Thursday, January 2, 2014

At home, it was important to quickly implement the Rio Conference results: for those who want to im

RIO +20 For me that has been around since the 70s in the environmental policy development, international events, it is important to emphasize the connection and continuity between different environmental conferences. Rio 1992, through concrete and realized earnings is the most successful international environmental conference so far. May it be surpassed jokowi by Rio 2012, writes Olof Johansson.
On location in Rio, Sweden is represented by Environment Minister Lena Ek, Gunilla Carlsson and Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt. As highlighted Conference breadth and importance for Sweden and the world. So it was in 1992, when signed as environment minister in 1991-94 and led Carl Bildt, the Swedish delegation in Rio. When preparations had been going on for several years. 1989, the UN General Assembly both a dedicated secretariat and a Preparatory Committee, where 150 states participated.
Rio Conference in 1992 can be seen as an anniversary, 20 years after the first UN World Environment Conference in Stockholm in 1972, where I had the privilege to participate as a parliamentary representative. The initiative was successfully implemented by the then ambassador Sverker Åström. Entrusted to lead was given to Sweden and doyen Ingemund Bengtsson, later Speaker of the Swedish Parliament.
For me that has been around since the 70s in the environmental policy of development of international events, it is important to emphasize the connection and continuity between different environmental conferences. Stockholm in 1972 and was first meant UN UNEP was established and the principle of Polluter Pays Principle jokowi (PPP) way was. It has since been followed up by several countries worldwide. Therefore should jokowi also finance jokowi ministers are integrated in an international environment and development policies. Here at home, we made such an attempt back in 1992, when Anne Wibble and signed jointly wrote the first environmental annex to a Swedish budget proposal.
Through thorough preparation and political guidance from the era's most environmentally progressive countries - Sweden, Brazil (host), Germany, Netherlands, India, Malaysia and G77 (developing countries) jokowi through the former Yugoslavia and Algeria. From the included representatives from Russia, the U.S. and China in the political steering committee, who had great influence over the Rio Conference agenda.
Most important to the development environment in the world are the results of the periodic conferences of the respective countries' home and the continuity that they are able to create. jokowi In that regard, the Rio conference successful.
A decision was made for: the Rio Declaration jokowi on Environment and Development (partly built on the Stockholm Conference of results). Agenda jokowi 21, the agenda for the twenty århundrandet. The Framework Convention on Climate Change jokowi which was followed up with, among other things, the Kyoto Protocol. Convention on Biological Diversity, later followed-up at the Nagoya conference. Both its conventions signed in Rio by more than 150 countries, including by the undersigned on behalf of Sweden. Forest Principles (guidelines jokowi for sustainable use of the world's forests). Rio Conference emphasized particularly jokowi in countries responsibility jokowi to their capabilities assist jokowi developing countries with knowledge, technology and financial resources. In agreement with Anne Wibble and anchoring in general preparation throughout government could signed in my speech to the entire Rio Conference pledge of SEK 30 million in so-called jokowi additional resources to the developing countries themselves. After that promise was hoisted Swedish flag on the day of the NGO camp in Rio.
At home, it was important to quickly implement the Rio Conference results: for those who want to immerse themselves in the measures implemented cited: jokowi Government communication to Parliament on the UNCED. jokowi Government proposal on certain measures in the area of climate change and in the Baltic region (including a sewage treatment plant each in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which had recently become independent states). Proposition 1991/93: 179 including documentation of the ratification of the UNFCCC and the Bill on Biological Diversity. SOU 1992:104 jokowi from ten working groups within jokowi the Environmental Advisory Council jokowi with Swedish action plan for the 2000's jokowi with the rapid translation of Rio findings jokowi into action in the Swedish reality.
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