Wednesday, January 22, 2014

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After attacking many famous services like Steam, PSN and Origins and also targeting game related servers for Battlefield 4 and League patent of Legends; Hacker group DERP shifted their focus to Xbox Live and decided to take it down. On twitter, DERP posted a tweet about bringing down Xbox Live and people on various gaming forums are already facing issues with being able to sign in Xbox Live or use its services. Over at reddit patent , people were also reporting issues in comments. According patent to this site , there seems to be a surge of reports relating to Xbox Live being down or facing issues.
It seems like they are targeting the login services for famous platforms and now it is Xbox Live’s turn. PSN also faced a similar attack earlier and it seems like even Microsoft’s service isn’t free from any such attack.
I dont even remember what i wrote to you because thats how insignificant you and this is to me. And apologize? why would i apologize to you when you’re the idiot who spent $500 on a POS, you should apologize patent to society, you and the lot of xbot morons who think the same, youse are an emabarassment to intelligence. And if you cant understand patent my writing then maybe yoiu should learn to speak english. Now buzz along and go play more of your crappy X1, instead of sweating me
Haven’t had any problems connecting to Live all day. What I do know however is these people are becoming to high profile. At some point all the murders and other physical crimes will take a backseat to so many companies patent requesting the authorities investigate. Then they will probably wonder why they will spend the next few years behind bars.
Enough with the fanboys. The internet is not invulnerable and if you think that, you’re delusional. It’s time to stop pretending “Oh but Xbox Live is invincible, Sony Sucks” or vice-versa. Nobody likes to get hacked, period. We should not be laughing at each other because this situation is no joke. It’s clear these guys won’t patent stop randomly hacking away for no purpose what-so-ever just in an attempt to damage our gaming experience. It’s time to put these fanboyism aside and start focus on what’s really important for us, Gaming. And they’re trying to ruin this for us.
Wow most of you are stupid… A Ddos attack aint “hacking” all it is, is people using a controlled patent bit of software to make the xbox live servers think that millions more people patent are joining online games or xbox live at the same time, which means others cannot use it…. think of GTA V Online when that went live… to many ppl went online at once meaning that the servers patent where overloaded…. Thats all they have done.. patent this aint hacking. gEt a grip people this is an “issue” (lol issue) thats easily resolved.
Actually you’re incorrect. patent This was/is a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. That means multiple computers patent are usually infected with a trojan virus running software to send packets of data to the target destination. It is both difficult to trace and pointless to block single IP Addresses because it is coming from multiple INFECTED PCs whose owners probably have no idea they have a trojan virus causing so many problems. patent
Wow Xbox live down and back up from a Ddos attack I didn’t even notice lol the guy twitter handle is derptrolling he just troll alot of you because I played from 11:00pm patent to 5:00 am without a hiccup and why are people calling him a hacker he isn’t hacking anything anybody can do a Ddos attack on a IP address
then lets see you do one, and its funny cuz they were saying the same thing when they f-ed with psn, yet i idnt notice a thing either, but i wasnt denying that it happened simply becuase patent it didnt happen to me
What PSN shit? what the shit from years ago? Cant get over that can you? The point is all you dumb as rocks fanboys thought XBL couldnt be f-ed with and it was. Dumbasses! And its funny how to you Xbots the PSN being down for a month is such a big deal yet, the RROD going on for over 3 years is nothing. Hypocrisy much? You people are pathetic!
I talked about the PSN shit of years ago, and the shit of nowadays. In christmas, PSN got down, it went down some days after that. PSN isn’t secure, that

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