoft is the only company in the world that knows how to write security programs, but they have a leg up on sony in that department. sony has an understandable excuse, but it should be trying that much harder to secure itself but its not.
audi lover
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