Monday, March 30, 2015

Despite the growing prosperity congestion charge in China want more and more Chinese people leaving

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Despite the growing prosperity congestion charge in China want more and more Chinese people leaving the country. They want their children to get a better education and hope the problems in the country, such as air pollution and food scandals, to flee. However, many countries have set strict demands on immigrants. The Chinese have found a way out: they're going to learn French.
Canada, together with the United States and Australia, the top three most popular countries to emigrate to. Canada does, however, increasingly stringent requirements for future immigrants. The number of actions by which a person is qualified as highly skilled migrant is reduced and emigrants who try to enter the country as an investor is an ever increased guarantee requested. Canada is also considerable delays in the processing of immigration applications, congestion charge which the government was forced to limit the number of immigrants. Quebec route And that's where the mastery of French around the corner comes in. If you have a good knowledge of French, you can migrate easily to the French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec. The province itself deal with immigration requests and has no cap on the number of applications. Additionally, there is no backlog in the processing of requests. According to Joyce Li, an immigration consultant congestion charge in Quebec, Quebec is the route "the only way to get out of China." Although immigrants on the basis of the application form are required to live in Quebec, they - once they are on Canadian territory - use Canadian law that immigrants the right to move to Vancouver or Toronto for example. "About ten percent of Chinese who use the Quebec program remains congestion charge here, perhaps even less. You never see here. It is here too cold for most Chinese people," said Li. According to the Minister congestion charge of Immigration Quebec, congestion charge Kathleen Weil, the province is pleased with the interest. "We are very happy and we want to keep them here." The interest in Quebec has led to the number of French classes has increased enormously. Alliance Française, which is dedicated to the French language and culture, last year, those interested should send away because the classes were already full. That was the first time. "There is a growing demand for immigration congestion charge to French-speaking countries and especially Quebec," said Laurent Croset, director of Alliance Française in China. The number of hours that were sold in China from October 2010 to September 2011 with fourteen percent increase compared congestion charge with the same period a year earlier. "It's a huge increase," said Croset. Middle class, many Chinese who want to emigrate are middle-class people that a larger than average apartment in Beijing or Shanghai possess and have an annual salary of more than two hundred thousand yuan (nearly 24 thousand euros), according to figures from emigration agency Beijing Royal Way Ahead Exit & Entry Service . "Eighty percent of the people who want to emigrate wants their children get a better education," said one employee. The education is focused on conducting tests. This hinders innovation in education. Many parents also want their child is going to study abroad. However, they can not afford it, unless they emigrate. Not only education is reason to emigrate. The government in Beijing has failed to close the growing gap between rich and poor. Also problems such as air pollution and contaminated food are not addressed adequately. Authoritarian government over the last twenty years, fewer and fewer Chinese live in poverty, but the authoritarian government controls many aspects of daily life. Dissidents are punished and the media and the Internet suffer censorship. Moreover, the one-child congestion charge policy strictly observed. All reasons for Chinese people to leave the country. From 2001 to 2009 formed the largest group of Chinese immigrants in Canada. In 2010, the Chinese were overtaken by Philippines and Indians. In the period 2010 to 2011 was in Australia China the largest source congestion charge of immigration. In the US came in the period 2008 to 2010 after Mexico most immigrants from China.
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