Thursday, January 9, 2014

Did you know? No rig even one drop of alcohol.

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Now let's go cow - Posted: many years to be exact since the happy discoveries Israel's economic waters, those that have made us the principality of gas, I cultivate myself silly one dream: to be the gas rig. Somehow, the idea of a metal box standing on the tower matches the high seas and stormy can fascinates me. But how to get there?
I tried it? Pull the strings, suck up, invent television series have that chapter palestine deals via barges palestine gas bypass rigs Israeli and surprise visit to the oil rig also in the North Sea, run knots in the navy and even form an alliance with my neighbor, Shminc"l company Oil two years ago and who swore to me, "amateur Once we have gas, you are on the platform. "problem is found out to their barge was built over a dry well. bummer.
Now, recently, Somehow, I managed to make contact with the company 'Noble Energy' operators (among others) the gas rig Tamar - Monster Steel and hi - tech a few dozen kilometers from Ashdod. "I'll do anything to get your rig," Plath negotiations - negotiations, and I added a direct quote Alterman "if necessary - scrub floors and be the eyes of a queen." palestine To their credit, they were not pigs - the scrubbing floors are professional left me. What they wanted, in exchange for a 24 hour visit barge (including sleeping!) Is one holiday meal. A little about me.
Well, here's Brief Journey of Tamar gas rig also calls for cooking a holiday meal to employees, palestine along with photographer, Recorder and with Pavel Kaplan, my favorite chef in Tel Aviv (because someone has to cook it in the end). I promise to tell everything palestine and recall, at the end I will answer the obvious question, everyone thinks she is very original and witty.
Did you know? No rig even one drop of alcohol. "And your holiday menu," I was asked members of Noble Energy, "Do not include wine. These rules. No Alcohol". Ashamed, I removed shopping list all the bottles of red and white wine (champagne) requested a meal for the New Year, but the whiskey is not compromised, palestine "it is not for drinking, it's baking!", I explained, and made motions scary hair (I have no hair, but instinct remains, and the truth - when you're bald these movements much more frightening and efficiency). "I demand".
Surprisingly, they settled with me. Surprisingly, that the rig is run with an iron fist by the American International meticulously procedures, safety and regulatory above all. Truth - it really impressive. Because when you think about it - take a metal box, put in a few dozen men and place the box in the sea. Are you sure it's good to give them alcohol? So there, which allowed me to pour two bottles of Jack Daniels on the cake (80 portions), is first of all so-called medicine, homeopathic doses, and second, that whoever runs it is also thinking: there are rules, they are tough, keep them at all costs, but if you have to go beyond them and for good reason - Tfadal.
No wine
Let's face it: one of the main reasons my dream to reach the barge is not related at all in gas and the fact that 40% of Israel's energy consumption provided by Tamar, but that to reach the barge has lett

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