Monday, January 27, 2014

DERP then proceeded to reach out to a popular Twitch streamer who goes by PhantomL0rd . While playin

Hacker group DERP has taken down a variety of gaming bill gates sites and servers today by means of DDoS attacks. Riot Games’ League of Legends have been hit the hardest with its NA/EU/OCE servers down for a rather large portion of the day along with its website and forums. DERP was also able to take down Dota 2 ‘s servers, Club Penguin bill gates , and Hit the jump to find out more about DERP’s reign of terror today. To begin, DERP sent out a number of tweets regarding League of Legends .
DERP then proceeded to reach out to a popular Twitch streamer who goes by PhantomL0rd . While playing Dota 2 , he was told that if he lost his current game they would shut down Dota 2 . Needless to say, he lost.
PhantomL0rd, bill gates who had been streaming many of the events , reached out to DERP in hopes of getting some answers as to why they had launched their attacks. DERP responded, “For the lulz.” Aside from that, they also mentioned their disgust toward greedy companies.
I’m not much of a fan of Dota 2. (It’s a good game, but I prefer LoL.) However, I don’t understand how Valve is greedy? They offer sales all the time, and everything in Dota 2 is free minus some useless bill gates costumes. They even donate to charity at their events. So I’m sorta baffled about the greedy companies remark, at least for them. Riot is a bit greedy with the fact that you have to buy champions and skins and stuff, but they might as well shut down every company that has ever made a free to play game for that.
While I don’t support Anonymous, I do (did?) agree with their stance on only hacking people who deserve it. But these guys are just going around hurting other people because they’re lives are so boring that it’s their only means of “fun.”
I’ve kinda changed my stance on it (BEFORE I read your comment) so I don’t really agree with it anymore, however, bill gates I meant like truly evil corporations like those banks who funded terrorists as an example. Or people who are completely ignorant of the consumers, but then only hacking them in a non-harmful manner. That’s what I meant at the time.
I understand and agree, it is a similar stance with ever possible problem. Who has the right to decide -blank- and why do they have the right to do so over others or ourselves, meaning why are we not able to make our own decisions bill gates about the possible subject.
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