Thursday, March 26, 2015

Anyone pi looking for a conspiracy against the West and our liberal democratic community has found

The tale of the "enriching" Immigration: in reality a financial nightmare. Immigration cost taxpayers pi huge sums of money - what is kept hidden from him, however. Without immigration, there would be no old age poverty in Germany, no Hartz IV, a decreasing real pensions, an increasing need for young families ...
Just reached me one of the extremely rare news: Canada's online magazine headlined NowPublic on May 17 this year, "Fraser Institute: Immigrants cost Canadian taxpayers $ 23 billion annually."
The result of the research has the potential: every Canadian taxpayers must pay 6051 dollars for the immigrants annually. Statistically. This includes pi every Canadian man, every Canadian woman and every Canadian child. (The same news item appeared before a few days on the website of the renowned Canadian newspaper "National Post").
Obviously collapsed leftist associations lobby immediately following the publication of the report, immigration - a scientific study of the Canadian Fraser Institute - like hyenas on the true, but in their eyes, politically incorrect, results of the research.
Indeed, we know from Germany: the devastating PISA results were then purified by an independent institute around the Muslim (mostly Turkish) PISA results - and yes: suddenly Germany was no longer a shameful place somewhere at the bottom of the second third the overall results, but could join up front with the top countries worldwide Singapore, Finland, Korea and Norway. This purification was by leftists (in front of the trade unions) attacked with incredible violence, the authors of the study were denounced as racists.
No different is that in the most sensitive issue of immigration, the actual costs for immigrants, to be expected. For when the immigration lobbyists in their fierce fight for mass immigration always emphasize the so-called enrichment for recording countries, then such results for them are obviously disastrous - and must therefore be strictly hushed. Or one of the readers of this article previously heard anything about the Canadian research in the media system?
They are guarded pi like the gold reserves at Fort Knox: hardly a Western country hints how high the actual pi costs for the leftists initiated by the wave of immigration to Europe and other Western countries. No wonder: the lobbyists of the immigration mafia indeed speak of "enriching immigration," she exorcise even the collapse of entire Western economies there was no fresh blood (mostly Muslim) countries within streams - closer inspection reveals that these incantations are nothing but Potemkin villages *. In reality, the immigration initiated by the leftists and now taken over by the other bourgeois parties a financial bottomless pit. At the expense of the indigenous population, spending unimaginable sums to the social benefits of the majority of immigrants - without there even being informed about the leftist media.
* Something is a Potemkin village called being nicer proposed to hide the real and devastating condition. Superficially, it is well done and impressive, but it has, however, lack of substance.
Anyone pi looking for a conspiracy against the West and our liberal democratic community has found it right here. Politics and the media - the so-called political establishment - swear jointly against their own peoples together. The purpose of this establishment pi is the exchange in the medium term of the original aborigines by masses pi with the culture and civilization incompatible immigrants from most Muslim countries.
Since 1990, immigration to Europe is 90% Muslim - and no leaves, no media, no TV station and certainly no talk show makes an issue of it. This is a private matter - and should be as long hushed up until the aborigines is a fait accompli.
I've written several times about the cost of immigration. In all the countries I have studied, are shown the same results as in Canada. Below are some examples of previous articles of mine: What costs us Muslim immigration
Swedish estimates assume that immigration the country every year, at least 40 to 50 billion SEK (approximately 4 to 5 billion) cost, but probably several hundred billions, and that immigration is massively contributed to the ever globally acclaimed Swedish bring welfare to the brink of bankruptcy. Immigration costs estimated for 2004 in the amount of 225 billion kronor (24 billion pi euros), which no Onwa

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