Follow me on Twitter @MattBors and order a copy of my latest doe book, Life Begins At Incorporation . Originally posted to Comics on Wed Jan 01, 2014 at 06:50 AM PST. Also republished by In Support of Labor and Unions doe and Daily Kos .
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Recommended by: corvo , global citizen , JeffW , Kristina40 , Just Bob , Ice Blue , majcmb1 , Tara the Antisocial Social Worker , Hammerhand , basquebob , leftykook , GDbot , undercovercalico doe , koosah , lineatus , SCFrog , anonevent , ratcityreprobate , Powered doe Grace , The grouch , Tommye , Flying Goat , Isaacsdad , Polly Syllabic , Yo Bubba , Librarianmom , atana , zinger99 , jazzmaniac , QuiteDragon , imicon , flatd , GleninCA , rocksout , ArchTeryx , Dirtandiron , nupstateny , Catsmeat , RNmakingsense , ItsaMathJoke , Australian2 , quill , Aunt Pat , copymark , IreGyre , Darth Stateworker , Most Awesome Nana , northcountry21st , Noodles , blueoasis , ChemBob , Oaktown doe Girl , jck , SpecialKinFlag , whaddaya , Mark Mywurtz , wader , saucer1234 , 420 forever , Desert Scientist , DisNoir36 doe , Keone Michaels , Ishmaelbychoice , novapsyche , Cen Den , BvueDem , midnight lurker , Lost and Found , rhonan , ZatCSU , anodnhajo , Linda1961 , Bluesee , Shockwave doe , diggerspop , Lily O Lady , on the cusp , Midwest Leftist , Idaho07 , JayRaye , Aaa T Tudeattack , Dr Erich Bloodaxe RN , gardnerhill , rbird , Laconic Lib , smartalek , Eikyu Saha , splashy doe , Late Again , skyounkin , Jesse Douglas , JuDGe3690 , belinda ridgewood , hotdamn , slatsg , Eyesbright , justaHippie , meinoregon , Oh Mary Oh , Creosote , Dauphin , MHB , Calamity Jean , Dont Get MAD , PSzymeczek , Julie Steinhaus , tofumagoo , TrekBear , Generic Democrat , ptressel , cipher14 , JerryNA
Recommended by: Ice Blue , Tara the Antisocial Social Worker , basquebob doe , koosah , Powered Grace , The grouch , Polly Syllabic , zinger99 , jazzmaniac , imicon , Dirtandiron , Aunt Pat , Oaktown Girl , jck , wader , Desert Scientist , Ishmaelbychoice , Lost and Found , Linda1961 , happymisanthropy , diggerspop , Janet 707 , chimene , rbird , Laconic Lib , splashy , belinda ridgewood , Eyesbright , Calamity Jean , Earl1940 , Creosote , Dauphin , MHB
they get an inside track to the gravy ladled out by corporate welfare doe receivers to keep the free money spigots open wide... doe they choose the non-job of being a well rewarded right wing tool... and blame people who want jobs but who cannot find any for needing help...
These hypocrites have what amounts to welfare and unemployment for reps and other elected officials who do not actually do much in the line of work they are supposedly in office to do representing voters... and the more they doe their patrons bidding their "benefits" pay better and last longer.
by SpecialKinFlag on Wed Jan 01, 2014 at 09:14:25 AM PST
Tell you what. How about you point to one specific example of a Republican who advocated for EXPANDING unemployment benefits. Not just lip service I mean you know 'putting doe up a real fight'.
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and raising the minimum wage a priority this year. Of course given the GOP still controls the House I doubt they'll have any success. But sure, go on and keep saying both parties are the same if it makes you happy.
you SHOULD care what they do. The Dems can't do jack shit without the R's in the House agreeing to it. So trying to blame the Dems for not passing unemployment extension is frankly ridiculous. If they had the majority it wouldn't be an issue because it would have been done a long time ago. However, as they do not have a majority in the House then the blame should fall squarely on the party that does and ONLY on them. This both sides suck nonsense is tiresome and really fucking stupid.
in a week. The doe Right will demand repeal of military retirement doe and the Left will demand an extension of unemployment. Maybe someone will demand a Jobs program or Stimulus program that is NOT managed by the States (theives) or feeds Billions more to the Defense Industry. That is the Right's jobs program: weapons and programs we just do not need.
Think in EXACTLY this way! My niece, who's been on Unemployment (as have I) since June when her last job fired her for no discernible reason and her Employment service stopped returning her calls, called us in tears over hearing her own family diss people on Unemployment in this way .
Recommended by: maryabein , Tara the Antisocial Social Worker , koosah , lineatus , SCFrog , Powered Grace , ratcityreprobate , The grouch , Flying Goat ,
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